Moderator Applications

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To those of you who aren't old enough, it's probably best that you can't become mods. From what I understand, being a responsible moderator/super mod is very hard work, and there is a lot more to it than simply banning people/warning them. It may sound fun being in control over most members, but only those that have the time and determination to become a good mod should be given a place. I qualify to apply, but I don't think even I'd be up to the challenge (or at least not yet), which is why I'm not applying just yet. Just think of all the responsibilities and the work that WPM needs to do to maintain the site and forums. Don't get me started on him having to sift through tons of application forms...
Wouldn't it be easier just to ask members who they agree on to be the mods without having to use job applications?
People would just pick there friends and all. By having an application, it gives WPM more of an understanding why they want to be mod.
Platinum226: That would end up in flame wars 2010. this way he can get an idea of what people are like when they apply.
Not to mention, there are a lot of interested people who would like to become a Mod. Doing it like WPM stated can weed out people that aren't fit for the job for whatever reasons.
@Platinum226, There is such a thing as bias and explotation. It would become a talent contest and would become like the S/G rating system. Having someone in a responsible position choose is far better that a random n00b that joined yesterday.
richkid50000 said:
Platinum226: That would end up in flame wars 2010. this way he can get an idea of what people are like when they apply.
But couldnt people just lie on their applications?
They could but then that would just be cheating themselves. if they really want this they will be honest.
richkid50000 said:
They could but then that would just be cheating themselves. if they really want this they will be honest.
If people really want this they will not be honest. It makes it easier for them to become a mod.
If it's an important thing they lied about, they'll be demodded and never will be considered for a staff position on here again. Of course it depends on the severity, but still. If you lie on a job application irl, good luck getting a job at that place again.

dmaster out.
If people lie about their age, then we will find out if they were lying depending on whether that member is a good mod or not. It's a matter of "Oh! I wanna be a mod so I'm gonna lie to get the spot!" or "I'm ready to be a mod and I can do it." The lyres will usually just want the mod spot, and in the end the result is de-modding.

EDIT: Ninja'd ;.;
dmaster said:
If it's an important thing they lied about, they'll be demodded and never will be considered for a staff position on here again. Of course it depends on the severity, but still. If you lie on a job application irl, good luck getting a job at that place again.

dmaster out.
Yeah, I know that. But maybe you could just ask the mods who they think would be a good mod.
The applications help us with the decision process. I'm not following anything that you're saying.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
The applications help us with the decision process. I'm not following anything that you're saying.

dmaster out.
I just think its a lot to do just to become a mod for PB. IMO.
If people think they can do a good job they'll put the effort in. If you think its too much, then don't apply. Simple.
If people were wondering like Zero said. it's not "i want to be a mod and i've been on here 2 weeks!" it is more of a responsibility and 1 reason i am not ready for possession of being a mod is because Mods get treated differently then members IMO. If i disagree with something a mod says I usually am afraid that they will get mad at me and giv me warning. (I know they don't do that but i just hesitate with mods)
Water Pokémon Master said:
We didn't collect information from Amt. Plus she lied about her age.

I'd like to point out I didn't lie about my age to get modded.
rockinpikachu said:
If people were wondering like Zero said. it's not "i want to be a mod and i've been on here 2 weeks!" it is more of a responsibility and 1 reason i am not ready for possession of being a mod is because Mods get treated differently then members IMO. If i disagree with something a mod says I usually am afraid that they will get mad at me and giv me warning. (I know they don't do that but i just hesitate with mods)

This is another common misconception. Mods shouldn't be warn or ban happy just because someone doesn't agree with them. That's like a person flaming someone else for differing opinions. :F There shouldn't be any hesitation unless you're not following the rules. Anybody who does become a Moderator in this way should understand that.

dmaster out.
Ice Arceus said:
So WPM or Shining Raikou will PM us if we don't have skype or the other things?

You would receive a PM to set up a good time to contact you on AIM, Skype, etc.
PLATINUM226 said:
Yeah, I know that. But maybe you could just ask the mods who they think would be a good mod.

This is what has happened in the past. We're looking to move away from surprising people with a moderator position. Read the first post?
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