Movie Pet Peeves

When watching movies at home, my sister will try to "advise" the actors. Like during a scene in Harry Potter 4, my sister wispered, "Don't do it, Harry." He can't hear you, and it only annoys others around you! (God, I could go off on a huge rant about my sister, but this is a movie thread, so I won't :p)
At Decmacter,

The exact same thing happens at my friends house when they have Movie Night. It's like PG-G movies. He sees EVERY movie and says " NO! DON'T GO TO HER!( A example.) It's so stupid>O

As for your sister, some people identify with characters stronger than others. My wife gets upset over movie violence. It doesn't bother me, because I can disassociate that aspect.
My "Movie Pet Peeve" is when people bring popcorn into the movies and sit around you somewhere. Then, as you're attempting to watch the movie in enjoyment, they chew the popcorn REALLY loudly. It's so freakin' irritating!
I went to go see Twilight new moon (I was forced I tell you!).Halfway through the movie scene with taylor/werewolf guy,all the girls were screaming ''ah we love you taylor''!!!Loud shrieks.Sounded like they were having a darn menstruation it was so loud.I was just wanting to leave the movie before it got worse.I just never saw a Twilight movie,Now I know better :x
I hate it when little kids shake their box of Juji Fruits or M&M's and I'm like, STUFF IT, PUNK. I hate lil' kids so much most of the time.
Luigibuster my friend's (Ex-)girlfriend made him see twilight new moon he hated every second i hate when people walk into the movie late as well.
I hate when somebody brought their little 5-12 year-old brats into a pg-13/R movie. not because of they're "too young" but because they dont shut up and they throw popcorn at you. I go to those kinds of movies to get away from little brats and their neglectful parents just let them act like idiots without even trying to BE A PARENT!
Sorry for the rant.
@Pikachewtofu- I HATE little kids. I wouldn't mind them if they wern't so dang noisy, but still! Especially crying babies. And the parents don't even attempt to do anyting about it, it makes me want to kill them (the parents- its not the babies fault).
I totally agree with venasour x, the baby-killer (lol, kidding). I hate it when someone kicks the back of your seat.
I hate it when I go see any movie and those people in back of the room are always making stupid comments all loud. If its a scary movie they yell,"Oh, she gonna die!" If its a kids movie they yell, "Yo this movie sucks!" Uhh I hate those people.
@Shadow Arceus

I'm 12, but I'm not THAT annoying. (actually i'm more mature then you think).

Anyways, I hate when those little kids scream in a move, I was watching the dark knight, and a kid was there CRYING!!! ugh.
I don't know where you guys see a movie, but that never happens to me. I must be lucky.
The worst (and funniest) thing that's ever happened to me at the movies was when I was watching The Expendables. Whenever something remotely impressive happened, this guy way down in front went "Oh Hell no!", or "Darn, he messed him up!", or "Oh no he didn't!". It was so funny; I didn't know if he was saying it just to be stupid or not. XD
My nephews birthday he was 3 and my niece was 2 but they made barely any noise

But at the movie there was 6 of our family and 2 guys at the front it feels wierd so il put as a pet peeve
I was not saying that all 12 year olds are like that, it was just an estimate of the age of the annoying kids who won't shut up in the middle of a movie
My movie experiences have generally been good. The worst thing that has happened to me was when the projector (at a small theatre in a town close to where I live) wasn't pointed at the screen, so the first ten minutes of the movie were just black until the staff finally came to sort it out.
I don't think anyone else has heard this, but I hate it when people crunch on popcorn kernels. It's nasty, inconsiderate, and messed up IMO.

Another thing that's annoying is when the person in front of you is constantly talking to themselves and the people next to them. Same with using their phone, even when they're not allowed to. The staff don't do a thing about it.
one time ( i was doing this too but not as loud) this little girl would yell what she knew wat would happen next (it was shrek 4) it was irritating