I love the Absol Evo. My brother didn't like it very much, though, for some reason. He said it wasn't clear. He wanted to see the overall view, not just the side view. It looks very 2-D....
Shakir, I said PIKACHU not Raichu. I'll just take them like they are...
Also can you make me a Plusle and Minun evo
Plusle evovles into a Pokemon with a multiplication sign on it's cheeks. And a multiplication sign on it's tail
Minun evovles into a Pokemon with a division sign on it's cheeks. And a divison sign on it's tail. Thanks !
some new fakemons-based on goats. Two complete lines(one male line and the other female line). Kindda like the nido-beasts.
the first stage evolutions-
the second stage evolutions-