Finished Murder VI- The Quest Congrat to Porygon-X for finding the final killer: Hatman. Joeypals!! was hosti

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RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

I had asked to be a replacement earlier in the thread, can I just get an anwser.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

OoC: After Night 2, hopefully. Depends whether oyeah1988 is awake during that time (Sat-Mon).
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

OoC: *Claps for PMJ*

In: *Claps for Dustox* Your right! *Thinks* Although, you could just be throwing us off, so we don't get the real murderer: YOU!


Or not. I'd rather not get banned anyway. XD
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

PMJ, the only thing I can say is that I think you are glad that I invented the CoG :]

CoG clues are given to me during the night and if vague enough, are posted here.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

^ You can't take all the credit, though. (Actually, you can, but you have to recognize 42 chocolate for hosting that season :p)

Also OoC, are we at all on the right track with the riddles? For the green key, I am saying a computer program. It runs and runs, but cannot walk (though it can crawl). And fire does not use energy to promote biological processes (is unrelated to life).
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

@1, I can - I invented it :p Ask 42c.

@2 My keyboard is sealed.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

IN: "My guess is that Fire is the odd one out. Also, PMJ is right. I was one of the people who kept paying attention to the notes the murderer left, until towards the end of the game. I realized the CoG hints all pointed to PMJ. I think that it is very possible that the murderer is giving us false clues. They just seem very obvious. I will cast my vote later on today."
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

"I don't think I'll vote. I think waiting for the COG clue is exactly what we need to do." *Hopes for a good one*
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

"I'll do what porygon-X is doing and wait for a clue."
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

It's okay, we don't need your votes. My vote is still in place and will ensure we don't get a diceroll today.

But yeah, we should wait for the CoG clue before we have any serious discussion.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

"Killing innocent people is bad!"

OoC: I mean seriously.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

Murder employs an interesting theory. Unlike the US Justice System, everyone here is considered guilty until proven innocent. Yes, sadly, that includes myself.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

LOL it's funny how when someone accuses you of being the murder yet you know you're not. It's kinda hard to prove innocence :/
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

OoC: Exactly. The only way to prove innocence is to be killed, either during the day or during the night. For example, when Darkrai's nightmare was killed last season, we got undeniable proof that he was innocent. Because when it comes right down to it, only the ghosts can be trusted.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

OoC: Yup yup, so we should wait for that clue.

Also, wouldn't the murderer kill whoever is best on his trail?
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

OoC: I have no clue if we are inside or outside....

IC: "I think we need to wait a bit longer to gather more clues. We cant afford to help the real killer by killing our own on a random theory."
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

(TDL: Usually. Early game, there's a ridiculously low chance anyone will accuse the true murderer, and he can just spin that as early-game, baseless voting.

Later on, it'll be wiser to eliminate the smart players who the murderer knows could catch him.

Porygon-X: You really think I'm the murderer? Really? I'm completely innocent this time. Look at my play style last game and this game. They couldn't be more different. Did you see me telling you guys to completely ignore the murderer's clues last game, or to focus on the council clues? Of course not, because people would have done just that (eventually, since I'm not gonna kill myself), and I'd have been screwed. This game, I'm totally innocent, so now I can use my thinky-brain to get this game won within a few days... unless I die.

As I said before, killing me off would be an arguably stupider move by the murderer, because my council clues are bomb diggity. If people would actually pay attention to them, the murderer might not win again >:O)
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

PMJ just moved my heart with that speech XD!!!! And he was the murderer last game, why would Ice Espeon pick him to be the murderer this game?
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

The selection is completey random.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!

*Roserade gets up and is lost in a forest* Hello?
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