Have you considered putting them in National Pokedex order rather than alphabetical?
Thing with Generations and Evolutions though, is that Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Squirtle and Wartortle didn't get cards in either set, nor did they get any that entire Generation.I love the new layout for showcasing the neglected Pokèmon @Purrloin
Have you considered putting them in National Pokedex order rather than alphabetical?
With the fossil Pokemon, it makes me think that the XY era had at least one other set planned that they cancelled when I when I think of them.
Fates Collide brought back the 5 Gen I fossil Pokemon and then Steam Siege brought back another 4, half of Gen III and IV respectively
There were 8 left includingredients 2 halves of two gens and suddenly just stopped.
Similarly, Cobalion and Virizion each got a card but Terrakion didn't and the BREAK era brought back only 2 of the 3 Gen IV starters.
I can't help but think "Evolutions" was a waste of a set since tcg needs all the sets it can get to avoid neglecting the growing roster with every Generations and we already got a Gen I tribute set in "Generations". XY12 could have been so much more.
Plus SM 2 came out with a Pokémon that hasn't been in a set since Gen 4.From how SM has been going so far, I'm pretty optimistic though. Not least of all because GXs require all forms (No more 26 Charizards per charmander)
What about Cranidos and Rampardos? They also haven't been in a set since Gen 4.I'm banking on Sunken, Sunflower and Chimecho. There is literally no reason for them to be neglected as much as they are, even less so than Castform.
I have a feeling Basculin might be very soon too since SM has already printed a Sandile and Liligant
Maybe they went for the more popular options instead of looking at Trios/Duos. Or perhaps it's just easier to make EX's for the most popular Pokémon in a Trio/Duo.The odd things for me is Zapdos never got a proper EX and Full Art EX card, same with Moltres and in Generations, Moltres was excluded from getting a Full Art, but it got a set promo. Suicune and Entei never got a EX but I feel the biggest offenders here are Regice and Regirock EX. They seem to have a habit of not completing trios. I still want a Mega latias card but I don't want it if they are going to half do it. Looking forward to what they do with Mega Evolution in Sun and Moon.
I know these Pokemon aren't neglected but I would have loved for Zapdos and Moltres to have proper EX cards but I'm waiting for the GX.
Yeah, they definitely have a habit of not completing a trio. It's really annoying.The odd things for me is Zapdos never got a proper EX and Full Art EX card, same with Moltres and in Generations, Moltres was excluded from getting a Full Art, but it got a set promo. Suicune and Entei never got a EX but I feel the biggest offenders here are Regice and Regirock EX. They seem to have a habit of not completing trios. I still want a Mega latias card but I don't want it if they are going to half do it. Looking forward to what they do with Mega Evolution in Sun and Moon.
I know these Pokemon aren't neglected but I would have loved for Zapdos and Moltres to have proper EX cards but I'm waiting for the GX.
You aren't the only one. I've longed for Sawsbuck in my sig for a while now.I think I'm the only one that wants a triumphant return from Sawsbuck. It's been 6 years since it's last print and all of it's season forms have not been represented in the TCG(as far as I know). Not to mention the 2 times it WAS printed, the card was completely lackluster and Sawsbuck demands more respect, they could give it an epic card and the variations of it's forms could provide some incredible artwork.
But hey, that's just me...
Wasn't Kingler in Phantom Forces and Generations? I know Krabby was in Generations but I can't seem to find Kingler.It might not be on the list but I really feel that Kingler is a neglected Pokemon. From what I can tell, it's the first generation Pokemon with the least prints - there has only been 7 Kingler cards in the history of the game!