Need a Good Deck for Austrian Nationals.

If Mewtwo is using X-Ball, your opponent can drop Deoxys, attach for turn, and Colress Machine to it and KO your Mewtwo. You need DCE and Energy Switch to be able to OHKO back. I don't think this means Mewtwo will disappear, though. It is still a good card, and if it doesn't have any energy attached to it, Deoxys 3HKO's it, so it's not a starting liability. Mewtwo players will just have to be super careful if they see Plasma anything.
Also, due to the prevalence of PlasmaBox, people are sure to start playing Enhanced Hammer, which is a huge thorn in Mewtwo's side. Also, with things like Thundo and Lando attacking for 1 energy, Darkrai resisting, and Klinklang being immune, Mewtwo's just not that strong anymore.
Mewtwo can pretty much handle Deoxys the same way it handles other Mewtwo's (Laser is used all the time anyhow), so I'm not convinced that it will be a one-sided matchup that way. Mewtwo's one of those cards that just won't go away no matter what comes into the format, it will always be strong enough to cope. Enhanced Hammer is annoying though, but I doubt it will be insurmountable.