Muddy's Card Spoiler Contest Round 1 is Up

cool kid master555 said:
*insert spoiler here*

Following the Round Rules 5/5 pts
From now on, if nobody made any mistakes here, I am just going to say "self-explanatory" here.

Originality 7/10 pts
A lot of your attacks are incredibly generic effects, and someone has already done Dialga LEGEND with a Celebi (LEGEND or not). You really didn't make any aspects of the cards jump out in this category.

Creativity 8/10 pts
Your creativity is lacking as well. You look like you just slapped on some attacks last minute, not truly caring if it came out right. The extra damage for a different Pokemon in play is about as creative and effective in the actual TCG as all those POP9 cards. :/

Over powered/ Under powered (HGSS Set Wise) 7/10 pts
Dialga's Power is little more than a built-in flippy potion, and on a Pokemon LEGEND that's not impressive at all. That and a maximum of 80 damage for three when it requires ANOTHER LEGEND makes it seem incredibly unimpressive. Celebi is at least somewhat playable, although the Poke-Power being little more than a built-in Switch bothers me.

Overall, 27/35.

Also, Muddy, if you want I can borrow this for some time until you're ready to take it back. Just let me know what direction you want this to go in and I'll make sure personally it goes in that direction.
Yeah, that would be great. I am super flustered with school.
Just take it in the direction you'd take any other contest, you always do a great job.
Muddy68 said:
Yeah, that would be great. I am super flustered with school.
Just take it in the direction you'd take any other contest, you always do a great job.

Alright, just please let me know when you're ready to take it back. For now, however, I'll run this baby as if it were my own. Would you mind terribly if I changed the scoring system a little?

Anyway, with Muddy's busy schedule, he wasn't able to judge. Some people would normally have higher scores, so for this round Muddy's judging doesn't count. The only thing that matters this round is my score.

Juliacoolo, whose cards were incredibly useless, had the lowest score. He will be eliminated this round, and he will not be competing in the next round. The rest of the competitors can take a small break for now. I need to make a few changes before we move on. I should get everything I need to get done concerning this contest in less than a week, a few days maybe if I'm lucky.

Anyway, on to business. Seeing as Muddy is incredibly busy at the moment, I am going to need a judge and a backup judge. The first person (who is qualified for the position; no random noobs, please) who wants the job can be a judge, and the second to sign up (again, please only post if you're qualified) will be the backup judge. Your job is too stick around until the main judge can't do his job anymore, and when that happens, you get to judge in his stead.

I am going to put this contest on a small break for now while looking for judges. The deadline is March 25th. If by then, there are no judges who want the position, I will resume to judge the competition entirely by myself.
imacharizard333 said:
I will be away from the 27th to the 3rd. Is this going to affect anything?

The deadline for getting a spare judge is the 25th. The actual next round of the contest, however, will have a separate deadline. It should be passed the third, so you should be okay. If you aren't, I'll make sure you get in that submission, so don't worry.