Discussion Neglected Pokémon in the TCG

So I made a pretty significant update to my Google spreadsheet, adding a rough counter for each Pokemon's cards and a breakdown of each card they received per TCG generation. Right click each lettered column and use Google's sorting options to add to the fun!

(These counts are slightly arbitrary in some places based on my own database system, which has every English set and then fills in Japanese cards only if the artwork is unique. So stuff like the WOTC-era rare/holo double prints are counted twice, cards reprinted in Base 2/Legendary Collection are counted extra times, and other things like that, skewing numbers in some places. I also included cards that were never actually physically released, such as the Emolga and Druddigon BW-P promos that got canceled, because at least the intent to use these Pokemon is known.)
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*insert terrible puns about Cryogonal being thawed out of storage after 6 years*

We are now at 708/809 Pokemon printed in the SM era.
Froslass is back in Sky Legend / Unified Minds after her last appearance was in Generations's Radiant Collection subset in 2016.

As of this writing, 711/809 Pokemon have been printed during Gen 7 (712 if you include Chespin, who was a Japanese-only promo unlikely to be translated).

If the next rotation if Ultra Prism-on, there will be known cards of 600 different Pokemon in it.
Froslass is back in Sky Legend / Unified Minds after her last appearance was in Generations's Radiant Collection subset in 2016.

As of this writing, 711/809 Pokemon have been printed during Gen 7 (712 if you include Chespin, who was a Japanese-only promo unlikely to be translated).

If the next rotation if Ultra Prism-on, there will be known cards of 600 different Pokemon in it.
Surprised that only 111 mon get cut, since it's 5 sets that get axed.
After Sky Legends was fully revealed, it's actually 713 Pokemon (not including Chespin) printed in Gen 7, and 609 in the Ultra Prism-on rotation now.

I also just finished an update to the Google Doc researching the moves and abilities from the video games. Unsurprisingly, video game moves and abilities have a lot more entries in the "neglected" category than the Pokemon species themselves do. Not even all 165 moves from Gen 1 have appeared on a Pokemon card yet.
Unsurprisingly, video game moves and abilities have a lot more entries in the "neglected" category than the Pokemon species themselves do. Not even all 165 moves from Gen 1 have appeared on a Pokemon card yet.
Same with the anime.
Terrakion is in Miracle Twins (and presumably Unified Minds), making its first appearance in the TCG since Legendary Treasures in 2013.

So far, the following Pokemon are making their Gen 7 debuts in Unified Minds:
-Mega Sableye (TCG debut in general)
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Pokémon that haven't been in a single Set in this Generation (Excluding Promos):

Kanto: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
Johto: Sentret, Furret, Pichu, Igglybuff, Bellossom, Aipom, Sunkern, Sunflora, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby
Hoenn: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Azurill, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, Wynaut, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Relicanth
Sinnoh: Kricketot, Kricketune, Budew, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Ambipom, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke, Gallade
Unova: Snivy, Servine, Serpiror, Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Woobat, Swoobat, Drilbur, Excadrill, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Throh, Basculin, Maractus, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Archen, Archeops, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Ducklett, Swanna, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Foongus, Amoonguss, Frillish, Jellicent, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, Elgyem, Beheeyem, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Rufflet, Braviary
Kalos: Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught, Swirlix, Slurpuff


Skyridge: Kadabra

Diamond and Pearl:

Diamond & Pearl: Azurill, Wynaut, Bonsly, Mantyke
Mysterious Treasures: Abra
Stormfront: Budew


Supreme Victors: Chingling

HeartGold & SoulSilver:

HeartGold & SoulSilver: Pichu, Igglybuff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Smoochum
Triumphant: Elekid

Call of Legends:

Call of Legends: Magby, Mime Jr.

Black & White:

Emerging Powers: Sawsbuck
Next Destinies: Basculin
Boundaries Crossed: Tepig, Pignite
Plasma Blast: Lileep, Cradily, Throh, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Archen, Archeops


XY: Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr
Flashfire: Sentret, Furret, Maractus
Furious Fists: Minefoo, Mienshao
Phantom Forces: Finneon, Lumineon, Frillish, Jellicent
Primal Clash: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Drillbut, Excadrill
Double Crisis: Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
Ancient Origins: Bellossom, Relicanth


BREAKthrough: Teddiursa, Ursaring, Gallade, Woobat, Swoobat, Elgyem, Beheeyem, Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught
BREAKpoint: Kricketot, Kricketune, Emboar, Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Ducklett, Swanna
Generations: Swirlix, Slurpuff
Fates Collide: Alakazam, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Snivy, Servine, Surperior, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Deerling
Steam Siege: Aipom, Anorith, Armaldo, Ambipom, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Foongus, Amoonguss, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, Rufflet, Braviary
Sinnoh: Kricketot, Kricketune, Budew, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Ambipom, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke, Gallade

Forever mad that my boy didn't get in a Tag Team with Gardevoir, I know it's predictable but C'MON.

I still haven't forgiven them for putting a REGULAR Gardevoir with the shiny one in Generations instead of a Gallade :(
Forever mad that my boy didn't get in a Tag Team with Gardevoir, I know it's predictable but C'MON.

I still haven't forgiven them for putting a REGULAR Gardevoir with the shiny one in Generations instead of a Gallade :(
Yeah, I'm surprised it didn't get a card either. I don't understand why they neglect some branching evolutions, as Bellossom has the same problem.
With Miracle Twins fully revealed, the following Pokemon will be getting their first print in the Gen 7 era in Unified Minds (tentatively):

-Mega Sableye (TCG debut in general)

There is also a new Igglybuff SM-P Promo, but since promos are kind of weird and can just pop up whenever in English I'm putting it into the same limbo as the SM-P Chespin (although I do think that we'll get the Igglybuff in English, unlike the Chespin). After August, there will be 640 Pokemon in the Ultra Prism-on rotation. So far, 733 out of 808 Pokemon have been printed during the SM era (including both Igglybuff and Chespin).
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Second update:

Pokémon that haven't been in a single Set in this Generation (Excluding Promos):

Kanto: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon
Johto: Sentret, Furret, Pichu, Igglybuff, Bellossom, Aipom, Sunkern, Sunflora, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby
Hoenn: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Azurill, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
Sinnoh: Kricketot, Kricketune, Budew, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Ambipom, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Mantyke, Gallade
Unova: Snivy, Servine, Serpiror, Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Woobat, Swoobat, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Throh, Maractus, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Ducklett, Swanna, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Frillish, Jellicent, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Rufflet, Braviary
Kalos: Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught, Swirlix, Slurpuff


Skyridge: Kadabra

Diamond and Pearl:

Diamond & Pearl: Azurill, Bonsly, Mantyke
Mysterious Treasures: Abra
Stormfront: Budew


Supreme Victors: Chingling

HeartGold & SoulSilver:

HeartGold & SoulSilver: Pichu, Igglybuff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Smoochum
Triumphant: Elekid

Call of Legends:

Call of Legends: Magby, Mime Jr.

Black & White:

Emerging Powers: Sawsbuck
Boundaries Crossed: Tepig, Pignite
Plasma Blast: Lileep, Cradily, Throh


XY: Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr
Flashfire: Sentret, Furret, Maractus
Furious Fists: Minefoo, Mienshao
Phantom Forces: Finneon, Lumineon, Frillish, Jellicent
Primal Clash: Zigzagoon, Linoone, Drillbut, Excadrill
Double Crisis: Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
Ancient Origins: Bellossom


BREAKthrough: Teddiursa, Ursaring, Gallade, Woobat, Swoobat, Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught
BREAKpoint: Kricketot, Kricketune, Emboar, Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Ducklett, Swanna
Generations: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Swirlix, Slurpuff
Fates Collide: Alakazam, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Snivy, Servine, Surperior, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Deerling
Steam Siege: Aipom, Anorith, Armaldo, Ambipom, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, Rufflet, Braviary

Personally, I'm surprised that Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Gallade, Bellossom and the Chespin line haven't made it yet. Though glad to see that the TCG is finally picking up the slack with the long-neglected 5th Generation.
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If we exclude Promos then Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon haven't appeared in a Gen 7 set yet either.