RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 2 ends 31st July 1 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!
(TDL: Usually. Early game, there's a ridiculously low chance anyone will accuse the true murderer, and he can just spin that as early-game, baseless voting.
Later on, it'll be wiser to eliminate the smart players who the murderer knows could catch him.
Porygon-X: You really think I'm the murderer? Really? I'm completely innocent this time. Look at my play style last game and this game. They couldn't be more different. Did you see me telling you guys to completely ignore the murderer's clues last game, or to focus on the council clues? Of course not, because people would have done just that (eventually, since I'm not gonna kill myself), and I'd have been screwed. This game, I'm totally innocent, so now I can use my thinky-brain to get this game won within a few days... unless I die.
As I said before, killing me off would be an arguably stupider move by the murderer, because my council clues are bomb diggity. If people would actually pay attention to them, the murderer might not win again >:O)