Most Overrated Card?


Pokeman Coordinator ^^D
Which card do you think is the most overrated? I think that Luxray lvx. is severely overrated. It has a cool pokepower but other than that I don't get the point of it.... Sabelye SF is also overrated. People at my Pokemon League are always like "you MUST have Sabelye. It will save you!!" I think the card pretty much does almost nothing.... so um.... What do you guys think the most overrated card is? o_0
Well it depends on overrated, granted Luxray's cost is way too high but it's not overrated it is THAT good.
Sableye, well it is used in two tier one/two decks right now, so it isn't overrated again it is REALLY good.
I'd say the most overrated card is Giratina PL.... if that is power sprayed you just got yourself a nice slow, high retreat guy....
Spiritomb is great, it lets you evolve faster by slowing other decks down. If there were no Spiritomb Stage 2 decks with 2+ Attack Cost would be non-existent. (Looking at you Cursegar) The only way Claydol is overrated is when new people come into Deck Garage and say add a 2-2 Claydol even if it's SP or G-Dos, so I agree with you on that one point.

EDIT: 500th Post!
Claydol the seasons with this guys have made deck builders lazy, an Evo deck isn't built without claydol these days and now thats he's getting rotated everyone is begging for a replacement instead of finding a way around the problem.
I dont think that it made deckbuilders lazy, it made them make sure not to forget to include claydol, because its good. Its not overrated, it deserves every bit of acknowledgement it gets
How did it not make deck builders lazy, everyones heartbroken that he's leaving because now stage 2 decks aren't playable, even though i've managed fine without him, I've managed to keep up with most others deck and thats with-out his 'consistency'.

If he didn't make everyone lazy then why is everyone begging for new draw power pokemon, we've got volkners and versus's seeker thats hand replenishment 8 times over and even fuel for deck like Yanmega
Kingdra Prime.
Oooh, free 10 damage each turn. I'd like to deal 30 damage now with my Crobat Gs and Pokéturn instead of doing 10 damage for 3 turns.
yeah but kingdra prime has great attack power as well, something crobat G doesnt. And I play BOTH in my kingdra, its and not or
Kingdra is a bit overrated. It requires far more set-up than the other stage 2 decks to meet their damage output. Just making 90 a turn within a reasonable time-frame requires alot of effort, and a bit of luck.
minimidget94 said:
yeah but kingdra prime has great attack power as well, something crobat G doesnt. And I play BOTH in my kingdra, its and not or
60 for 1 and the possibility of doing 20 for 1... So many can do better than that. And as Rubyiris said, Kingdra is a stage 2, while Crobat is an SP.
I think the most overrated card in format is cursegar. I mean magnezone does the same thing only he can use a dce and he has a better power.
Pokefan4000 said:
60 for 1 and the possibility of doing 20 for 1... So many can do better than that. And as Rubyiris said, Kingdra is a stage 2, while Crobat is an SP.

Your wrong. It is underrated, not overrated. It is so good and quick. Also if it was overrated why would it actually be doing good at nats?

Overrated for me would have to be pokemon collector. I personally dont like it. Especially after rotation. I always have an energy drought and now Im resorting to using Cyrus to keep the energies circulating in my deck :/
kashmaster said:
Your wrong. It is underrated, not overrated. It is so good and quick. Also if it was overrated why would it actually be doing good at nats?

Overrated for me would have to be pokemon collector. I personally don't like it. Especially after rotation. I always have an energy drought and now Im resorting to using Cyrus to keep the energies circulating in my deck :/

You sound really bad. ^^

gamercal edit: Don't spam.
kingdra is good, but not as great as SOME people make it out to be. It is NOT used instead of crobat+ turn, you use both!! And its faster than alot of other decks.
minimidget94 said:
kingdra is good, but not as great as SOME people make it out to be. It is NOT used instead of crobat+ turn, you use both!! And its faster than alot of other decks.

Kingdra is very good, and I can easily sweep with it. The damage is amazing, the speed is great, and is much like Jumpluff but has more HP, but the matchups aren't as good.

Overrated? Giratina PL (Let Loose). It's a good card and all, but Power Spray is a pain. Not to mention Tina is a free prize for Luxray/Garchomp.
I don't know why everyone thinks the Fire type is bad for Kingdra. You're still doing 40 damage to SP's and HGSS-up Pokemon and almost always 50 to Pokemon like Charizard. That's 10-20 damage less, big deal you can get by it, and you still have Kingdra LA to fully take advantage of its weakness.
Rubyiris said:
You sound really bad. ^^

I'd like to remind everyone to keep it friendly, or bad things will happen to this thread.