Pokemon Most Beautiful Pokemon (female or genderless)

People forget about Suicune escpecially in Pokemon 4Ever. Articuno is another Pokemon that is beautiful as well. Water Pokemon tend to be I believe. Amazing artwork can be drawn with water Pokemon diving in the sea. Suicune's "ribbons", and Articuno's feathers give them that beautiful appearence. :)
^ Water is it's own beauty. I really do agree with you, but I'm just slightly hydrophobic.

Suicune and Articuno are beautiful though.
They are. Vaporeon is also a beautiful Pokemon, especially on one Hoenn anime episodes when it dives into the water to save someone. I'd also pick Dragonair as well, and even though it may not be a water Pokemon, it can learn water type moves. Those are two other beautiful Pokemon. :D
"Beauty is a characteristic of a person, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture. As a cultural creation, beauty has been extremely commercialized. An 'ideal beauty' is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture."

"The experience of 'beauty' often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because this is a subjective experience, it is often said that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence. A 'object of beauty' is anything that resonates with personal meaning."

When deciding based upon these factors I first counted out things like cuteness which is commonly misunderstood to be the same; so unfortunately in my book Mew, Latias, and Jirachi are cute not beautiful because they resonate the feeling of child like peace.

Also due to it having to be female or genderless some Pok'emon I consider beautiful like Bellossom representing growth and life, Ninetales, and Glaceon do not count because they can be also male.

Based on this entirely too long of a rant my vote goes toward......Ho-oh, if you can not understand why I picked this and not an easy choice like Gardevoir or Milotic just look back to the episode of Ash's first day as a Poke'mon trainer.

After trials and tribulations coming against him to the point of possibly giving up his dreams the ray of hope emerges. The storm clouds are lifted after a display of sacrifice and friendship and a rainbow spans the sky with Ho-oh majestically flying by, shinning of a gold aura to showcase how special that moment is.

If you don't remember how beautiful this moment was just Google video this heading:

Pokemon 1st Episode- "Pokémon I Choose You!" (Part 3/3)​

But we are considering the female Pokemon (or genderless), so Ninetales still counts because a female is beautiful.
Zyflair said:
But we are considering the female Pokemon (or genderless), so Ninetales still counts because a female is beautiful.

Well.....in that case.....scrap my entire rant and put my vote towards Glaceon; with Ninetales at a respectable second *shift eyes*; and Gardevoir third.

Come to think of it I may try this team combo when Pok'emon Plt. comes out here.
Delcattyyy, fer sure. :D It was on my team in Sapphire, and her name was Purry.

Ze other ones are ugly, though. :p I think Vulpix has a gorgeous character design, and it doesn't look quite as cynical as Ninetales.
Ninetales is NOT cynical. Where do you people get these ideas?!
Good grief, I never said Ninetales was cynical, I said it LOOKED CYNICAL. Giratina looks cynical, but I think it's about the goofiest Pokemon ever. (Thanks to Pokemon Ranch. xD)