Movie You Are Waiting For...?

Okay, heres my list
*New Moon (even though its made by the director that totally messed up The Golden Compass)
*Transformers 3
*another pokemon movie
*Ponyo, to get on DVD
*G.I Joe, still havent seen it
*Monsters VS Aliens, wanting to get the DVD
*The Last Airbender (hypervenalating for it too finish)

and thats pretty much it...
so far..
I really wanted to see Zombieland until about an hour ago... Lol

But now I kinda want to see Legion. Doesn't look like there's really many good movies coming out.

But also....
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
I'm done waiting for Bleach 3 because I was crazy and got up at 5:00 AM this morning to watch it on YouTube xD
But it was soo worth the wait

Pirates 4
Spyro: The movie (I dunno why lol)

?!?!?! What the heck is the meaning of this? Can anyone else reiterate? This sounds like a horrible idea....
Last Airbender, i'm expecting it to be the best movie ever, but with m. night behind it i'm not to sure now, i love the series, i just hope he doesn't add in anything un-needed
Where the Wild Things Are (I loved the book as a small child, and the costumes are being made by the Jim Henson company, so you know it's going to be good).

The Last Airbender

Shrek 4 (hopefully it'll be better than the third)

Iron Man 2

Toy Story 3

Alice in Wonderland (Johnny Depp as the Hatter was a brilliant move)
Hi Everyone,

Right now I am waiting for Goal 4.

I have seen all the three movie of Goal series. I am a big fan of football and I love to play it.The movie like this is just amazing.
esperante said:

seriously the entire range of people at my school, jock to geek, can't resist the greatness of avatar.

They filmed part of that 15 minutes from my house!
heres avatar the last airbender trailer if you wanted to see it (i want to see it):

Alvin and the chipmunks 2 another one yay!!! trailer one:
Trailer 2:
rappermi said:
Last Airbender, I'm expecting it to be the best movie ever, but with m. night behind it I'm not to sure now, I love the series, I just hope he doesn't add in anything un-needed
Like a secret twist where Aang beats Zuko in a children's card game? (I kid, I kid)
Well I am actually waiting for the new "A Christmas Carol" that is in 3D. The original, made decades before even my mother was even born, is our family's favorite movie for the holidays.
rappermi said:
Last Airbender, I'm expecting it to be the best movie ever, but with m. night behind it I'm not to sure now, I love the series, I just hope he doesn't add in anything un-needed
Im sorry but it does.
They sre having
ZACK EFRON play ZUKO, that is totally uneeded, and depressing.
Am desperately waiting for 2 movies....
Transformer 3
Ironman 2
dmaster said:
Toy Story 3 (next year)
Alice in Wonderland

I'm sure there are plenty good movies coming out later this year that I haven't checked out yet, but whatever.

dmaster out.
This exactly.

I see most of you guys are mad over action movies e.g. Transformers and Iron Man.

But I seriously don't understand why any of you are anticipating Pirates of the Carribean 4 (whatever its name is). I enjoyed the first movie, but the other two disappointed me more than post season 1 Pokemon. The only reason I watched was because Johnny Depp is awesome and my country (Singapore) was featured in the third movie. Very inaccurate though, Singapore was only settled by the British on 1819, and Pirates is definitely before Napoleon.

P.S. Megan Fox sucks
Actually Megan Fox is awesome IMO, but Transformers sequels are now the worst movies of the century so far. :F

dmaster out.