Pokemon Most annoying...

There are only three things that bug me about the Pokemon video games:

1. Wandering Pokemon that run away after one round. I'm trying to catch you, for Pete's sake!
2. Trainers that battle you, even when you don't want to. Not now, I'm tired!
3. Trainers (and it's not just Gym leaders, mind you) that heal their Pokemon in the middle of a battle. Awww, and I almost had you!
About the wild pokemon encounters, it's even worse in D/P, as the game is two times as slow as all the others. FR/LG were brilliant for me, mostly because it was much quicker than all the others. No huge attack animations and 10 second hail animations there.
Sometimes the repel, doesn't work :S

Yes i agree with Magma King the animation i nD?p is much slower then RSE! RSEFTW on story line :p
Dark Marc said:
Sometimes the repel doesn't work :S

it only works if your first-in-line Pokémon has a higher level than the Pokémon you could encounter.
I hate it that you cant delete HM's without going aaaaaaaaallllllllllll tttttttttthhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee wwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy tttttttooooooo ccaaaaannnnnnaaaallllaaavvvveeeeee ccciiitttttyyy.
i don't really mind HM's....IF they were actually usefull!! >.<

~Magma King~ said:
About the wild pokemon encounters, it's even worse in D/P, as the game is two times as slow as all the others. FR/LG were brilliant for me, mostly because it was much quicker than all the others. No huge attack animations and 10 second hail animations there.

Not to mention, they made Earthquake, one of the most powerful moves ever, take like 10 seconds before it did any damage. That seems to be the only thing that is truly "annoying" about the Pokemon games.
To me, you get both of the games, beat the eliet 4&champion, get 90% through the nat. dex, and then they come out with a remake of both the games. You then have to get through most of the game to complete the other 2 games. There goes 50 hours of time you could have used to build decks, get great card&game trades, finish your homework, eat, sleep, ect.
Why can't they release all 3 of the games at once!!!!??!!!!!
SixaxiS said:
I don't really mind HM's...IF they were actually usefull!! >.<


I think Surf is very useful. I prefer it as an attack over Hydro-pump.
Surf is awesome in 2 on 2 battles especially if your pokemon have Water Absorb.
I hate it when those stupid trainers you encounter when all your pokemon are weak send a gyrados out when all you have is a prinplup with 3 hp! They are so annoying! I liked rse better than dp.
SixaxiS said:
I also hate it how you want to catch a legendary. You put it to sleep, bring it down to 1hp and it still takes dozens of Ultra Balls and a lot of luck to catch it...

LOL, I Know!

I had Zapdos at 1HP, and prz. I had to restart the game 4 times because I used all 26 Ultra Balls, and I still used 13 that time. I faced Moltres with the similar situation (I KNOW it had 1HP, because it used Endure), and I caught it in 1. >.< No restarts or anything.

I hate how when you try to chain Shiny's, and your chain is broken somewhere in the 30's...
DawnOfXatu said:
I hate how the legendary Pokemon are becomming more and more powerful. What are they going to do after Arceus? I also hate how there isn't any type of 70+ level casual battling.

I actually like it. They are Legendary Pokemon, after all, and deserve to be much stronger than the normal ones. Funny thing was I caught my Giratina in Pearl with one Dusk Ball, and my Cresselia with a PokeBall. -.-

Confuse Ray and Hypnosis stink. I hate when those Jolteon in the Battle Tower, (as well as Rotom) Double Team like there's no tomorrow, and when you Double Team like there's no tomorrow, they still KO you. NOT cool.

I don't like the way there are secret items, like when you have to use the Itemfinder. BLECH! I can't find the Ice Beam TM around Snowpoint city! (The route where it's REALLY snowy.)

Breeding stinks, and that's all. It took about 20 Gible to finally get a Jolly with 31 Speed IVs.
For me it is just how long it takes to finish a battle. I was amazed the first time I turned on a DP game that the text was so long.
Also, have a dad in the game!
I've noticed this happened many times so it can't be a coincidence. They made it like that on purpose!

you're walking in a cave/surfing/tall grass/etc. and you keep encountering wild pokémon you don't want to face, so you run. It often happens you can't run, until the wild pokémon has attacked you at least once, often inflicting poison, paralysis, or sleep, upon doing so...

After he messed you up...THEN you can run >.<
Well, D/P games are alright, just repetitive. It's the online missions from Ranger: SOA that bug me. Nintendo is trying to make you pay 20 bucks for extra stuff that you want badly. It's not fair. That's why I was glad the original ranger allowed you to get the manaphy egg without wifi.
Ho-Oh_Master said:
I hate the repeating Game "formulas". I mean come on! Even Mystery dungeon is following the third game rule now! (Explorers of the Sky).

Wanna bet they make a 3rd Ranger? And you can get ANOTHER Manaphy in it?

picklelicker129 said:
Well, D/P games are alright, just repetitive. It's the online missions from Ranger: SOA that bug me. Nintendo is trying to make you pay 20 bucks for extra stuff that you want badly. It's not fair. That's why I was glad the original ranger allowed you to get the manaphy egg without wifi.

No, in the original, you still had to download a mission to get Manaphy.
Goldash said:
No, in the original, you still had to download a mission to get Manaphy.

No, you just had to enter a code you could find on the internet. Wi-Fi wasn't involved in any way.

What is truly annoying about this matter is, even if you delete the game's progress, and start all over again, you STILL can't get a new Manaphy when you finish the game a second time...