Most effictive lost zone engine?

What is the most effective lost zone engine

  • 1. Giratina + Luxcay LV X Bright Look key set up cards

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The Wii Man1234

Still aginst 1st turn trainers!!!!
What is the most efficinent lost zone engine?
Giratina used 23/127 PL

Sorry about the other two threads. :(

Yes I did it!!!
Gira with pp/crobats to ko anythin maybe even sp.darks!!!!with weavile
I think your best bet is going to be Giratina Lv. X, Gallade 4 Lv. X, Luxray and Crobat G's. It'd actually be an SP deck I'd play. Way more fun than that stupid beatdown thing that exists right now. I digress.

You'll also want to look into the lost zone stuff coming out in the next few sets from Lost Link and all that. They should make this even more fun.
pvtGramps said:
I think your best bet is going to be Giratina Lv. X, Gallade 4 Lv. X, Luxray and Crobat G's. It'd actually be an SP deck I'd play. Way more fun than that stupid beatdown thing that exists right now. I digress.

You'll also want to look into the lost zone stuff coming out in the next few sets from Lost Link and all that. They should make this even more fun.

I know that but that's not really the goal. The goal is to lost zone key set up cards and hold their game down. Example the idea with Gallade is to use it poketurn it and reuse it to make everything vonerable to Giratina LV X.
I know, I'm just suggesting that there's stuff there that may turn out to be useful (Like the Stadium that lets you declare victory with Six Pokemon in the opponent's Lost Zone).

Perhaps you could expand a little more on what you're thinking, because when you say lost zone, I think spreading and putting things in danger of Giratina Lv X's attack, and that's likely the group I'd use for it. Let's keep thinking on this one.
pvtGramps said:
I know, I'm just suggesting that there's stuff there that may turn out to be useful (Like the Stadium that lets you declare victory with Six Pokemon in the opponent's Lost Zone).

Perhaps you could expand a little more on what you're thinking, because when you say lost zone, I think spreading and putting things in danger of Giratina Lv X's attack, and that's likely the group I'd use for it. Let's keep thinking on this one.

You got the concept of the Gallade, Giratina deck, but the main goal of the deck is to send important cards to keep the opponent from setting up.
Curse Gengar with the Lv. X on top of it can use Compound Pain to set up after Gallade 4's Lv X and put things more efficiently in range of Giratina LV X's attack.

I think that using SP mostly will benefit from the speed. It could also be an Either-Or scenario, but if you're playing gengar, you're playing gengar, not Lost Zone.
Zarmakuizz said:
Just read the thread, these are 2 french news and the second is the more interesting. Giratina Lv.X is a fat and slow lost zone guardian, Lost Link opens you the right path to the Lost Zone.

The entire goal of the decks (sorry for not mentioning) is to T1 a Weavile SW attach a psycic energy then Shadow Charge, T2 Swich to a Zangoose PL Invite And Strike, or Pokemon Reverstial/ Pokeblower +, out a Claydol and lost zone it. With DCE this is more consistant then one thinks.
I'm gonna have to say a Palkia G lv.X with a Giratina Lv.X would make for a nice engine
I really think that something with palkia should be up there, but in the meantime Absol chatot.
The Wii Man1234 said:
Really that doesn't sound effective explain.

Giratina Lv.X to hit with the spread, and most people like to stack up with there bench, so palkia g x will force them to limit their bench to 3 (same for you), and all cards removed are put into the lost zone.
Agian guys the theme of the deck isn't to GET things to the lost zone for lost world. The goal is to Lost Zone important cards like Claydol, Magikarp in a Gyrados deck, or Luxray GL and/or the LV X. stough like that.
Right, but that's an eventuality, the fact is that it doesn't matter what gets there, its that it gets there. Numerous ways of doing that are what we're mentioning, and we're saying that the upcoming Lost Link stuff helps even more with this goal.

A modified Cursegar is the best bet, however, with some SP help.
That's my point first off look at the polls the reason I ABSOLUTLY refuse that idea is that a stage 2 + a LV X and 3 energies is just to much to set up. Plus Giratina LV X has a 4 energy cost 3 + 4= 7 energies to attach unless you have an energy acceleration idea I don't like it, it is just TOO much!
Gengar*P* + Kingdra*P*
gengar sends anything knocked out to the lost zone while active kingdra can snipe with his power, now depending in gengars second attack this combo could see play or just memory berry for a haunter the can attack
Gengar Prime + a few Energies + Omastar MD + The stupid Lost Zone stadium = haha you win.
Seriously, they made this game way, way too easy. Against SP Pokes, you don't even need Omastar: they'll keep some in hand anyway since they play more than they can fit on the bench.