Neglected Lines in groups?

well look at shaymin that card is being used alot in ZPS decks and vileplume for trainer lock.majority are just the common types fire water electric and psychic are the big hitters.grass has some cards but nothing worth the deck use really.
Lol I wish Grass Pokemon got some love too.

I remember when Leafeon LV.X/Sceptile was good back in the old days. Brilliant cards. Then they had to make stupid Infernape 4 LV.X and everything went poof. Grass Pokemon really do get a bad rap. Virizion is alright, but only in Six Corners, and has its own weaknesses, but other than this, where are the other Grass-types!? Don't say Vileplume...that annoying tulip doesn't count.
Glaceon is a neglected eeveelution because it wasn't printed in CoL nor Undaunted, while all the other eeveelutions were.
@ Serpeior:I remember back in my good old playing days when Grass was my second and third best decks. The first took advantage of Base Venusaur and Wild Growth Meganium powers, my only regret now being that I hadn't taken advantage of the Jungle Exeggcutor's ability. The other Grass deck was based entirely on Erika's Pokemon.The top was my Rain Dance/Torrent Deck (relying on Blastoise and the Torrent Feraligatr if I needed a really big hit). That was long before all the RBBP (Really Big Basic Pokemon) that are around now, like Reshiram or the former SP's.

@Glaceon: I noticed that Glaceon was missed in the HGSS series too, and I didn't understand why either.

The NV Levanny would help Grass decks alot, removing their weakness to Fire. I suppose the problem is though that you have to get Sewaddle (and Swadloon) up to that level first. I know it's yet a legendary solution, but I think that power would have been neat to have on Shaymin. Though to be fair Tropius could get the same thing I suppose (bonus if was a Pokemon Prime or ex). Of course the final solution to this (it'd be a while though, as in if/when we had a gen six) would be a fire/grass type. It could be classified as a Solar Pokemon (not sure if we already have one or not but we have quite a few duplicates like Sandshrew and Pikachu both being Mouse Pokemon) that could remove all Fire Weakness from Grass Pokemon in play.
Glaceon. Loved that card in my deck with the DP format. We need to stop bringing back the same good cards. I loved Gyarados SF because there hasn't been too many fantastic Gyarados cards in the past. I loved how Manectric ex DX actually put the spotlight on a Pokemon overlooked rather often. I wish we could do that with Espeon. /: If it weren't for Reshiram, I'd be playing Serperior. Gotta love that Ability.
I'm hopeful that Venasaur from Dark Rush will be used as much as the Nidoqueen from whatever the set was (HP?). If anything, Venasaur will be the card that revives Grass types. However, there aren't any Grass types that aren't major attackers. Virizion is only used in 6 Corners, and Yanmega kinda died.

You know what Grass type I would really enjoy seeing? Breloom.
Venusaur isn't going to revive grass types as a deck at all. Its a Sunflora that works for all types, not just grass...if anything, that would hurt grass types as a deck by making their Pokemon searching advantage a bit smaller.Personally, I don't think Venusaur will see much play because decks just don't have the bench room to fit it.
About Uri Geller, who cares about him he is growing older everyday, after he dies Another mini set should be released called The Return/Revange of Kadabra, The Fall of Geller, or something like that. There would be a supporter called Uri Geller and it will say- "Move all Kadabra in play to the Lost Zone. Then file a law suit against your opponent, and flip 2 coins. If both are heads, after the battle your opponent must give you their entire Pokemon card collection. If both are tails, after the battle you must give your opponent your entire Pokemon card collection, and move all the self dignity you have left (If any) to the lost zone."

Also Cloyster needs to get a playable card soon.
Kind of on topic here:

Has anyone noticed that the last two Shaymins that have been out (Unleashed and the ex in Next Destinies) have been the Sky forme (Skymin :D )? Why is that? Why haven't we seen any Land Formes since Platinum? Even though they are technically the same Pokemon I think the Land Shaymin kind of falls under the neglected category.
Shaymin was never really that popular IMO (which sucks because I LOVE Shaymin) and once Skymin came along, it was like further reason to shun it because Skymin's tougher and angrier which appeals more to little boys I think.
I'm pretty sure that a Skymin could easily be made that doesn't look angry. I can see tougher though. In fact I don't think the Platinum Skymin really looks angry.

Technically though, I'm not sure Pokemon is meant to appeal just to boys. (Even if it was, is something that is tough and angry something that society really wants little boys to find appealing?). At least theoretically Pokemon can appeal to anyone of any age and gender.
From what I've seen of merchanise, etc., Pokémon seems to be a lot more aimed towards boys now than it used to be. I remember back in ye olden days, there was a lot more girl oriented Pokémon merchandise, clothing and toys and accessories, stuff focused on softer, cuter pokémon (Pikachu, Clefairy, etc). You don't really see much of any of that anymore.

To be a bit more on topic.... There's one more East Sea Shellos card printed than there is for the West Sea Shellos! West Sea never saw a Majestic Dawn printing.

I would really love to see more Shellos love in the TCG. >_>