Most Overrated Card?

Quagmos said:
Apparently this thread has turned some people against each other, saying Luxray is overrated, no Claydol is, no Crobat Prime is. There will never be an end to this thread because people are simply stating their opinion of cards and then someone else tells them why their opinion is totally wrong. Personally, I think this thread is one massive thread pointless arguments, but then again, that's just my opinion. Now based on what I have seen on this thread, the next person will tell me that my opinion is wrong and that I am on crack or something. Well frankly, I don't care. An opinion can't be right or wrong and none of you can say otherwise >__< Just leave each other alone and go back to your normal lives, if you live for anything more than ranting at other people and telling them why they're always wrong and you are always right. Peace.

What he said.

also, I think Spiritomb is overrated. I own the card, I use it, I don't like it.
CyndaquilMaster said:
I don't know why everyone thinks the Fire type is bad for Kingdra. You're still doing 40 damage to SP's and HGSS-up Pokemon and almost always 50 to Pokemon like Charizard. That's 10-20 damage less, big deal you can get by it, and you still have Kingdra LA to fully take advantage of its weakness.

What if they have a fire Pokemon sitting on the bench?
Spiritomb AR and let loose giratina, spiritomb also trainer locks you, and as stated before, giratina just gets power sprayed
First of all, if they spray the giratina, then they cant spray the uxie. and if youre running spiritomb you will change your deck so that the trainer lock doesnt hurt as much
minimidget94 said:
most kingdras will most likely run either reversals or luxray X

or kingdra la....
let's face it.....
the most OVERVALUED card is Flygon X or Luxray X, Luxray X because if you put every card on a scale of 1-10 in price w/ a 10 must(only including modified format cards..)
Luxray X is a 10..
the next closest is between a 3-4.5 that's ridiculous.
Also Flygon because they guy isn't used much and is still one of top high priced cards..