I'm in need of some help with the card game! I hope so done can help me. So a few months back my girlfriend and I got back Into the card game. I bought my girlfriend the plasma freeze Theme deck who's main Pokemon in Glacion. But the Pokemon she usually always beats me with is a Vanelluxe with an attack called Chillmax that costs one water energy and the move does 60 damage times the number of heads for each energy attached to the card. On top of that the Glacion's ability allows the player to have no retreat cost on any Pokemon while that card is in play. So the thing is I need to try and find a way to beat her without using a theme deck because I'm interested in building a well rounded deck on my own. The deck I have running right now is a Water/fighting deck with Wallrien and Golem as my two main Pokemon. But I can get some pointers or if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!