RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans
I actually watched about 15 episodes to, as you just mentioned, see what all the praise was about. I... Didn't like it. I honestly tried to see how people just fell in love with the show. I am a tad annoyed with the show as a whole however, because my thirteen year old brother is a huge brony, and all he talks about is ponies. He even has a shirt that says "Have a derpy day" on it and then a nice big derp-hooves in the middle. After a week of him wearing the shirt, I was so fed up with all the pony business though. I won't say that the show is horrible (I do gind it rather sub-par though, there's no plot to it, and this is something everyone raves about), though the fans can be pretty annoying (this isn't including my brother, though he is.. Yeah...). Not to say that any of you here are, but I honestly want to know, do you watch the show to be "different and cool", or for another reason?
I will now leave. Because I don't want to be beaten mercilessly. I tried to be as nice as possible..