Pokemon Most Beautiful Pokemon (female or genderless)

Assaundrell Yumerai

Aspiring Trainer
And here are the candidates(^^)

*Eevee evolutions, female
*Yukimenoko(evolve of female Snorunt)
* or give your choice!

Note: YOU MAY include any Pokemons okay.
It's a popular image, I am sure I have seen it in other places too.

Hmm, interesting question! :p I would have to go along the lines of...


I'm trying not to mix "beautiful" with "cute" here, so I don't have many votes really.
Where's the love for Jynx? What, just cause she looks like an opera singer she can't be beautiful?
*Milotic is defenitely my choice.

It's so cool how it evolves from a Pokemon that is not cared for like Feebas, to one of the most beautiful Pokemon that could be in artwork. Next would be Cresselia for me. :)

Espeon and Glaceon are also good candidates I believe.
luckyluigi7 said:
*Milotic is defenitely my choice.

It's so cool how it evolves from a Pokemon that is not cared for like Feebas, to one of the most beautiful Pokemon that could be in artwork.

I agree with you on this one. The ugly duckling evolves into the beautiful swan... Just thinking about it makes me want to create an elegant picture of Milotic leaping from water...

So, again, I'd vote for Milotic. xD
My favorite is shining ninetails, so she's white. But that's just me. I have one in my game named Ancient.

(I like to use action replay to make custom move sets for my pokemon in-game. Not necessarily to cheat but to stylize them how I see them. Like my ninetails has the moves: Sacred Fire, Ominous wind, recover/wish, Petal dance. Back in the day when ominous wind wasn't a move yet, I gave her ancient power)

I also have always liked persian for some reason, and consider it a candidate for beauty
Ninetales, end of that story.

I also love Milotic (though so few people draw it ._.) and Meganium is cute.