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Neo Miasma Sun - HGSS-on [Leafeon, Espeon Prime, Roserade and Houndoom Prime]

RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

You don't need Hypno. With Roserade, Leafeon will hit for at least 100. With Houndoom Prime + heads, that will bump it up to 150. If you want it to be safe, be my guest.

I'm pretty sure a Pokemon can be confused and asleep at the same time (maybe I'm wrong).
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

I would run 3 - 3 - 1 Leafeon LV. X. When your Leafeon dies, you want to be able to attach an energy to it and to Roserade as well, and it has more HP. I'd experiment with Rescue Energy (It's the energy cost of Leafeon's attack), and go with 4 Rainbow Energy and several of the other two types of Energy required for Roserade's Pokepower. A 1 - 1 Espeon MD could be a good idea, or 1 - 1 Umbreon MD (Or a 1 - 1/1 Espeon/Umbreon MD) as well, for more HP, free retreat, no weakness, etc. Also, remove the Togekiss line for 4 Spiritomb (Reduce trainer lines for supporters) or 4 Sableye (Have at least 3 different types of set up supporters) as starters. Togekiss isn't so useful, and Togetic is a subpar starter.
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

This should be included surely:

4-4 Magmortar SV
4-4 Leafeon UD
3/4 BTS

This actually makes a donk against a sole pokemon pretty likely;)
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

@Yoshidude10 unfortunately, you cannot sleep and confuse the target, that's what it says in the rule book that comes in the TCG decks. So yeah, having Hypno is a waste of space. I can put some rainbow energies or other useful stuff.

@Pokemunkulys so that means that I have to build Espeon, Umbreon, Roserade, Leafeon with Spiritomb or Sableye (I'm not saying they are bad builders.... I used Sableye in a lot of decks), and also having Unown for recovering the energies? It's a lot of building, IMO. It's not a bad strategy, but I prefer building Espeon Prime, Leafeon, Roserade and Houndoom Prime (also, Espeon and Umbreon are from a set that is the next to leave... and I don't have them. My idea was building a deck using the less old format cards as possible).
I also now that Togetic is not the best builder in the world, but it worked great when I tested the deck. And Togekiss saved me a lot of times when Leafeon and Espeon were with low HP.

@ATS we talked about Magmortar some posts ago xD I appreciate your opinion :) , but I have already Roserade for confusing and Houndoom Prime for burning (it's a flippy pokepower, but it's better than depending in super scoop ups or seekers for taking back Magmortar).

...but I will put 4-3 Leafeon and 1 Espeon Prime, that's for sure.
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

Oh, darn it! (laughs) I love Fairly Oddparents.. :)

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up. Good luck with your deck.
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

Thanks for helping, Yoshidude10 ;) the deck is working great, and I still have to work with it.
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

@Yoshidude: Nope. Sleep and Confustication is not possible. I have a funny reason, but I can't post it here. PM me if you want to hear it.

@Ahiro: Ditch the Hypno. As other posters have said, it's completely unnecessary. I'd also ditch the Espeon Prime. Why are you running it again? The only real reason to run Espeon Prime is to counter Psychic-weak decks, using your Eeveelutions attacks from the bench. It also works well with Glaceon MD #5 against Scizor Prime. Speed Slide ignores both resistance and Sp. Metal energy, so you do a guaranteed 60, 80 with belt.

I run 3 Glaceon MD, 2 Umbreon UD, 1 Umbreon MD, 1 Flareon RR, 1 Jolteon RR, and 2 Espeon Prime, which I'll most likely replace. I plan to get 2 Espeon MD's because with only 80hp on tap, it's absolutely essential, even more so than no weakness/retreat.

One other thing you should probably figure out: Are you making an Eeveelutions deck, or Leaferade. Most Leaferade decks that I've seen run straight Leafeon/Roserade, with maybe a Houndoom tech. If you're making an Eeveelutions deck, lose the Miasma Wind Leafeon and Roserade. If you're running Leaferade, ditch all your Eeveelutions except for Leafeon. run 4-3-1 Leafeon Lv. X and a 3-3 Roserade UL. Run 2 Uxie for draw, and maybe a 1-1 Houndoom Prime if you want that extra special condition. I know I do!
RE: Miasma Sun (Leafeon, Espeon Prime and Roserade)

But if I add Uxie I'll have to remove Unown... or am I wrong? Also, I don't trust too much in only 1 line of Houndoom Prime. I put 2 because I want to secure a 150 damage attack.

About the idea of the deck, it is a Leaferade (I didn't knew that idea was posted before... but well, it wasn't an idea to hard to think). I've already took out the Hypno line, and I added one line more of Leafeon and 2 rainbow energy.

If I'm able to get a Leafeon Lv. X, I'll swap it with Espeon Prime (btw, I never took out Espeon Prime from the deck), but I prefer getting first the cards I need to complete the deck (that are 3 communication, 2 Unown, 2 rainbow, 2 Leafeon and 2 Roserade, and it's getting difficulty to find those cards).
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

@Ahiro: Maybe you should make a trade thread. It's not hard to do, and if you have cards worth of some value, people will trade for them. I know I have 2 Unown RETURN and 1 Rainbow Energy.
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

OK. I'll see how I post a trade thread without having any problems and I will post it (Y)

thanks again
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

Hey, i like the deck with Houndoum Prime and the Roserade.
If you want to include things to support Leafeon HP, you have the Espeon for +20HP, Shaymin X land form for +40HP to grass pokemon, and Nidoqueen RR to heal 1 counter between turns.
I cant thing for anything more. I thought about making a deck like days short ago, and this was almost my ideal build.
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

Thanks :)
Espeon MD and Landmin Lv. X works great (every grass type deck I made I put Landmin Lv. X), but I don't have space in the bench xD
Also, it's a great deck (Leaferade). You can do a lot of damage with only 1 energy. Maybe you can make a Leaferade using Broken Time Space and Rescue Energies for Leafeon (that was my other option... but well, I make this)
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

@Alex Magicus: The problem with that is that including both Shaymin X and Leafeon X and techs like Espeon, Umbreon, Houndoom, Roserade, Uxie, and Unowns is that all those techs will clutter your deck up very quickly in a deck that uses a lot of T/S/S support.

Definitely don't run Nidoqueen RR. WAY WAY too clunky, and not worth the investment.

Here's what I think: Espeon MD is absolutely REQUIRED. Your Eeveelutions have ~80 HP, which isn't nearly enough. With Espeon, they all have ~100hp(which still isn't enough, but take what you can get). Leafeon X is another thing that is strongly suggested. I don't run one in my build simply because I can't get my hands on one. If I acquire one, it's going to be a 4-3-1 Leafeon line in my deck.

Shaymin X would be nice, but I honestly think that after you add everything else you need(see above) you won't have any room left. Plus, Shaymin only helps Leafeon and not your other Eeveelutions and wastes precious bench space that you don't have to spare.

Here's what I run:
4-4 Leafeon(2 RR, 2 MD Eevee)
3-3 Roserade
1-1 Houndoom Prime
3 Glaceon MD #5(Snow Cloak/Speed Slide are great fun!)
2 Espeon MD(Sunlight Veil)
2 Umbreon UD(Moonlight Fang)
1 Umbreon MD(Moonlight Veil)
1 Flareon RR(with Undevelop, for type coverage)
1 Jolteon RR(which I'll probably get rid of because it's attack is insufficent 90% of the time)
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

So... that's an Eeveelutions deck, right? Or an adaptation between Leaferade and Eeveelutions? I'm asking because my girlfriend was thinking of making a Eeveelutions deck, so... I want to know about those decks (I've never seen an Eeveelutions deck).

Also, your opinion is true. Espeon MD is a great card when talking about Leafeon's HP, and Leafeon Lv. X is also a great card for Leaferade (I have your same problem... I don't have one), but I like how it works the deck with Espeon Prime (maybe it works better with Leafeon Lv. X, but I still didn't try it...).

Oh, please, if you have time, can you explain me how it works an Eeveelution deck?
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

<__< Wow...I'm such an idiot. I combined both of my decks. Wow. That was pretty dumb. Well anyways, you get the gist of it.
My Leaferade deck is:
4-4 Leafeon(2 RR, 2 MD Eevee)
3-3 Roserade
1-1 Houndoom Prime

3 Glaceon MD #5(Snow Cloak/Speed Slide are great fun!)
2 Espeon MD(Sunlight Veil)
2 Umbreon UD(Moonlight Fang)
1 Umbreon MD(Moonlight Veil)
1 Flareon RR(with Undevelop, for type coverage)
1 Jolteon RR(which I'll probably get rid of because it's attack is insufficent 90% of the time)
That's skeleton Pokemon list of both decks. Why I combined them I have no idea, but It still serves the purpose.

Anyways, Eeveelutions is like a poor-mans Arceus. Basically the goal of it is to establish what deck you're playing against(Gyarados, LuxChomp, Charizard, DialgaChomp, etc etc) and set up the appropriate counter. If no counter exists(in the example of LuxChomp, since there's no Fighting Eeveelution) then just attack with your decks beatstick(In my case, Umbreon since it can wall both Luxray and Garchomp). The key is to run plenty of recovery. Cards like Pokemon Rescue/BTS are especially useful since if you lose an Eeveelution, you'll desperately need the Eevee back since you're limited to only 4. You can Manz rescue an Eevee, and BTS whatever Eeveelution you need, then attach energy.

Like I previously mentioned, your main enemy is low hp, and medicore attacks when you're not facing weakness. Lucario GL can help with this, but just be aware that unless you get the needed KO, you'll surely be KO'd next turn.
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

Everyone has mistakes xD

So my think about Eeveelutions deck was right... (IMO Eeveelution's attacks are better than Arceus's attacks) thanks for the deck explain! Oh, I have I suggestion. It isn't more useful Jolteon than Flareon? I mean, I don't remember any deck with grass type pokemons (except Leaferade, lol) and with Jolteon you have advantage against Gyarados.

Also, Rescue Energies are useful in this deck, isn't it?
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

<__<....LuxPluff is reason enough.
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

OH.... I totally forgot about Jumpluff...

...yeah, Flareon is very useful.
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

I tested it against a Tangrowth (with trainer lock) deck and a Steelix Prime deck.
I played 4 matches against Tangrowth deck. I won 3, and I lost 1, so the deck works, lol (the guy who used that deck won the tournament the last week).
Then I played against Steelix Prime. It was impossible for win because it can't be affected by special conditions. The only way to win against this deck is using Roserade.

Nevermind, here are the changes:
-1 Burned Stadium
-1 Togekiss

+2 Super Scoop Up

Works very good with Unown.

EDIT: new update:

-1 Switch
-1 Pokemon Communication
-1 Psychic Energy
-1 Judge

+2 Cheerleader's Cheer
+2 Dusk Ball

It is better than before. I dunno why, lol.
RE: Miasma Sun (A version of Leaferade) (Leafeon, Espeon Prime,Houndoom Prime & Roserade)

Last bump.

Anyone has any suggestion or critic on the deck?