Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Eww. Future Twilight is ugly beyond belief.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Aww man, I was hoping on cybernetic implants
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Oh Twilight, you and your antics. My belief that Equestria has Tuesday Mornings has been confirmed. This is going to be a great episode, I bet you that the warning is to not time travel or to not do something she does after that scene because that event took place.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Extended "Hurricane Fluttershy" synopsis.

“Fluttershy struggles to overcome her fear of public humiliation so she can help Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi create a tornado powerful enough to lift the water required for rainy season in the cloud-producing city of Cloudsdale."

This will be the best episode of the season. Calling it right now.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Dear Princess Celestia:
Today my friends and I went into mcdonalds and bought a totally 34 pony toys. We are on our way to a pokemon tournament. Why don't I have a girlfriend again? Your pal
-Vulpix Yolk.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Vulpix Yolk said:
Dear Princess Celestia:
Today my friends and I went into mcdonalds and bought a totally 34 pony toys. We are on our way to a pokemon tournament. Why don't I have a girlfriend again? Your pal
-Vulpix Yolk.
I went to McDonald's for lunch today...THEY WEREN'T SELLING THE TOYS YET.

My day was ruined.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I don't have a McDonalds anywhere near me, and I can only walk.

herp derp

@Rainbow Dash: ...that's really a mean thing to say.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

What do you need 34 pony toys for?

I took 3 of each (emphasis on took, because I work there). Plan on repeating every week.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I've never felt the need to buy a toy. That's a little too hard core for me.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I haven't been to McDonald's in a while. I don't know if I'd want to go there just for the pony toys.

If I did, I'd hope and pray for a Rainbow Dash toy.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Happy Ponyday everyone!

Remember, (like last week) episodes now have a 3-hour later time slot.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

ISB said:
Happy Ponyday everyone!

Remember, (like last week) episodes now have a 3-hour later time slot.

I've been meaning to ask why the time schedule has suddenly been changed again. Don't get me wrong, the later timing is a little more convenient. However, I was just getting used to watching the show at 9:00AM sharp (Central Time). Pushing it later really offsets my Saturday TV viewing schedule. :(
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I believe it has to do with Transformers Rescue Bots and Wonderbats Super Show taking the old slots. episode synopsis. This one's called "MMMystery on the Friendship Express".

Title: MMMystery on the Friendship Express
Air Date: April 7, 2012
Summary: A cake Pinkie Pie is guarding for a contest is ruined on the way to Canterlot and an investigation begins.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

ISB said:
I believe it has to do with Transformers Rescue Bots and Wonderbats Super Show taking the old slots. episode synopsis. This one's called "MMMystery on the Friendship Express".

Title: MMMystery on the Friendship Express
Air Date: April 7, 2012
Summary: A cake Pinkie Pie is guarding for a contest is ruined on the way to Canterlot and an investigation begins.

Transformers is understandable, but the other show....meh... I guess I can't make an argument against it though, since The Hub is still a channel geared towards kids and usually newer shows get priority over older ones on such channels.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

fantastic episode. my new favorite episode this season!

>inb4 Rainbow Dash hates it
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I didn't really care for it. Twilight "trolling" herself was funny somewhat.

RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Pinkie Pie is best fortune teller.

That is all.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

I liked it! After it gets to a certain point, however, you begin to realize what's going on, but that doesn't stop it from being entertaining. I like how Spike screws himself over saying that it's not his problem, but his future self. Pinkie was also funny with the eye-patch/ball emergency thing.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

Ah, ha! Yeah, this episode could've been a little better (such as when Twilight actually made it to Tuesday to find out that nothing's happened, just that her tendency to worry got the better of her and thus resulted in personal injury. She could've saved herself that headache by not going back in time to tell herself to stop worrying by the end of the episode, but of course, there wouldn't have been any setup for the plot because none of the stuff that happened to her because she went back in time would have happened period). Funniest part of the episode to me, though, was the last part where Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike were skulking around the Cantorlot Archives when the gaurds would've probably let them in anyways, given Twilight is Celestia's student to begin with.
RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans

ISB said:
Pinkie Pie is best fortune teller.

That is all.

gypsy magic.


also, we masses of canon material to play with.

Hydroelectric dams (5:09), las pegasi and baltimare, spike still loves rarity and ice cream, time travel is possible, WAR!. of the epic pony variety.

No one cares if you sneak into the archives late at night. Pinkie does have gypsy magic as well as stores of random items all around the world, possibly through 4th wall manipulation, twilight is hurt easily and obsesses over everything.

oh and cerebus/Tartarus
( )

I think that's everything