ssb4ever said:what do you want for your hasty cressilia??? and also what do you want for that shiny Gliscor??
shadowblade said:what would you like for your movie darkrai?
I have a blaziken lv 75 to offer and someother pokemon! pm me if you want to trade or if there is anythin in particular you want!
shadowblade said:i have a rayquaza level 80 its stats are:
HP: 292
Attack: 268
defense: 173
Special Attack: 254
special defense: 157
speed: 202
will this do for the trade?
shadowblade said:is there anything that you would trade for a clone of your movie darkrai cause i really want one? i have a phione , the three regi's all untouched, i have an infernape and an empoleon, a feraligator, all of eevee's evolutions, an untouched rhypherior, an armaldo, a rampardos, a kyogre, and a latias. will any of these do?
shadowblade said:i will give u a phione for a copy of the movie darkrai ok?