Moderator Applications

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Wow @ #people saying their too young. The more mature members know the curse they'll get themselves into

As for you Jon, COPPA didn't stop you from modding AMT when she was... 10? Be consistant you silly goose.

As for anyone applying, I hope you realize this is a responsibility. Lying about your age (if you didn't give it when signing up) might get you the spot as a mod. Once you get modhood, I hope you know that you'll be told to write pages of articles, and read pages of garbage interesting talk among members. I'm just saying, it isn't as easy as banning n00bs and moving pages. A lot of active thought will be involved.
Great idea, I've always wanted to be a forum mod. One quick question: Will this be a paid position? Not that I'm not against working for free, but if there's any money involved, I need to know.

And it's about time someone answered this guy's question:

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
my word app isnt working can someone please copy&paste the info thanks a bunch

question can i submit an interview if i cant use word?

also awesome idea wpm.

The document is closed to editing. In Word 2007 and up, there will be a yellow bar that states this. Click the button on the bar that says "Enable Editing", then go to File, Save As..., and save the document to My Documents.
If you have Word 2003 or under, or are using a word processor other than Word, consult the included Help files for assistance.
If you follow these steps and your problem is NOT RESOLVED, please PM me with the details of your problem, and I may be able to assist.
snorchu said:
Great idea, I've always wanted to be a forum mod. One quick question: Will this be a paid position? Not that I'm not against working for free, but if there's any money involved, I need to know.
No it is not a paid position. You do it because you are dedicated and devoted to the site.
Zero said:
Wow @ #people saying their too young. The more mature members know the curse they'll get themselves into

As for you Jon, COPPA didn't stop you from modding AMT when she was... 10? Be consistant you silly goose.

We didn't collect information from Amt. Plus she lied about her age.

Snorchu said:
Great idea, I've always wanted to be a forum mod. One quick question: Will this be a paid position? Not that I'm not against working for free, but if there's any money involved, I need to know.
Nope no money involved.

@ Everyone else: If we do do sign-ups again, it probably won't be for a long time.
So we have to turn in our applications by Saturday right? And WPM you will read the applications and pick who is right for the job?
Ice Arceus said:
So we have to turn in our applications by Saturday right? And WPM you will read the applications and pick who is right for the job?
WPM said:
All applications must be submitted by Saturday at midnight PDT.
The applications that are the best ones will be interviewed by either WPM or Shining Raikou.
I can't seem to open the application. It says where would you like to open the document, and I don't know which to choose. Help?
Tyraniking said:
I can't seem to open the application. It says where would you like to open the document, and I don't know which to choose. Help?

What options does it give you? I would reccommend some sort of text editor. if possible Microsoft Word.
For those without Microsoft word you could choose to open it with Notepad.
If I we apply for the job and we make it to the next round, will you notify us via PM, or by Skype, MSN, IM, etc.?
I'm guessing as many of the above as possible, but for sure PM is the priority since everybody who applied has access to that.
So WPM or Shining Raikou will PM us if we don't have skype or the other things?
Man, you guys and your posting of 'OMG I'M NOT OLD ENOUGH TO MODERATE'. This thread makes me lol.

Also, submitted my application. Let's see how things work out.
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