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MTC - need advice again.


Ehh I want my B&W back!
Pokemon: 13

4 Celebi Prime
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Tornadus
1 Shaymin EX
1 Shaymin
1 Regigigas EX
1 Terrakion

Energy: 14

8 Grass
4 Double Colorless
2 Fighting

Trainer: 33

4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 PlusPower
2 Eviolite
3 Switch
2 PokeGear 3.0

4 Professor Juniper
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 N

3 Skyarrow Bridge

Start with Celebi if possible. Use Celebi Prime's power to speed up energy attachments. Generally Tornadus will be the first attacker because it hits 80 for 3 energy versus 60 for Mewtwo which also has a 2-prize risk.
Steal prizes with Pokemon Catcher, use Mewtwo to destroy your opponent's main attackers (or sweep if there isn't one).
Finish up with Shaymin-EX, dealing 150+ for 2 energy lategame and taking the last prizes.

There aren't any Pokemon Collector in the deck because Dual Ball suffices. I rather have a draw-card supporter that can get me the energy and Catchers/Junk arms I need.

1. Don't play Mewtwo or Shaymin unless you need to. Played one turn too early it could cost you the game.
2. Don't stack all your energy on a Mewtwo without thinking. Tornadus is often the better attacker, or you may be better off stealing your 6 prizes.

Edit: Added Terrakion.

Need help finding 1 spot to add Energy Exchanger.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

How often are you getting 60-80 damage turn 1? Wouldn't a second shaymin EX help? I think 3 eviolites are the play. Otherwise, looks pretty good!
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Slayer said:
How often are you getting 60-80 damage turn 1? Wouldn't a second shaymin EX help? I think 3 eviolites are the play. Otherwise, looks pretty good!

Well...to be honest, it's not that easy. I need to start with Celebi, have the other basic, then have the required energy + switch/skyarrow.
After some testing, I think Pokegear is pretty useless. 9 supporters in the deck means more likely than not Pokegear will whiff. Probably changing them to 1 more Juniper and 1 more PONT.
I have never used Super Rod before, and the deck went all right without it.
I used 3 eviolite in my deck before but took one out for Exp Share. Never tested Exp Share before though because playtcg doesn't have it yet.
Shaymin EX is useless for donking. It generally only comes out when your opponent has 1 or 2 prizes left, so if it dies you have lost anyway. 1 is enough.

Thinking of Regigigas EX. Looks like it works with the DCE and grass energy.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Looks pretty good but a few tweaks that I would make...

Personally, I've been fine running the deck with three Celebi because it's not very often that I get to attach two Grass Energies via Celebi. So I've replaced one with a Smeargle for the extra help setting up. A lot of other decks bank on having a T1 Collector so if you can land that collector, great. Just be sure to play down your hand to less important cards just incase you end up landing that Juniper instead. I would change the counts of Pokemon to this

3 Celebi
4 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin
1 Shaymin EX
1 Smeargle

I was considering Regigigas EX myself but haven't tested it. It isn't a bad idea, fits pretty well, but in my list I run Terrakion as well just because it really boosts the match up to Eelectrik/Magnezone. Terrakion makes a pretty good check for that deck. Dropped a Mewtwo for a Tornadus as he's the main attacker and I would want to minimize Mewtwo starts. They aren't the worst things to start with, but they aren't the best things to start with either.

Trainer wise, couple of things to think about. With all the draw support that the deck needs to keep the momentum going, you'd benefit from having things that dug out supporters, either PokeGear 3.0 or Xtransceiver. 2-3 of either would be good, leaning more towards the PokeGear because it's better late game than Xtransceiver, especially if all you have in the deck is Draw Supporters. I don't think the Cherens do enough for the deck, so I would probably replace them with the above cards. Not sure why the EXP Share, it's not that great compared to Shaymin. If you really want to reuse that effect, consider another Shaymin or a Seeker. Perhaps even Super Scoop up if you're feeling lucky.

4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 SkyArrow Bridge
3 PokeGear/Xtransceiver
4 Professor Juniper
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Switch
2 Eviolite
2 Plus Power

Hope that helps.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

JimboJumbo said:
Looks pretty good but a few tweaks that I would make...

Personally, I've been fine running the deck with three Celebi because it's not very often that I get to attach two Grass Energies via Celebi. So I've replaced one with a Smeargle for the extra help setting up. A lot of other decks bank on having a T1 Collector so if you can land that collector, great. Just be sure to play down your hand to less important cards just incase you end up landing that Juniper instead. I would change the counts of Pokemon to this

3 Celebi
4 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin
1 Shaymin EX
1 Smeargle

I was considering Regigigas EX myself but haven't tested it. It isn't a bad idea, fits pretty well, but in my list I run Terrakion as well just because it really boosts the match up to Eelectrik/Magnezone. Terrakion makes a pretty good check for that deck. Dropped a Mewtwo for a Tornadus as he's the main attacker and I would want to minimize Mewtwo starts. They aren't the worst things to start with, but they aren't the best things to start with either.

Trainer wise, couple of things to think about. With all the draw support that the deck needs to keep the momentum going, you'd benefit from having things that dug out supporters, either PokeGear 3.0 or Xtransceiver. 2-3 of either would be good, leaning more towards the PokeGear because it's better late game than Xtransceiver, especially if all you have in the deck is Draw Supporters. I don't think the Cherens do enough for the deck, so I would probably replace them with the above cards. Not sure why the EXP Share, it's not that great compared to Shaymin. If you really want to reuse that effect, consider another Shaymin or a Seeker. Perhaps even Super Scoop up if you're feeling lucky.

4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 SkyArrow Bridge
3 PokeGear/Xtransceiver
4 Professor Juniper
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Switch
2 Eviolite
2 Plus Power

Hope that helps.

With 8 supporters how often do you think PokeGear will work?
And, I don't like flipping.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

From turn one after you draw assuming that none of the draw supporters are prized, you'll have about 71.36% chance of getting either a Juniper or an Oak from using it.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

If your deck cannot consistently hit for the 80 damage T1, or at least setup 1 Tornadus with the DCE and Grass, your list is not working to maximum potential. I manage to hit the 80 damage 3/4 of the time, maybe 2/4 if I'm having a bad day.

The major threat that this deck faces is Magneel, as it can OHKO whatever it wants. I use 1 Terrakion with 2 Prism, and it works perfectly. Without Terrakion, facing Magneel is practically an auto-loss. Also, Cheren is a poor card to be using. 3 cards is not enough to get what you may need, and it certainly isn't worth your supporter for the turn. It's better to use Judge/Copycat/N than Cheren, but I prefer N. 4 Catcher are definitely not neccesary. The only purpose for Catcher is to destroy their setup or catcher EX's for the OHKO (Specifically Mewtwo). Especialy with 4 Junk Arm, you could definitely go down to 3 Catcher.

EXP.Share serves no purpose in this deck. If you really need recovery that bad, you can use Fisherman, which would get you 4 energy back, compared to the 1 you'd get off EXP.Share. Unless Pluspower is working really well for you (which it shouldn't be, it only lets you hit 130 if your using Mewtwo, and 6 energy is a lot to have on Mewtwo), I would recommend taking it out for either 2 more Grass Energy (as it seems you're already worried about recovery with the inclusion of EXP.Share) or 2 Lost Remover if you want to get disruptive. Otherwise, it looks like a solid list.

-3 Cheren
-1 Catcher
-1 EXP.Share
+1 Terrakion
+2 Prism
+2 N
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Keep in mind Mewtwo does damage based on energies between the two, not just on mewtwo. For argument sake, your Mewtwo could have a double colourless energy and you could've just attacked a Hydregion or an EX that used 4 energies.

I wouldn't advise the Prisms because they do even less for the deck. If you're planning on Terrakion, you're better off using basic fightings because you can't bounce the Prism energies with Tornadus.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Yeah I would add N tbh

I was playing a mate with this deck lastnight (Really similar list's except I play 2 N) and I was on 4 prizes left to his 1. I droped N, powered up Shaymin EX and took my last 4 prizes without him being able to do anything. I had a second N in hand and catchers and junk arms e.t.c and I was able to knock out the right pokemon at the right time to avoid him being able to make a comeback for the last prize. I only play 2 N as I only have them for this very situation but I find it works well :) Other then that the decklist looks strong. I would drop the 3 Cheren for the 2 N and you can use the last spot to add something else. Have you also considered Regigigas? I find him useful in the Zekrom matchup (if you aren't going to run Terrakion, another great tech if you can free up 2 more spots for the prism) as you drop a regigigas infront of there zekrom and they can't come close to killing you without making you have a super outrage :D
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

I'll try N instead of Cheren.

PlusPower usages:
1. To kill Eelektrik with Tornadus.
2. Cheap prize-taking

I like 4 catcher because stealing prizes is very important. I guess PP and Catcher are a matter of style.
Using Terrakion and 2 Prism now.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

I think that using basic fightings is a better idea because everything that attacks that would benefit from the prism energy has a completely colourless attack cost. On the down side, you cannot bounce the energy with Tornadus' Hurricane and the Prism Energy can fall victim to the growing popularity of Lost Remover.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

JimboJumbo said:
I think that using basic fightings is a better idea because everything that attacks that would benefit from the prism energy has a completely colourless attack cost. On the down side, you cannot bounce the energy with Tornadus' Hurricane and the Prism Energy can fall victim to the growing popularity of Lost Remover.

On the plus side, sometimes being unable to bounce the Prism can be a good idea because you might not have enough energy to attach to Tornadus the next turn.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

This is what I'm currently running

Pokemon (14)
1 Shaymin (UL)
1 Terrakion (NV)
1 Shaymin EX
1 Regigigas EX
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (31)
2 Plus Power
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
4 N
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball

Energy (15)
2 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Edited list.
Added Regigigas EX, added more consistency cards.
Cut down to 3 Catcher, I keep feeling a cheap prize-taking deck needs 4, but space says otherwise.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

petertclo said:
Edited list.
Added Regigigas EX, added more consistency cards.
Cut down to 3 Catcher, I keep feeling a cheap prize-taking deck needs 4, but space says otherwise.
We're pretty much running the same list now except I'm running 2 PokeGear 3.0 and 3 Eviolites.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

IMO, you should lower the Tornadus cont to 2 or 3. This helps because you have a better chance of starting with Celebi. You will also almost always be able to get out a Tornadus with Dual Ball.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

iisnumber12 said:
IMO, you should lower the Tornadus cont to 2 or 3. This helps because you have a better chance of starting with Celebi. You will also almost always be able to get out a Tornadus with Dual Ball.

Not really. There are only 4 Dual Ball in the deck; I need to have both Pokemon out turn 1.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

petertclo said:
Not really. There are only 4 Dual Ball in the deck; I need to have both Pokemon out turn 1.

But every 15 cards you should have a dual ball. Your opening hand gives you 8 and your shuffle/draw supporter gives you 6 or 7. This almost guarantees that you get a T1 Tornadus.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

iisnumber12 said:
But every 15 cards you should have a dual ball. Your opening hand gives you 8 and your shuffle/draw supporter gives you 6 or 7. This almost guarantees that you get a T1 Tornadus.

Extra draw chance = better.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

I tested Terrakion with basic fighting energy, and the problem is I can't find the fighting energy easily.
Would a tech of say Energy Exchange Unit help? The list is pretty tight though.