RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans
Well, it's not because she's my favorite pony. She is the Element of Generosity, so I thought to myself, "How can I put that into card form?" So now Rarity is all about giving, to both the player and the opponent. Is a full heal so you can take an extra Prize worth giving your opponent tons of cards? I dunno...
Rarity wasn't the only card I did that for. Pinkie Pie is pretty obvious, Twilight Sparkle relies on her friends to be useful, Fluttershy is all about mending wounds, Celestia's a troll, etc...
Honestly, Applejack has grown on me. I liked writing in their accents on their cards. You basically have to read it in their voices which is what I was going for.