Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Sorry bout that, no hostility intended, omahanime. :)

Vulpix Yolk said:
Can we have Brony bars instead of Phase Moltres?

I dont even know what phase moltres is (guess I came in too late).

The userbars are frankly too restrictive (its like a person cant be a Verified Seller and a Moderator at the same time for example). The bronybar would fit in the sig, if the 1-pic limit didn't make sigs equally restrictive...
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I sent a pony list. it's tourney legal.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I'm trying to make a Ponyta deck 8D;;
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Shinigami said:
I want to make a deck that deals with ponies. Who wants to help me? It doesn't necessarily have to be good, or Modified Legal. It just needs ponies.

I'll take PMs with ideas, starting....


So sending you a list, give me a minute, have to figure out what cards are like Ponies (asides the obvious ones). Also XieRH do you mean you don't know what WPM will do for Phase Moltres, or you just haven't heard of it?
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I made up a few PSP Backgrounds if you guys are interested? :)
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Vulpix Yolk said:
Also XieRH do you mean you don't know what WPM will do for Phase Moltres, or you just haven't heard of it?

I've heard the buzzword once or twice. Never heard what it was about, so I presume it's an old thing (from before I came here), and it's not even that much of a hot topic so I guess it's mostly underground speculation.

Vulpix Yolk said:
what cards are like Ponies

RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Don't forget Zebstrika. I'm including that in mine.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Luxray maybe? Then you can run Lux_____.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Hatman said:
Luxray maybe? Then you can run Lux_____.

Luxray is a kitty, not a pony. I'd run that for my Pet Shop Pals deck, if anything. Oh, yeah, early 90's children's toys FTW...
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

what about dragonair? ;)
if only he were purple.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I think that Dratini would fit Spike more

EDIT: Attached some of my FiM PSP Wallpapers I made :)


  • ApplejackPSP.bmp
    382.6 KB · Views: 19
  • FluttershyPSP.bmp
    382.6 KB · Views: 27
  • PinkiePiePSP.bmp
    382.6 KB · Views: 12
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

RULES OF BRONITUDE (I didn't make this. I do actually have a life, even if it doesn't seem like it at times)

# -1: Doctor Whooves traveled back to far in time.
#1: Feel free to talk about ponies.
#3: We are bronies.
#4: Bronies are friends.
#5: Bronies generally do not forget, but will always forgive.
#6: Bronies have the potential to be horrible, senseless, uncaring monsters... but aren't.
#7: Bronies always deliver.
#8: There are no real rules about posting (besides the ones already posted).
#9: There are no real rules about the Spoiler and NSFW buttons either, enjoy your ban.
#10: If you enjoy any rival sites, post links in /www/.
#11: Oatmeal is crazy. COMPLETELY. INSANE.
#12: Do NOT challenge Fluttershy to a staring contest!
#13: Steven Magnet is and always will be more fabulous than you. But you're beautiful too.
#14: Party hard!
#15: If it exists, there's pony of it
#16: Always add streamers.
#17: Do not read 'Cupcakes'
#18: Do NOT read 'Cupcakes'.
#19: If 'Cupcakes' has been read, do not post anything about 'Cupcakes'
#21: Even lurking in a pony thread makes you a Brony, welcome to the Herd.
#23: Never mind, from now on use the bold font.
#25: This rule comes before Rule 24 at all times.
#24: See? Told you!
#26: Just kidding, I posted Pinkie Pie.
#27: Just kidding again, Gilda roasted Pinkie Pie
#28: Stop feeding the parasprites! Fluttershy can feed the parasprites, though.
#29: A tuba is needed, and a banjo if you can find it.
#30: Joining the Conversion Bureau is optional.
#31: Shrug pictures are always appropriate.
#32: Her name is Derpy Hooves, not Ditzy Doo.
#33: Hitler is a respectable and cherished member of the community.
#33:.5 His reaction towards non-bronies is frowned upon, though.
#34: If it exists, there's a shipping thread about them.
#35: What did I say about that NSFW button?
#36: You can get through a religion thread without arguing.
#37: Convert or Consume! So says demon-possessed Pinkie Pie.
#38: For the sake of all ponies around you, do NOT attempt to make Rarity whine!
#39: Statler and Waldorf love Rarity, no matter what they say.
#39.5: You see that? Those tiny horses made a rule about us! dooooooohohoho
#40: This rule is as many as four tens. And that's ok.
#41: Needs to be 20% cooler, no exceptions.
#42: Pinkie Pie is free to break the 4th wall, and it is steadily loosing containment.
#43: Know the difference between a tree and a pony. It will save your life one day.
#44: The difference between a tree and a pony is that a tree is yellow with pink hair and is much cuter.
#45: The dogs wanted whining.
#46: When Fluttershy drops her balls, so do you. No exceptions.
#47: Star Trek is relevant to Pinkie Pie: You will get Pinkied. Resistance is futile.
#48: Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!
#49: Rainbow Dash is not a lesbian unless it aids the joke, story, or Shipping thread.
#50: Please don't post pony porn. Every time you do a Fluttertree gets chopped down.
#51: Only Pony Gaga knows when somepony has made de magicks!
#52: Winter wrap up, because tomorrow spring is here.
#53: The 80s will never die in Ponyville.
#54: Always have insulin nearby when watching ponies.
#54.5: Make sure you have sugar nearby as well.
#55: Luna is faking it; she's never alone. She's tricking you. It's a trap! Run, everypony!
#56: Princess Molestia enjoys watching you clop. Rainbow Dash too on prime numbered days.
#57: Celestia does so enjoy planning executions. Don't try and stop her or it'll be yours.
#58: Take a drink every time the show title drops.
#59: AEIOU
#59.5: You are laughing for real right now.
#60: The original video was about the moon. Therefore, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a realistic representation of Luna's 1000 year entrapment.
#61: Fluttershy sings better than you, so does Rarity.
#62: Pinkie pie sings louder than you, so does Sweetybelle.
#63: Somepony already made guy versions of the mane cast, please make more.
#64: Butterscotch has made you consider being a colt cuddler no exceptions.
#65: Applejack is always relevant.
#66: Twilight has already read about it in a book.
#67: No matter how hard the CMC try, they won't get their cutie marks.
#68: All rules relating to tyrant Celestia are disputed.
#69: Scootabuse is NOT permited.
#70: Derpy is the muffin.
#71: Derpy speaks in a Cockney accent.
#73: The parasprites ate rule 72. Didn't I tell you this would happen?
#74: Derpy has already emptied your fridge, and may have been the eater of 72 also.
#75: Derpy is the best mom this side of Equestria
#Wait: What the heck comes after Toot?
#APPLES: Why can't I hold all these rules?
#OK Guys: No more rules that don't involve numbers.
#77: if they are ponies, there is filly artwork of them. no exceptions.
#78: The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need to follow these silly words.
#79: No matter how hard you try you'll never be as cool as Knight Spike. But you can get close.
#80: Any rule that is a non traditional number can be placed anywhere in the list,
#SEE?: Told you!
#81: You gotta shareeeee, you gotta careeeeeeee!
#82: The writer for rule 81 was trapped in the moon for 1000 years.
#83: The writer for rule 82 was given the elements of harmony.
#84: Rules 82 and 83 are nonexistant. They were never there.
#85: Everypony ships lyraXbonbon
#86: tis rule isnt gramaticly correck for reson unonw
#87: It's always party time. No exceptions.
#88: Why not try a holiday in Appleloosa this year?
#89: See the lovely Apple Orchards.
#90: The Horse drawn Horse drawn carriages.
#91: And many interesting furry animals.
#92: Including the majestik buffalo.
#93: A buffalo bit my sister once.
#94: No really she was carving her initials into the Buffalo.
#95: Apple pie solves all problems with buffalo. Try it.
#96: We're sorry for the fault in rules 88-95, those responsible have been trampled by Rabbits.
#97: Pinkie! careful with that pie!
#98: We now verify the existence of rules 1-97 by giving a brohoof.
#99: Everypony breaks rules 17-20 eventually.
#99.5: I haven't broken rules 17-20
#100: To the writer of rule 99.5, You will, you will.
#101: Everyponypony will take the rules as seriously as they see fit.
#102: This rule exists. Seriously, it does. It's right there.
#103: The Grand Galloping Gala is a huge deal.
#104: Most rules are not relevant. Then there are rules that are.
#105: Pinkie Pie sense will help you realize the difference.
#106 I refuse to use this "colon" of which you speak.:
#107: OmygoshOmygoshOmygoshOmygoshOmygosh!
#109: Philemina is a jerk.
#110: Angel bunny is just a tough lover.
#111: Celestia was here.
#111.5: Celestia gets all gets.
#112: Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.
#112.5: FOREVER!!!!!
#113: Taking baths with a toothless Aligator is good for the health.
#114: Gummy is the best pet ever. No exceptions!
#114.5: Angel is offended.
#115: We typed all of this with our hooves.
#116: What are you talking about? I used my unicorn magic.
#117: axsd asd i asd a asdjklasdweu89sd./fd (this was typed with hooves).
#118: I told you to stop arguing with me!
#119: Fluttershy's sorry for all the arguing.
#120: Pinkie's pinkie sense is always right, Never doubt it
#121: The best way to fight your fears is to laugh at them.
#122: Everypony gets down on Friday for more ponies, cus on that day I see my frens!
#123: Pinkie is always watching.
#124: The Ponytariat is the backbone of Equestria.
#125: Those leaves of blue are not a joke.
#126: She's not an evil enchantress! She's an alchemist. And she didn't have to lose an arm and a leg to do it.
#127: You will DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW. No exceptions!
#128: Applebloom just gave you diabeetus. Best death ever.
#129: We do not talk about G3
#130.5: There was a G3?
#131: You will love Luna unrequitedly. You will make her feel better. It doesn't matter that she doesn't exist after episode 2, you love her anyway.
#132: TL;DR, be nice to Luna.
#133: Do not overwork Applejack or ponies will be catapulted onto your balcony.
#134: Balconies can withold the weight of a tyrant.
#135: Tyrants weigh more then they look, surprisingly
#136: Fluttershy is everypony's waifu. Don't hog her to yourself.
#137: You wish you lived in Equestria. Admit it.
#138: For the last time! Scootaloo is not Rainbow Dash's sister!
#138.5: But a man can dream, can't he?
#139: You will not fight back when Lauren Faust takes over the world. It's inevitable.
#139.5: You will instead be one of her many folowers.
#140: A pony is 25 pounds.
#141: Doctor Whooves is more than one kind of pony. He regenerates, duh!
#142: The Sonic Rainboom looks suspiciously like the Orbital Friendship Beam.
#143: There is no such thing as too much pony.
#144: Ponies are not vegetarians. It's a trap.
#145: Doctor Whooves can time travel back to rule 1.
#146: A Spider Man derail does not necessitate the death of a thread.
#147: Any Raider's are to be treated with Love and Kindness, just like all other bronies.
#148: There was a raid?
#149: The writing of these rules was fueled by Rainbow Dash Energy Drink and peanut butter sandwiches.
#150: Yes, Pinkie was an amish pony. This is exactly how Equestria was made.
#150.5: Maybe on the way there i can tell you the story of how I got my cutie mark!
#151: Angry Twilight evolves into rapidash.
#152: Destiny is always a rock.
#153: It's not "Pony Twitter", it's "Rainbowdash Network". And they're not "tweets", they're "dashes". Get it right.
#154: A rock farm totally makes sense.
#155: No talking on the Rock Farm!
#156: No smiling on the Rock Farm!
#157: But Pinkie wants to smile!
#158: When presented with rule 157, refer to rule 150.
#159: And thats how Equestria was made.
#160: And they all lived happily (debatable) ever after. The end. We done guys?
#161: Done? HA!
#162: I knew it! Celestia will never be done with us.
#163: The previous rule sounded kinky, and was edited.
#164: I now completely honor Celestia. No I am not hypnotized; my eyes are naturally swirly.
#1000: The Mare in the Moon is just an old pony's tale.
#210: All rules will remain in place until revision after Season 2.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

ShayminTails said:
I think that Dratini would fit Spike more

EDIT: Attached some of my FiM PSP Wallpapers I made :)

The fluttershy one has white artefacts around the pony's border.

Shinigami said:
Luxray is a kitty, not a pony.

Well, Ponyta, Blitzle and Keldeo are the only remotely pony-like designs in all pokemon.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

XieRH said:
The fluttershy one has white artefacts around the pony's border.

I apologize on that one, I'm not that good with GIMP, so some may turn out sloppy
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Here's a Fluttershy PSP background (I actually made this one):


I don't love the way the text turned out but oh well.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Well, time to break rule #19


by the way Zenith...

Your number's up next.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans


The below video is related in a big way. Couldn't look at it the same way after learning about Cupcakes, even though I didn't read it, I did get a major run-down of it. I'd stop and read it now but I gotta go to league in a bit.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

@Zenith: Thanks for the wallpaper, you got any for Pinkie Pie or Applejack? :)
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Ponies I can think of:


Additional Equestria folks:


That's all I got for now. I'm sure you can see the connections, I just can't think of any more right now.