Movie 13 Zoroark Talk & Ash in the Isshu Region (Anime during BW)

I'm bored of him teaming up with a rookie trainer who choose the cutest out of the 3 starters each gen. If that girl DOES do the predictable and get Mijumaru i'd be a little dissapointed.
I hope he joins the first two gym leaders of Isshu, like he did back in Kanto!
Someone mentioned earlier how the girl gave off a 'girly' vibe. Going off of this, is it safe to assume she will likely capture Munna?

Also, IIRC, in Hoenn, Ash and May both captured and fully evolved a starter (Ash of course capturing the grass type). Is it then safe to assume that this will happen again based the beta art?

And no, we won't be seeing any more Gen 5 Pokemon in a movie taking place somewhere near or within Sinnoh.
That new girl looks so not up date.
While Ash looks all updated with his new clothes.
And im curious to see the Pokémon next to her.! XD

i think ash is gonna capture that flaming Gorilla thing.
He seems to capture all the monkeys for some reason. Lolz.
But id rather see him with the fire starter instead :)

JetpackPercy said:
2. Munna is the Dream Eater Pokemon, and it has Synchronize and Forewarn.
Drowzee can learn Dream Eater, has Insommia and Forewarn! Munna also has this little nose and a little thing.
I've always thought it was kind of funny when people say munna is a Drowzee pre-evo. Drowzee's name in Japanese is "Sleep" and Hypno's is "Sleeper". Munna then Sleep then Sleeper? I think not.
those predictions seem accurate and probably will happen but for me personally I kinda want Brock replaced with someone new but a familar face such as Vincent it would be nice to see him travel along ash and if ash does get a pokubu I'd like to see a rivalry between it and pikachu as for the female partner I think Dawn should stay not saying I like her but she still seems like a bit of an amateur who could learn a lot more by continuing to travel with ash plus how about a change and for once have the girl fall head over heels in love with a boy instead of always brock with the females for example Dawn would be in love with Vincent while Marina would make some cameo appearances in the Isshu Region and Dawn would go red or crazy with jealousy everytime she appears and see's Vincent go Gaga over Marina plus how about Jimmy as Ash's new rival in this next generation huh that would be cool especially to see them battle Ash's pikachu dukes it out with Jimmy's Typhlosion I mean these characters were used in pokemon chronicles but weren't really given a chance to be seen more so why not use them now it would be a waste not too
JimmyKetchum said:
those predictions seem accurate and probably will happen but for me personally I kinda want Brock replaced with someone new but a familar face such as Vincent it would be nice to see him travel along ash and if ash does get a pokubu I'd like to see a rivalry between it and pikachu as for the female partner I think Dawn should stay not saying I like her but she still seems like a bit of an amateur who could learn a lot more by continuing to travel with ash plus how about a change and for once have the girl fall head over heels in love with a boy instead of always brock with the females for example Dawn would be in love with Vincent while Marina would make some cameo appearances in the Isshu Region and Dawn would go red or crazy with jealousy everytime she appears and see's Vincent go Gaga over Marina plus how about Jimmy as Ash's new rival in this next generation huh that would be cool especially to see them battle Ash's pikachu dukes it out with Jimmy's Typhlosion I mean these characters were used in pokemon chronicles but weren't really given a chance to be seen more so why not use them now it would be a waste not too

I do like the idea of a girl falling head over heels for a boy. That would be quite a change to the typical Brock storyline. I also agree on what you said about Dawn. She needs to head to other regions to continue her cooridnating. Hopefully when we see her next, she will have grown up and have gotten much better.

But I disagree on your idea of Vincent joining the group or being a rival of Ash's. Vincent had his time to shine. He was never a major character, just a plot device. Plus bringing him back would accomplish nothing, as he does not advertise the 5th generation. The best we have of ever seeing him again is in a new season of Chronicles, but that is very unlikely.

And as a side note, could you please use periods, or any other type of punctuation, next time? Your run-ons really make it hard for people to follow your thoughts.
I hope Brock stays, because he's my favorite human. Also, I hope that if he stays, he will catch a Hihidaruma.:D
I don't really see the point in brock being on the show. He never battles and all that ever happens is crogunk using poison jab on him when he goes all gaga when he see's girls. Yeah its funny the First thousand times. But i really want someone who will be more focused and Contribute something besides the obvious Pedo Bear Attitude Brock has.
But who will cook for them?!?!?!?!?!!!

But yeah, though I love Brock he needs to be benched. So does Team Rocket but with Meowth as the go-to translator for pokemon, I guess that's never going to happen.
cocowoushi said:
But who will cook for them?!?!?!?!?!!!

But yeah, though I love Brock he needs to be benched. So does Team Rocket but with Meowth as the go-to translator for pokemon, I guess that's never going to happen.
But i heard that Iris In Best wishes Has an Ability I know its a rumor but they said she had an ability called "Pokemon Communication" So maybe She can talk to pokemon.
JonnyXxgorexX said:
I don't really see the point in brock being on the show. He never battles and all that ever happens is crogunk using poison jab on him when he goes all gaga when he see's girls. Yeah its funny the First thousand times. But i really want someone who will be more focused and Contribute something besides the obvious Pedo Bear Attitude Brock has.

Brock is 15. Brock is actually smart and can battle well, he just doesn't do much. Brock also does the cooking. Brock is amazing. Nuff said.

Does anyone else think Iris looks like Jasmine? Or is it just me?
ShayminSky said:
Brock is 15. Brock is actually smart and can battle well, he just doesn't do much. Brock also does the cooking. Brock is amazing. Nuff said.

Does anyone else think Iris looks like Jasmine? Or is it just me?

Yes i do she looks like jasmine. Also i know brock wont be in the show but if he does i agree with the person who said he would get a Hihidaruma, because it seems like something brock would get.

Giuseppe said:
I've always thought it was kind of funny when people say munna is a Drowzee pre-evo. Drowzee's name in Japanese is "Sleep" and Hypno's is "Sleeper". Munna then Sleep then Sleeper? I think not.
Look at most of the Gen 1 Pokemon. The japanese names include Kakuna (Cocoon), Krabby (Crab), Arcanine (Windie), Rapidash (Gallop), etc. And, you'll look at the newer Gen's, they have more original Japanese names!
Strike to Hassam? Munna to Drowzee theiry says hi!
Perhaps Gary could take Brocks place. (For those of you whom don't know who Gary is, he is Ash's old rival) The relationship between Ash and Gary has grown stronger in my opinion. Gary could want to travel to Issu so he can learn more about the different pokemon there and further his career as a professor. He would end up on tagging along with Ash later on. I would imagine Gary getting some of his old, cocky attitude back. (He will tease Ash and call him "Ashy-Boy", but not as extreme of an extent as before.)
I am not hating on Brock, but i'm tired of the whole "grabs a girls hand and says one corny line before being poison jabbed". If he does stay, I hope he is more creative with how he hits on girls.
Skittycat said:
Perhaps Gary could take Brocks place. (For those of you whom don't know who Gary is, he is Ash's old rival) The relationship between Ash and Gary has grown stronger in my opinion. Gary could want to travel to Issu so he can learn more about the different pokemon there and further his career as a professor. He would end up on tagging along with Ash later on. I would imagine Gary getting some of his old, cocky attitude back. (He will tease Ash and call him "Ashy-Boy", but not as extreme of an extent as before.)
I am not hating on Brock, but i'm tired of the whole "grabs a girls hand and says one corny line before being poison jabbed". If he does stay, I hope he is more creative with how he hits on girls.

It would be nice for gary to travel alongside ash and iris especially if he is still a bit snobby. Though they said it would be a new character and i think the new character looks like a relative of jackson/harrison.
Did you guys see this mornings post?
"Welp, just finished the movie! It was absolutely terrible - I would literally call it the worst Pokemon movie ever."
Do you belive it? A bad Pokemon movie? I'm not in Japan or anything, so did You see Phantom Champion: Zoroark?
It will probably be the worst movie
The movies seem to be bad as they grow

Just my opinion