Moderator Applications

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Lucario_aura_wielder said:
my word app isnt working can someone please copy&paste the info thanks a bunch

question can i submit an interview if i cant use word?

also awesome idea wpm.

can someone please respond?
I would like to apply, but I'm not sure I'm that interested. Maybe next time, I'll apply then when I have more experience on these forums.
I'm trying my hands at it (coz the WiFi section is just about dead without a mod keeping track of it 24/7 & people are still trying to trade off Gizamimi/SE Pichu).
Darn it, I was so excited about this when I saw it, but I''m only 12 :(. Oh well, maybe next time.
Great WPM. But I would rather be a member at this moment. 1 Q though. Are u going to do this often?
rockinpikachu said:
Great WPM. But I would rather be a member at this moment. 1 Q though. Are u going to do this often?

^This. I was going to say exactly the same thing; are the mods-to-be going to be permanent or will there be a mix-up every-so-often? If the latter, how often? But I'm happy just being a regular member for now. Besides, I only registered just under 2 months ago.
I clicked the link and it just took me to text-edit a macbook program like windows i don't know about yours. Hmm try asking WPM.
Playerking95 said:
I clicked the link and it just took me to text-edit a macbook program like windows i don't know about yours. Hmm try asking WPM.

ok, thanks

I'm 11 so yeah. Wariopower go.

EDIT: dragonexpert go

Wow. Just wow.

I am appalled by some of the questions here. Actually, scrap some, I am appalled by almost all of the questions here. I don't care what age anyone is or any of that, the majority of questions asked here are ridiculously stupid.

The reason? The answers are in the first post! That you would actually have had to read to be able to ask the question in the first place! This goes beyond common sense towards actually proving to everyone that you are in fact alive and are able to think... I mean, if you can't read the first post to see if it answers your question, why should anybody answer it for you when you post it? You aren't going to read it then either...

I don't really mean this to sound as cruel as I know it does, but seriously why are so many people not reading the first post here? You'd think that this thread of all threads would be extra important to do that for... especially since WPM is actively checking this thread. If you act like an idiot in here (by posting stupid questions and/or Tiepin Liek Dis) you pretty much eliminate yourself from the running before you even submit your application. We don't have room in the mod group for people who come across as that unprofessional...

So yeah. This is about the only thing that I dislike about this sort of system, however since I am not doing anything to actually pick the mods I don't have to deal with it, so yay for me :). It is still a good idea though, since now we can actually pick out the people who are really deserving of the position as opposed to just picking people at random picking only the people that we actually see as good. Have fun with a million emails though WPM :S
Flare said:
Darn it, I was so excited about this when I saw it, but I''m only 12 :(. Oh well, maybe next time.

Yeah, I know, I was excited for this, but unfortunately, I'm twelve years old. Oh well, there's always next year! (I am not sure if I could handle the responsibility anyway!)

Just my two cents.
JaySamuel said:
What? 13 age limit? why that?

The reason it's age 13 is because of the COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act), which makes it pretty much illegal to collect information from users under the age of 13. Since there are questions on it asking for such information, WPM cannot allow those under the age of 13 to apply. Sorry.

Anyways, good luck to everyone who applies!
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