Muddy's Card Spoiler Contest Round 1 is Up

Palkia LEGEND {W} 120 HP

PokeBody: Pure Pearl

Each player's Active Pokemon (both yours and your opponent's) can't be affected by any Special Conditions.

{W}{C}{C} Dimensional Blade 110

If the Defending Pokemon would be Knocked Out by this attack's damage, that pokemon isn't Knocked Out and its remaining HP becomes 10 instead.

Weakness: {L}X2
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}

Entei {R} 90 HP
Basic Pokemon

PokePower: Steam Geyser

At any time between turns, you may discard all {W} Energy cards you have in play. If you do, put damage counters on the Defending Pokemon equal to the number of Energy cards you discarded this way.

{R}{R} Flame Rush 40

Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon (don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon). Switch Entei with 1 of your Benched Pokemon

Weakness: {W}X2
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost:{C}
iKyLeZ said:
Am i too late to join? If i could join, i want to know whether the 2nd part of round 1 has to be a normal card or can it be a Lvl.X, Prime or Legend.

You are in. Also, it can be either.
imacharizard333 said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You were asked to create a Legendary Sinnoh Pokemon LEGEND card other than Arceus, and to also create a second Johto Legendary Pokemon to have synergy with your first card. You followed your instructions carefully, and you made no mistakes here.

Originality: 10/10 pts
Heatran LEGEND's Poke-Power is quite unique, and the attacks are also well-made. Your Ho-Oh is also unlike previous version made.

Creativity 8/10 pts
While your cards are certainly original, and it looks you put a lot of effort into them, I can't get over Ho-Oh's generic play-style. While Heatran was done well, other than Ho-Oh's synergy with Heatran, the card is nothing. "Sky Attack" is incredibly generic, even more so than "Flickering Flames" which at least has an effect. "Sky Attack" also barely resembles its in-game effect, not in damage or in effect. You could have done better on Ho-Oh.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 9/10 pts
Other than the fact that "Fire Blast" is incredibly weak (Magikarp Mysterious Treasures basically does the same thing, only with less damage and it can actually fail the attack) and luck-based, your power levels seem right on the money.

Overall, 32/35. In summary, your card is a little under-powered and its partner is a little on the generic side, but other than that it is well-rounded.

TheBugManiac said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You were asked to create a Legendary Sinnoh Pokemon LEGEND card other than Arceus, and to also create a second Johto Legendary Pokemon to have synergy with your first card. This you clearly did, and there are no errors in this regard.

Originality: 8/10 pts
"Dimensional Blade" is the typical strong attack with an added recoil, but the recoil itself is actually somewhat unique. On the other hand, "Flame Rush" is an improved version of Gengar PA's "Shadow Skip", only slightly re-worded and arguably better.

Creativity: 10/10 pts
While a few effects, like "Pure Pearl", are generally somewhat generic, the card itself is otherwise well thought out, and I can see you had to put some effort into making this.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 7/10 pts
You've got a bit of "Good cop/Bad cop" going on these spoilers. :p Palkia LEGEND is incredibly underpowered, unable to actually KO anything without the help of its amazing Entei. Entei itself is actually pretty bad, making Palkia lose all those precious Water Energy. While with cards like DCE this isn't the worst thing, the cost is way too high for the actual effect. Entei, on the other hand, is overpowered. "Flame Rush" is essentially Gengar PA in basic form.

Overall, 30/35.

*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 3/5 pts
You were asked to create a Legendary Sinnoh Pokemon LEGEND card other than Arceus, and to also create a second Johto Legendary Pokemon to have synergy with your first card. While you were going strong, I have to point out that Mewtwo originates from the Kanto region, not the Johto region. You were incapable of following the rules, and thus you shall face a deduction.

Originality: 8/10 pts
Your cards were moderately original, although Uxie and Azelf Legend's Poke-Power looks incredibly similar to those of both the regular Uxie and Azelf (Legends Awakened), like you almost combined them, actually.

Creativity: 8/10 pts
Both of your cards, even the Legend, are incredibly generic. Everything is just one line of text. You didn't even bother to add the Pokemon's stages. I will want to see a greater amount of effort here in the future if you expect to do well.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 9/10 pts
Pretty good, but I can't manage to get over that Mewtwo. For a basic Pokemon, three Energy for 70 with no added drawback is too much (especially in HeartGold/Soulsilver). What makes it worse is that you can use DCE on Mewtwo, essentially making it do 70 damage for two Energy.

Overall, 28/35.
Sure, and I'll begin to judge this afternoon.

Here is my judging, let's get those cards in people!

Following the Round Rules 5/5 pts
No flaws here. You followed the instructions perfectly.

Originality 9/10 pts
The only problem was with Sky Attack. 3 Energy for a basic attack has been seen a lot. I would have liked to see more.

Creativity 8/10 pts
Attacks weren't very creative. Sky Attack was severely lacking. Overall, Ho-oh was severely lacking.
Heatran on the other hand was fantastic. Magma Storm was like a beefed up version of Rock Slide. Great Job on Heatran.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 9/10 pts
Fire Blast reminded me of Magikarp's super strong attacks that fail majorly.

Overall Score: 31/35
Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND 150HP {D}/{P}

Poke-Power : Endless Nightmares
Once during your turn, you may use this power (before or after you attack), If the Defending Pokemon is asleep at the end of your opponent's next turn, Put 6 damage counters on the Defending Pokemon. This Power can't be used if Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND is affected by a Special Condition. This Power can be used if Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND is asleep.

Poke-Body : Endless Dreams
Remove 3 damage counter from your asleep Active Pokemon between turns.

{P} Sleep Trance 20
Both Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND and the Defending Pokemon are now asleep.

{D}{D}{C} Dream Assault 60
This attack can be used if Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND is asleep. If either the Defending Pokemon or Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND is asleep, the asleep Pokemon flips 2 coins between turns. If either one is tails that Pokemon remains asleep.

Weakness : {F}/{D} x2
Resistance :
Retreat Cost : {C}{C}

Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND Rule : When this Pokemon is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards

Celebi LEGEND 100HP {G}

Poke-Power : Deja vu
Once during your turn (before you attack) you may use this Power. Flip a Coin. If heads, any effects of attack done to the Defending Pokemon during your last turn is now the effect of this Power. This Power can't be used if Celebi LEGEND is affected by a Special Condition.

{G}{G}{C} Timeless Leaf 40
Flip 3 coins. For each heads, put 2 damage counters on the Defending Pokemon. For each tails, choose one Special condition, the Defending Pokemon is now affected by that Special Condition.

Weakness : {R} x2
Retreat Cost : {C}
Dialga Legend HP 130 {M}

Poke-power Don’t destroy time!
Once during your opponent’s turn, if Dialga legend is knocked out by an opponent’s attack, you may use this power. During your opponent’s next turn, your opponent’s Pokemon can’t attack.

Roar of Time {M}{M}{M} 110
During your next turn, Dialga can’t attack.

Weakness {R} x2 Resistance None Retreat cost {C}{C}{C}

Suicune HP 90 {W}

Poke-Power Rushing water
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Flip a coin. If heads, switch your active Pokemon with one of your benched Pokemon.

Water Sprinkle {W}{W} 10
This attack also does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s benched Pokemon.

Weakness {L} x2 Resistance None Retreat cost {C}
My Entry:

Giratina LEGEND 130 HP {P}

[Poke-Power: Portal to Lost]
Once during your turn (before you attack), you and your opponent may select 1 of your benched Pokemon, and put it, and all cards attached to it, in the Lost Zone. Then, search your Lost Zone for a Basic Pokemon, and put it on your Bench. This Power can’t be used if Giratina is affected by a Special Condition.

[Poke-Body: Distortion]
Whenever either player puts a Basic Pokemon on the Bench, put 1 damage counter on that Pokemon.

{P}{P}{C} Shattering Burst- 60
Flip 3 coins, if 1 is heads and 2 are tails, discard 1 card from your opponent’s hand. If 2 are heads, and 1 is tails, put one your opponent’s benched Pokemon and all cards attached to it to the Lost Zone. (Your opponent chooses and you do not take a Prize.)
If all 3 are heads, Knock Out the defending Pokemon and put it in the Lost Zone. (All other cards attached to it are put in the discard pile.)

Weakness: {D} x2
Resistance: {C} -20
Retreat: {C}{C}{C}

Celebi, Level 56, 70 HP {G}

[Poke-Power: Time Manipulation]

Once during your turn (before you attack) flip a coin. If heads, search your Lost Zone for 2 Basic energies, and attach them to your Pokemon in anyway you want. This Power can’t be used if Celebi is affected by a Special Condition.

{G}{C} Desperation Leaves – 40+
This attack does 50 plus 20 if there is any damage counters on Celebi.

Weakness: {R} +20
Retreat Cost:
I'm just curious- how is Fire Blast weak? It averages at 60 for 2. That's not as bad as Magikarp. Please answer.
Ok, time to start scoring.
Lordy Jones:
Following the Round Rules 3/5 pts
You were asked to make a Jhoto legendary, not a Kanto. Mewtwo is Kanto, not Jhoto.

Originality 7/10 pts
You just combined the 2 pixies from Legend Awakened into a more broken job, congrats.
Creativity 6/10 pts
Nothing special really. Great job, no weakness. Also, you discard energy, hmmm, sound like coloress Arceus. This wasn't a good display of your ability. I am being nice by giving you a 6.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 8/10 pts
The Legend card is overpowered. The Mewtwo can do too much damage too easily.

If you remain in this contest, I will expect more as it will only get more difficult. I am not impressed.
Total: 25/35


Following the Round Rules 5/5 pts
Rules were followed to perfection.

Originality 9/10 pts
Entei's attack reminds me of a beefed up version of Cursegar from Arceus.

Creativity 9/10 pts
Doing damage to the Bench and switching has been done before as has discarding cards for damage. It was like a reverse form of Banette PT.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 8/10 pts
Both cards are underpowered. That is really it.
Total: 31/35

I'll continue later, and remember, I am the mean judge.
Mesprit LEGEND 10 HP

PokeBody: Mind Phase.

While this card is in play, the user of this cards' bench takes + 20 damage from attacks, or any other affect causing damage.

Telekenisis {P}Place 3 damage counters on 3 of your benched pokemon.

Weakness: {P}X2
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost:

Celebi 90 HP {G}
Basic Pokemon

Pokebody: Nature's revenge - Whenever one of your benched pokemon takes damage, you may chose one of your opponents pokemon, and do twice the amount of damage to that pokemon.

Vineyard Wall {g}{g} Place 1 damage counter on each of your benched pokemon.

Weakness: {R} x2
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost:
iKyLeZ said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You followed the rules and there is definitely synergy, so good job there.

Originality: 9/10 pts
Despite the fact that Darkrai and Cresselia Legend is (or at least will be) a card actually being created, you did well here.

Creativity: 10/10 pts
I can see you gave a good effort. You certainly put a lot of time and effort making these cards.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 6/10 pts
Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND is a little overpowered. You gave it a Poke-Body, a Poke-Power, and two attacks. All LEGEND cards have no more than a Poke-Power/Poke-Body and an attack. You stuffed so much in that card that I doubt it would all fit. Celebi also is pretty messed up, doing possibly 100 damage for three or three different special conditions, or any other combo between. Either way, it does heavy damage and plenty of special conditions, and that is way too overowered for a basic.

Overall, 30/35.

FoolMeNever2 said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You followed the rules and the cards of have synergy.

Originality: 10/10 pts
Your cards are definitely original, and nothing like them has yet to have been seen in the TCG.

Creativity: 7/10 pts
Your wording is incredibly hazy, and you definitely did not put that much effort when creating them. There are so many grammatical errors it makes it difficult to read what the card is trying to accomplish. Plus, Desperation Leave's attack isn't even consistent with itself!

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 7/10 pts
"Shattering Burst" is a little overpowered. To be honest, anything with an auto-KO ability is a little broken, despite the fact you'd have to flip three heads to accomplish it. If you can consistently flip 2 heads, this thing does 60 to the active while literally destroying your opponent's bench.

Overall, 29/35.

Juliacoolo said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 3/5 pts
Although you followed the rules, the synergy between Mesprit and Celebi is actually little, seeing as it would be much smarter to play Celebi on its own. Mesprit is little more than self destructive.

Originality: 10/10 pts
Your cards may have a ton of flaws, but I will give you enough that you are indeed original.

Creativity: 3/10 pts
You certainly didn't put enough effort into your cards to figure out they were useless. Putting damage counters on a Pokemon doesn't count as damaging it, and thus, your cards are rendered totally useless, except maybe to help Gyarados MT or other cards who like damage.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 1/10 pts
Your cards are by far the most hideously underpowered I have ever and probably will ever see. You gave a me a self-destructive Pxie that hurts its own bench and allows Spread decks to ape on it, as well as KO it with little more than a bat drop. The disgusting part? It's a LEGEND. Celebi, although starting out nice with the Body, contributes little to the equation as with the two cards you gave me they put damage counters on your benched Pokemon, not actual damage. Your ignorance to the rules of the Trading Card Game was your ultimate downfall in this round.

Overall, 17/35.

sillykyle! said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules: 5/5 pts
You followed the rules and the cards have synergy.

Originality 7/10 pts
"Roar of Time" is basically the standard high-power "can't attack next turn" attack, and Suicune combines a flippy version of Gardevoir Lv.X's "Teleportation" Poke-Power with a spreading attack.

Creativity: 9/10 pts
Overall, your creativity is good this round, especially with the synergy. Suicune should have free retreat, though, to allow you to immediately swap in Dialga, and thus maintaining a perfect "Roar of Time" loop... at least until you flip tails, anyway.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise): 9/10 pts
Despite the fact that "Roar of Time" could have done a little more damage (Raikou/Suicune LEGEND pops out 150 at the cost of damaging itself), but otherwise your balance is spot-on.

Overall, 30/35.
PokeChamp said:
FoolMeNever2 said:
*insert spoiler here*
Creativity: 7/10 pts
Your wording is incredibly hazy, and you definitely did not put that much effort when creating them. There are so many grammatical errors it makes it difficult to read what the card is trying to accomplish. Plus, Desperation Leave's attack isn't even consistent with itself!


Yeah, that was totally my fault. >_<

I was constantly changing what Desperation Leaves did, and it seems I forgot to change a part of it.
imacharizard333 said:
I'm just curious- how is Fire Blast weak? It averages at 60 for 2. That's not as bad as Magikarp. Please answer.
It is like the one from MT, look at the scan.

Following the Round Rules 5/5 pts

Originality 8/10 pts
Dream Assault reminds me of Darkrai LvX's Body, and the Darkrai/Cressilia is already being made into a card.

Creativity 10/10 pts
You knocked it out of the park on this part, great job.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 5/10 pts
Really overpowered cards, even for Legend Pokemon. There was way too much damage stacking. Pretty much an autoloss for your opponent once it gets set up. It would topple the metagame. Be careful in this area.
Total: 28/35

Following the Round Rules 4/5 pts
They work together how? I don't see it.

Originality 7/10 pts
Nothing great, a lot of this stuff has been done before. The attack on the Dialga is like a recreation of the Dialga LvX from GE. Also, the Suicune has been done with both its attack and power, Gardy LvX ring a bell?

Creativity 4/10 pts
There is just too much to list. You didn't try, and it showed. These were so simple, you couldn't even find them in a basic pack. A filler set more likely, like those cards that we get from the Jap theme decks.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 5/10 pts
So underpowered, I wanted to cry.
Total: 20/35

Following the Round Rules 5/5 pts

Originality 10/10 pts

Creativity 9/10 pts
Sooo much of that has never been seen, and I like that. The only thing was that the Giratina Legend was like the LvX from the PT set.

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 9/10 pts
What is up with Desperation Leaf?
Total: 33/35

I'll finish up tonight.
Magikarp MT said:
{W}{W} Dragon Rage 60
Flip 2 coins. If either of them are tails, this attack does nothing.
Heatran LEGEND said:
{R}{R} Fire Blast 100-
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 100 damage minus 40 damage for each tails.
With Fire Blast, you will average on 1 tail, which is 60 damage. Magikarp on the other hand has a 75% chance of doing no damage at all. While Heatran might only do 20 sometimes, it can also do 100. An average damage output of 60 does not equal an average damage output of about 15.
imacharizard333 said:
Heatran LEGEND said:
{R}{R} Fire Blast 100-
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 100 damage minus 40 damage for each tails.
With Fire Blast, you will average on 1 tail, which is 60 damage. Magikarp on the other hand has a 75% chance of doing no damage at all. While Heatran might only do 20 sometimes, it can also do 100. An average damage output of 60 does not equal an average damage output of about 15.

Oh well. The point is that you gave a LEGEND an attack that can fail, and there is actually a good chance it won't be doing that much. It is underpowered, and I deducted a point from your score because of it.
Dialga LEGEND {M} 100hp

PokePower: Time Warp
Flip a coin. If heads, Take 2 damage counters off of any one pokemon. If tails, all of your pokemon take 10 damage. You can only use one Time Warp per turn.

Time Team {M}{C}{C} 40+
If you also have Celebi Legend in play, this attack does 40 plus an additional 40 damage.

W:{F} +20

Celebi LEGEND {G} 80hp

Pokepower: Change Time
You may switch your active pokemon with any of your benched pokemon. You can only only use Change Time once per turn.

Leaf Legend Blade{G}{G}{C} 70+
This attack does 70 damage plus an additional 10 damage for every other pokemon LEGEND in play.

W:{R} x2