Wi-Fi Trades Mquaza "My player thread" - UPDATE 14/05/2009

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RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

How many times do I have to say that I don't have the right version and that I don't have enough time shopping right now ?
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

=P ... I know I know ... I didn't know that you don't have time to shop now =] ... we have a deal ...
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

shiny shinx+ another bad pokemon =my rayquaza?
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

NO ...

Tell me all legendary and good Pokemon you have and they're stats and LV and Nature or just calculate IV's and post the good ones tto me :D
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

most of them I can't calculate their IV's because they have random EV's!
I have a UT jirachi 100% legit
that has 25 IV's in spdef and spd
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

I'll give an amazing Infernape, a Shiny Electivire, a PBR Magmortar and a Shiny Gyarados for the Movie Darkrai.....

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

Black Rayquaza said:
I'll give an amazing Infernape, a Shiny Electivire, a PBR Magmortar and a Shiny Gyarados for the Movie Darkrai.....

-Black Rayquaza

I said it many times before ... if it's OK with you I will trade it but it'll be cloned with Action Replay when I get it ... If you don't mind that then we have a deal ... I just must get the code I'll get the ARDS tomorrow =]
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

I'd like to trade the Movie Darkrai for Shiny Ditto. It's got 31 Sp. Atk IV's if that's good enough for you.

dmaster out.
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

Nature of the ditto ... ?
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

Modest o' course.

dmaster out.
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

OH ... then maybe ... it's not that good for a Event tought ... =/ ...

Upade of my threat in 1-2h ... !!
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

It's a Shiny with some good IV's. It's what you were asking for. >..>

dmaster out.
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

I'm saying if I'm not able to clone it it's not good =] ... If I do it's very good =]
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

Yeah, for a clone of it. You said you were able to, so that's why I asked.

dmaster out.
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

d master342 said:
Yeah, for a clone of it. You said you were able to, so that's why I asked.

dmaster out.

Oh, I'm sorry ... I'm upading all the time now =P ...

Note: Sorry for Dubble Posting ... =]
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

hmm.....is there any way I could get the original???? If not, then I cant offer as much for it as it is cloned.

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

You can have the original if I sucseed to clone it -_- ... I will know it tomorrow 12am my time =] ...

RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

MquaZa said:
You can have the original if I sucseed to clone it -_- ... I will know it tomorrow 12am my time =] ...


well I can get someone to clone it if you cant.....LMK if u need help.
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

You see ... you can't get it on GTS couse of a Classic Ribbon -_- ... so you can't clone it normal way ... that's why I bought the Action Replay, there is a code for cloning Pokemon you can see one in YouTube ... I think that with that code I can clone it =]
RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .!

MquaZa said:
You see ... you can't get it on GTS couse of a Classic Ribbon -_- ... so you can't clone it normal way ... that's why I bought the Action Replay, there is a code for cloning Pokemon you can see one in YouTube ... I think that with that code I can clone it =]

awesome....as long as I get the original Its cool.

Anyways.....LMK when you can trade.

-Black Rayquaza
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