Movie Pet Peeves

i hate how avatar is supposed to be the greates movie of all time, when all it really is is a smurf version of dances with wolves but with BA special effects

it was still good though, just not as great as its hyped up to be
I haven't been to many movies, but I hate when people sit down in front of you and the block the whole screen. I also don't like how loud they make the movies. It almost makes your ear drums explode.
I don't like people who go "OMG!" about a sad part in the movie, and start crying or something. It annoys me a little bit.
I hate when you have the kid who sits in front of you and says (hey mom can i go get something every 5 minutes) Or a tall person who stands up every five minutes to go do something.
I hate it when people's cell phones ring in movie theaters, it really eggs me on...
I HATE IT when someone decides to bring their stupid baby to the theater. Hearing that obnoxious crying throughout the whole movie... UGH!! Leave that thing at home!! >:/
once this guywas talking to his friend before the movie and sat infront of me i moved along so he laughed at the best bits.
I think I will get #1 on the peeves for females here.

When a guy tries to ask you out WHILE YOU ARE WATCHING THE MOVIE!
A hated that guy! I had to sneak into the theater for the second premiere to see all the parts I missed due to the guy's creepiness...
rockinpikachu said:
When people do nothing about the crying baby
To me that is an anywhere pet peeve.
In public - you name it.
I went to see The Social Network, and I'd like to thank the couple sitting in front of me for the abundance of candy they bought. It's a shame they weren't unwrapping that candy any louder, 'cause, hey! I could almost HEAR the movie >.<
I was watching The Other Guys (super funny)
and the person behind me was a super critical, extremely skeptical, annoying person.
I wanted to throw M&M's at him

When an a person farts X-(
I hate it when people narrate the movie. My dad does this, and sometimes I just wanted to tell him to shut up. :x

Someone said "when parents bring kids to a movie they shouldn't see" and I absolutely have to agree with that. I went to see Final Destination 2 and these people brought there kids into it! I mean it they scream and cried so much that a employee had to ask them to leave. Though it was pretty funny when at the beginning of the movie where that chick is on the back of that motorcycle(you know what I'm talking about ;]) and when she revealed herself, the little boy scream "BOOBIES!!!!!!" xD
Me and my girlfriend make sarcastic comments throughout movies, I'm sorry if that's something you posted. I APOLOGIZE.

Mostly, though, I have to agree with people who said they hate when parents bring screaming children to movies. It's a little obnoxious.
HA! I love this thread! Anyway,sometimes i go to a movie with my grandma and at the, er, non funny parts they laugh REALLY loud for like an hour. I have to stop and look at them to get them to stop lol