MOT6K's Fake Card Tournament Royal: The Crowning

Who do you think will win?

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well, sorry to bother ya, but I can't seem to fully udnerstand the requirements for this round? it must be an Unown, but can't be an already excisting one? The only point I get is that it must be an Unown! :p
here goes(yay, first post of this round!):


Unown X lv. 26 60HP (P)
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Power:X - plore
Once during your turn, if Unown is on your bench, you may use this power. You may look at your opponent's hand. You can't use more than one ''X - plore'' Poké-Power each turn.

(P)(C)Hidden Power 20 X
Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.

''They appear to be related to the forming of human writings and speech. Each one appears to have it's own power.''

Weakness: (P) + 20
Ressistance: [none]
Retreat Cost: (C)


The hidden power which should be ''Custom'' is the same as unown X from UF, because that's what ''custom'' means, right?
Unown P Lv.18 - 50HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Power: PARALYZE
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Unown P is on your Bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, your Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed. You can't use more than 1 PARALYZE Poké-Power each turn.

[C][C] Hidden Power 10+
Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to Unown P.

Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or UNOWN came first.

Weakness - [P]+10 Resistance - none Retreat Cost - [C]
I've been trying to think of how this round works. I was confused too.

I hope this is to your liking.

Unown R Lv.25 - HP50 - P

Poké-Power: RAZE
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard the top card of your opponent's deck. You can't use more than 1 RAZE Poké-Power each turn. This power can't be used if Unown R is affected by a Special Condition.

P - Hidden Power - 30
Before doing damage, remove 1 damage counter from all Pokémon in play.

Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or UNOWN came first.

WK: D+20 / RS: F-20 / RC: C

I wasn't entirely sure about the requirements for this round, so I hope this is what you were looking for.

Taking the easy way out, too, eh SM? XD
"Custom" here means original. So no, you lose points. And, the weakness it too far over. James: 145

ShinyM: What, 150 again?

PMJ: Yeah, the bottom stats... 149
Ugh. What'd I do wrong this time?
Just look at the MT scans. Weakness is P +10 and no resistance. So close. I'd edit with the next round later, and trust me when I say it will be hard (the first elimination round 0.o)
sorry it's off topic but people PM me cause I wnt to grow houndoom!

bacon edit: Um ye-ah, ok. Please stay on topic.
lol, I've never had a ''perfect'' score so far, and I even lost points for understanding the word ''custom'' totally wrong! :(

better luck next round! xD
Alright, it is now time to start the first ever elimination round!

Make 2 Pokemon o.0

Pokemon 1:
Must be legendary
Can't be an event Pokemon (see below list)
Can't be out in D/P or MT
Can't be psychic type
Must have 2 attacks
Can't have a power or body.
1 attack must cost 1 energy of that pokemon's type (can cost as many (C) as you want)
2nd attack must cost 3 energy of that Pokemon's type (and no ADDITIONAL (C) allowed)
Must have a retreat Cost
Must have a weakness

Pokemon 2:
Must be a corosponding Lv.X
Must have synergy with the first Pokemon
Must have 1 Poke-Body
Can only have 1 attack.
Must have a x2 weakness
Must have higher HP then Pokemon 1
Must have the lv. X clause typed out somewhere (you can type it at the bottom, but type it. If you don't know it look it up).

Note: Rotom and Unown are not counted as legendaries in this round

List of Event Pokemon:

Now, each card will have its own 150 point review, and then there will be a 50 point judging of how well the 2 cards work together, if they're not broken enough, or if they're too broken. That's 350 this round. However has the lowest score this round is out. However I encourage them to watch the finals, and I will PM and Display the 3 prizes. Good Luck to all, and you better edit those cards carefully.
I don't have time to work on it now. I'll have it done before eight days passes, though. Shouldn't be too hard.
Well good :p I thought you already posted your entry 0.o
If you had the time to work on it now, the round wouldn't be hard enough :p
I encourage all particapants to take the full 8 days if they need it. No rush here.
Oh, well that's not exactly it. I didn't have time since I wasn't at home when I got your PM.

I'm not at home right now either. I've already got a basic idea for them, so like I said, it shouldn't be too hard.

I hope. :rolleyes:
OK, here goes:


Regigigas 120 HP (C)
Basic Pokémon

(C)(C) Stomp 20+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 plus 20 more damage.

(C)(C)(C) Giga Crush 60 +
Discard one Special Energy card attached to the defending Pokémon. If you do, this attack does 60 plus 20 more damage, and discard one Energy card attached to Regigigas.

''Legends claim that this gigantic Pokémon dragged the continents together by pulling them on a rope.''

Weakness: (F) + 20
Ressistance: (P) - 20
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)


Regigigas Lv.X 160 HP (C)
[Level Up - Put onto your Regigigas]

Poké-Body: Slow Start
As long as Regigigas is your Active Pokémon and it's remaining HP is 100 or more, you cannot have more than 6 cards into your hand. If you are forced to have more than 6 cards into your hand, discard cards from your hand until you have 6 cards into your hand(you choose the cards to discard).

(F)(W)(S)(C)(C) Giga Regi Power Blow 200
Discard one energy card attached to Regigigas. Your opponent reveals the top 4 cards from his or her deck, and if there are any Energy cards in the top 4 cards, Regigigas does 40 damage to itself. Afterwards, return the top 4 cards back to your opponent's deck. The deck is then shuffled.

[Put this card onto your Active Regigigas. Regigigas Lv. X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from it's previous Level.]

Weakness: (F) X2
Ressistance: (P) - 20
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)


well, so far for my entry! give it a rating please! :D
Okay, here we go:

First Card: defending is the only grammar mistake I see, 149!
Second Card: 4 word name? I don't think so. Also, it's M not S. So mistakes in the body aswell: 139
Both: They don't really support each other, so -5 for not following rules: 45
Total: 333/350

I really like the idea behing Gigas Lv.X, but that 4 letter name really killed it