Pokemon names for 4th gen;are you happy?

do you like them

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oooo- this is tough, I'm gonna have to go with okay...

I've pretty much become in love with the d/p series anime, so I'm getting used to the jap names. As far as the english names... I only know 4- the 3 starters, manaphy, and of course Lucario.... I think that naetle is a weird name for people to go around saying, so the new name is good. I think they should have made it Poochama or Pochama, easy to remember and they could of kept the old great voice that is in the d/p Japanese anime. I dont want to carry on about voices though, I'd go ranting for days if I could about that...
No, and no! They are ugly names, isn't people coming up with new "nice" names? HOw do you think the names will turn out in the 5th?
There okay I just have to get used to them. Sceptile used to be the wierdest name to me, but now its not at all.
But the old one, Boob urn, is lame!

I think they are okay, now that I think about it (I wish I could change my vote).  In my opinion, the names of the three previous generations are better!  I mean, what kind of name is Piplup?
Lickylicky is stupid and bidoof sounds really silly. Apart from that, there all ok.
As usual, some of the names show that the "namers" have some..."unique" creativity.
Well I don't like them but with the tome we would get used to them and won't matter any more
Señor Noobnerd said:
As usual, some of the names show that the "namers" have some..."unique" creativity.

WTF? Unique? Some of these names look like they've been found out of a trash can - no thought or creativity put into it at all!