RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!
That is what I thought. 3 more days until the round ends and 4 until scores are up and safe people is announced followed by top 2 and winner later. Finally by bottom 2 and eliminated person.
I really like supense and who can blame me after watching bravo challenges.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!
Tauros, Kangaskhan, Machamp, and a little bit of Flareon. Probably not the most creative subject or sprite, but it's been a while since I've done a splice and I had fun making it.
I'm sorry, is it too late to sign up? I thought people were still entering; it seemed that way a couple pages ago, and I haven't seen any mention of a cut-off yet. I apologize if I've made an error.