imacharizard333 said:
Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You were asked to create a Legendary Sinnoh Pokemon LEGEND card other than Arceus, and to also create a second Johto Legendary Pokemon to have synergy with your first card. You followed your instructions carefully, and you made no mistakes here.
Originality: 10/10 pts
Heatran LEGEND's Poke-Power is quite unique, and the attacks are also well-made. Your Ho-Oh is also unlike previous version made.
Creativity 8/10 pts
While your cards are certainly original, and it looks you put a lot of effort into them, I can't get over Ho-Oh's generic play-style. While Heatran was done well, other than Ho-Oh's synergy with Heatran, the card is nothing. "Sky Attack" is incredibly generic, even more so than "Flickering Flames" which at least has an effect. "Sky Attack" also barely resembles its in-game effect, not in damage or in effect. You could have done better on Ho-Oh.
Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 9/10 pts
Other than the fact that "Fire Blast" is incredibly weak (Magikarp Mysterious Treasures basically does the same thing, only with less damage and it can actually fail the attack) and luck-based, your power levels seem right on the money.
Overall, 32/35. In summary, your card is a little under-powered and its partner is a little on the generic side, but other than that it is well-rounded.
TheBugManiac said:
Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You were asked to create a Legendary Sinnoh Pokemon LEGEND card other than Arceus, and to also create a second Johto Legendary Pokemon to have synergy with your first card. This you clearly did, and there are no errors in this regard.
Originality: 8/10 pts
"Dimensional Blade" is the typical strong attack with an added recoil, but the recoil itself is actually somewhat unique. On the other hand, "Flame Rush" is an improved version of Gengar PA's "Shadow Skip", only slightly re-worded and arguably better.
Creativity: 10/10 pts
While a few effects, like "Pure Pearl", are generally somewhat generic, the card itself is otherwise well thought out, and I can see you had to put some effort into making this.
Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 7/10 pts
You've got a bit of "Good cop/Bad cop" going on these spoilers.

Palkia LEGEND is incredibly underpowered, unable to actually KO anything without the help of its amazing Entei. Entei itself is actually pretty bad, making Palkia lose all those precious Water Energy. While with cards like DCE this isn't the worst thing, the cost is way too high for the actual effect. Entei, on the other hand, is overpowered. "Flame Rush" is essentially Gengar PA in basic form.
Overall, 30/35.
Following the Round Rules: 3/5 pts
You were asked to create a Legendary Sinnoh Pokemon LEGEND card other than Arceus, and to also create a second Johto Legendary Pokemon to have synergy with your first card. While you were going strong, I have to point out that Mewtwo originates from the
Kanto region, not the Johto region. You were incapable of following the rules, and thus you shall face a deduction.
Originality: 8/10 pts
Your cards were moderately original, although Uxie and Azelf Legend's Poke-Power looks incredibly similar to those of both the regular Uxie and Azelf (Legends Awakened), like you almost combined them, actually.
Creativity: 8/10 pts
Both of your cards, even the Legend, are incredibly generic. Everything is just one line of text. You didn't even bother to add the Pokemon's stages. I will want to see a greater amount of effort here in the future if you expect to do well.
Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 9/10 pts
Pretty good, but I can't manage to get over that Mewtwo. For a basic Pokemon, three Energy for 70 with no added drawback is too much (especially in HeartGold/Soulsilver). What makes it worse is that you can use DCE on Mewtwo, essentially making it do 70 damage for two Energy.
Overall, 28/35.