Pokemon Most Overrated Pokemon

Vivillon said:
My most overrated Pokemon would probably be Gardevoir. It's not because I think she's bad or horribly ugly or anything. I just think that the main reason she is popular is for creepy reasons. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about a simple Google image search with safe search off will explain it. I know just about everything that's ever existed has stuff like this but let's face it there's a lot of it for Gardevoir, probably because she's so human like.
I agree, the creepiest part is that it seems to me that GameFreak knows this all to well. I mean, they can use Google too! It seems they keep trying to make new 'Rule #34'-mascots with every generation, always revealing them before release to seemingly re-grab the attention of their now adult fanbase. (I'm looking at you Gothitelle, ugh) It seems weird but nobody talks about it for obvious reasons, so it remains unnoticed and undiscussed. I'm kinda happy you brought it up actually.

I just don't know any more. People can do and draw whatever they want, but GameFreak catering to it seems... worse.
Vivillon said:
My most overrated Pokemon would probably be Gardevoir. It's not because I think she's bad or horribly ugly or anything. I just think that the main reason she is popular is for creepy reasons. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about a simple Google image search with safe search off will explain it. I know just about everything that's ever existed has stuff like this but let's face it there's a lot of it for Gardevoir, probably because she's so human like.

what about Braixen? That's even worse, as it's female-like, with up-turned skirt-like fur. Yet it still has the same gender ratio as other starters. o_O
Blob55 said:
what about Braixen? That's even worse, as it's female-like, with up-turned skirt-like fur. Yet it still has the same gender ratio as other starters. o_O
Eeyup as I said; I think every generation since 4 seems to have at least one mascot for that reason. Either it's the artists at GameFreak who do this on purpose after they've seen the... 'succes' of Gardevoir or its just our perverted minds that turn innocent designs into less then innocent pictures. There's no way to be sure I guess.

-Lucario and Lopunny for Diamond/Pearl, both revealed before game release. Both overshadowing any other reveal at the time and Rule 34 took like, 5 minutes to come up with something for both of em.
-Gothitelle and Meloetta for Black/White. Meloetta might have been 'leaked', but her design is (to me) obviously a rehashed Kirlia (The colours, the dancing, the overal shape) and the timing could have hardly been more perfect to boost sales. Thankfully Gothitelle was a huge failure.

And I couldnt help but feel Braixen was indeed the mascot this generation, with Florgess being the new 'Gardevoir design that is not really Gardevoir'. But Florgess wasn't revealed before release. The Mega-evolutions for Gardevoir, Mawile and Lucario though? Yeah, I remember those turning some heads... I wonder why.

Once again; people can fap to whatever they want, but GF catering to it is a squicky thought.
The more I think about it the less I feel I'm just imagining this. GameFreak knows people... GameFreak knows...! D:

Teehee... 'clap'.
I'm trying to keep my posts as PG-13 as possible, if an admin is bothered by the subject please say so. I just think it's interesting because nobody dares to discuss it any where, but I will stop if anyone thinks its inappropriate.
Don't overdo it, don't get off-topic by discussing Rule 34 instead of overrated Pokemon, don't post images, and you're OK. Just be careful.
Charizard is the #1 most overrated pokemon coming from a Charizard fan. Actually, this fourm seems to be anti-charizard. Wouldn't that make Charizard the most underrated pokemon?
Reggie McGigas said:
Charizard is the #1 most overrated pokemon coming from a Charizard fan. Actually, this fourm seems to be anti-charizard. Wouldn't that make Charizard the most underrated pokemon?

We need to create a thread about Charizard being the most overrated pokemon. I searched up "best mega evolution for competitive battling", and he comes up as being number one. No, just, no.
Fanmar, the reason why Gothitelle failed, is because it's really ugly.
Though, I can't help but wonder... if Cynthia was introduced in Gen 5, would she have one? As the name Cynthia reminds me of the Rugrats and Gothitelle really reminds me of that doll Angelica had.
I think the designs are all actually pretty innocent and cute. A little kid would never have thought of a Pokemon as erotic. Most of the designs are just catering towards girls. However some weirdos somewhere are turning them into something else. Much like My Little Pony, these things are meant to be cute and girly, not turned into some old guys twisted fantasy. I mean really if you take away the perversion related to Gardevoir probably 80% of the people who play her would have no use for her. She really is just popular because people associate her with something X-rated.

I think I'm just really tired of seeing things I like being warped because someone has way too much free time on their hands.
IgnisMagister said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Charizard is the #1 most overrated pokemon coming from a Charizard fan. Actually, this fourm seems to be anti-charizard. Wouldn't that make Charizard the most underrated pokemon?

We need to create a thread about Charizard being the most overrated pokemon. I searched up "best mega evolution for competitive battling", and he comes up as being number one. No, just, no.

On a different forum there was someone who would always insist that Charizard was "the most underrated Pokemon" and always pinned it's NU tiering on a) it's typing and b) Solar Power's recoil.
Then again, they seemed to think Delphox and Glaceon had defensive potential. (for those who don't know, never use those 2 defensively ever)
Probably the Eeveelutions.

I just don't get the appeal that everyone else gets from the little fox-dog animals.
Sure, It can evolve into differently typed fox-dogs, but that's it.
I need to make a list here. Hang on.

G1 - Charizard, Pikachu, Mewtwo. (Rattata and Dragonite cut a tad short.)
G2 - T-Tar's the only one I can think of for G2.
G3 - The fire/fighting chicken. Yum. Metagross too. There were a few others for G3, but the key word is were.
G4 - Infernape, Lucario, Garchomp, Arceus, Giratina. If this was a couple years ago, this gen would have more added.
G5 - Zoroark, all the legends for this gen (minus Terrak and Meloe), Whimsicott, Chandelure, Haxorus, Hydreigon, Volcarona, Goluk.
G6 - Greninja, Talonflame, Aegislash, Malamar, Tyrantrum, the Goomy line.

Here's why I think these are the most overrated pokemon (well...most of them). There the one's I don't hear people shush up about. I mean, there's other good pokemon like Flygon and Mismagius but you rarely hear people speak about them. There were a few others I wanted to add to the list, but felt that their overratedness was either not there anymore, or wasn't actually there. Like Rattata. All it has is a joke. Literally one joke. That's not even said that often.
Fanmar said:
Pikachu isn't a mascot simply because he is, and people don't love him simply because he's a mascot, that's not how people work. Pikachu, to put it simply, is the only pokemon with a main role in both the show and the games and has shown the most emotion of any Pokemon ever in any incarnation. We've seen him jump in joy, bawl his eyes out, be worried about Ash, be angry and scared and the list goes on. People connect to these kind of emotions. You start to see Pikachu and other pokemon less as animals but more as fellow human beings with feelings you can relate to. Even with many human-like Pokemon around, Pikachu is still the one that has shown the most human characteristics, that's why people connect with him so much.

Besides, I've never heard of any one actually claiming Pikachu to be useful either in the core games or anywhere else, so I don't know where the word 'overrated' comes in at this point.

Conclusion: Using the word 'overrated' to describe Pikachu is like saying Mickey Mouse is overrated in the Disney World. It's just a hard argument to back up; Just because a lot of people like Donald Duck better because they claim he has more personality, doesn't mean Mickey is overrated just because he is the Mascot.

I know that post is a few months old, but I agree with most of this except that Pikachu isn't completely useless: you can make a fun suicide set with volt tackle. And more importantly, you can spam the bejeezus out of the B move in Super Smash Bros! Pikachu is really fun to play as, in my opinion, more so in Brawl than in the other games for some reason (even though he plays pretty similarly in all of them).

The most overrated Pokemon, to me, are legendaries. For me, it reduces the Pokemon that are viable in battle if they're used, so I tend to battle people with no legendaries. Specifically though, I'd say Darkrai and Victini are the most annoying/overrated legendaries. Darkrai for having a sleep move with really good accuracy that hits both Pokemon in double battles, plus its ability that drains health (or whatever it is), and Victini for having moves with 180 damage that mow down tons of Pokemon (in UU at least, which is where I did most of my battling in Showdown). There's probably others too, but that's what first came to my mind.
I've realized that Pikachu and Charizard are in every Pokemon game.

Teal said:
Mega Mewtwo Y is ok, though.

I know! And, I don't think people should be judging a Pokemon just by the way it looks. It's what's on the inside that counts, everybody!
Cinesra said:
HoOhLugia said:
I've realized that Pikachu and Charizard are in every Pokemon game.
Black and White

Black and White? They can be found by trading, it's still in the game. But I'm not saying anything against the Pokemon. Why would I? I love every Pokemon.
So is this a thread to just complain about popular Pokemon or is there actually going to be some conversation on Pokemon that are overrated? As in, people generally have a higher opinion of them than they deserve? Most (not all) of what I'm seeing here has nothing to do with the Pokemon being overrated. For example, when Omanyte was talking about Legendary Pokemon. He was just complaining about them being powerful and unfair and popular. Darkrai is far from overrated, people have a high opinion of him because he is actually powerful. Now, you could make an argument for him being overrated as far as design/looks go, but you could do that for any Pokemon. Dunno just kinda bewildered that so many people missed the point of the thread and obviously aren't sure what "overrated" means.

/end rant

Since I can't think of anything that's overrated power-wise, I'll just say that I don't really get why people in Japan think that Dunsparce and Stunfisk are cool. I think they're overrated because I look at them and just see poor, boring designs for weak, boring Pokemon, and I think they are undeserving of their popularity.
Rattata. Just, why? Why would Game Freak even make this?? I mean, we already have a Mouse Pokemon (Pikachu), so why make a generic, boring, plain, mediocre, field mouse?!? Easily my pick for the most overrated Pokemon. Among others, I'd say Darkrai, Blaziken, Typhlosion(Even though I liek him.), Electrode, Muk, Salamence, Hydreigon, Arceus, etc.