Pokemon Most annoying...

Repels not working. And Nintendo not changing the phrase to when a pokemon is not able to use Rest/etc. to "So-and-so is not tired. No naptime."
ShayminSky said:
Repels not working. And Nintendo not changing the phrase to when a pokemon is not able to use Rest/etc. to "So-and-so is not tired. No naptime."

Repels only work if the lead Pokemon in your party is a higher level than the highest level of the Pokemon you could find in the area...
Your attack has great accuracy then once you get to an important battle they start missing like crazy. Then you get burned and your attacks won't let you sweep any more.~Battle Arcade
Miley Cyrus - fact.

Also when your in a place with high leveled pokemon and you try to escape a battle and it says can't escape! Grrrrr
No. You can go to events.

And I hate it how some people think they are better at things than others and rub it in their faces. >:O

EDIT: And I also hate how it takes hours to breed the right Pokemon with the right nature and ability.
Here's a dumb one, my starter was perfectly natured on like the 70th try, so I tried to EV train it, has anyone noticed that when you try to ev train pokemon they like seem to not appear? I mean like I was EV training for HP and all of sudden I only saw starly for an hour!(insert cuss words)
When I use moves with 100 accuracy and they miss in a situation where Double Team, Sand Attack, or Lax incense is not involved. It's like, what in the world. I used a 100 accuracy attack and missed.
i hate how they have like the same evil team themes. wouldn't it be cool if there was a team elemental? trying to capture rayquaza have dragon type pokemon and have hard fianal boss fights!whos with team elementel!and have awsome cool new things and make ruby sapphire and emrald remakes. i wish nintendo could hear us!
i hate when you are frakin chaining and at like 35 or 36 a freakin biddof breaks your chain of elekids it's really annoying or when you are fighting a gym leader and for some freaking reason they have like hundreds of ******* full restores and they heal their pokemon

or when for example when you fight the elite 4 bertha's whishcash uses fissure for all of your pokemon and OHKO's them

And then i hate how empoleon is weak to every thing almost
Fire does normal damge on them ground is super effective grass is super effective thunder super effective i mean come on fire doing normal damage really!!!

Also i hate how it takes for ever to say
Charizard was buffeted by sandstorm or say your oponet has graveler and you have tortera graveler has used sandstorm but no one is effected by it but they still show the freakin sandstorm
I hate the roaming pokemon. When you fly to go get them, they run away. when you try to walk all the way to get them (which is tiring) you have to somehow find a way to make them appear and then capture them while bringing them to sleep and 1hp, then somehow it gets KO and you have to reset to find it again and again and again. Also, critical hits, just annoying and stupid
I hate how the games have the same plot every single time. At least some change would be nice. Like maybe a guy that wants to make a new world. Then they can use like, the pixies, and make like some kind of chain. And then the evil uses dialga and palkia!? Wow, I should show Gamefreak, or whoever makes the games.

Mudkip said:
No. You can go to events.

And I hate it how some people think they are better at things than others and rub it in their faces. >:O

EDIT: And I also hate how it takes hours to breed the right Pokemon with the right nature and ability.

I hate how my friends/cousins think they're better than me at battling, when:
A. they use haxed Pokémon (one uses Pokémon that hit 100% of the time w/ Fissure/Sheer cold, and the other has Pokémon over lv. 100. -_-)
B. I beat my friend with not-hacked EV trained Pokémon... and he still thinks he's better than me at battling.
Veritas said:
I hate the roaming pokemon. When you fly to go get them, they run away. when you try to walk all the way to get them (which is tiring) you have to somehow find a way to make them appear and then capture them while bringing them to sleep and 1hp, then somehow it gets KO and you have to reset to find it again and again and again. Also, critical hits, just annoying and stupid

You have to fly away from them to get them to fly near you...

I hate the fact that te in game multiple hit moves hit 5 times but the players only hit 2 times or 1.
Invite him to the video game showdown, He'll be forced to forfeit, or he will use weak pokemon and you will beat the cr@p out of him.