Pokemon Most Beautiful Pokemon (female or genderless)


Go ahead, annihilate me for using anthro...

But I can't help it; <3 Ninetales

EDIT: While I'm on a roll

Who said Luxrays could only be handsome?
Gardevoir and Milotic are some choices mostly chosen by people. I myself like them, but they are not even near the league of Cresselia, a pokemon that has inner and outer beauty. Of course, let us not forget of Jynx, a pokemon that just wanted to be loved.
Also, let us not forget about Ditto. His beauty IS everyone's beauty.
I agree. Jynx tries so hard to be beautiful and we need to love her. She even put on one of her finest dresses with this passionate need of being beautiful, lol. :)

And also, because Ditto can transform into some of the most beautiful Pokemon there are, he's the most beautiful Pokemon out of all Pokemon existing. :p
LuckyLuigi7 said:
And also, because Ditto can transform into some of the most beautiful Pokemon there are, he's the most beautiful Pokemon out of all Pokemon existing. :p
BUT... BUT... You really have to think about the true side beyond what it can do...

After all, no matter how much you look at it, it is still a pink blob.
Yeah, everything it turns into its going to have an off colored body cause its still a ditto. It needs to be the real thing to have the beauty.:)
Elite Stride said:
Yeah, everything it turns into its going to have an off colored body cause its still a ditto. It needs to be the real thing to have the beauty.:)

But what's not to like about a pink blob? :p

Anyways, another beautiful Pokemon is clearly some of the bug Pokemon like Butterfree or Beautifly. The may be bugs but they have a very elagent appearence. And for some reason, all of Ho-oh's autumn colors and overall look makes it another beautiful Pokemon, especially after viewing some fanart of it on google. I mean, it is a Pheonix. :)
Togetic, however, is a beautiful Pokemon. The elagent way it hovers through the air. It defenitely beats Togekiss in my opinion. The whole evolution chain is cute and beautiful. :D
Why can't the ugliest pokemon be the most Beautiful pokemon?

So I vote...Feebas. :)

He is VERY ugly but yet at the same time he is the most BEAUTIFUL pokemon. :D
LuckyLuigi7 said:
But what's not to like about a pink blob? :p
The only pink blob I'll appreciate is silly putty; it, at least, is entertaining.