TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

What's funny is that this thread has suddenly erupted with activity after a month or two of 'deadness.'
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

Actually CMP, Samurai Revenge is not exactly something like Counter. In the original metagame Counter deals twice the damage taken by the Pokemon. Your Samurai Revenge only deals the exact amount taken by Oshawott. Maybe that's why I like it so much :p.

Also, agreed with Chiraami.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

Actually, HoS, Samurai's Revenge is exactly something like Counter...and by something like it, I mean it is Counter. :p At least in the Neo-era. Check Neo Discovery Wobbuffet:

Credits to Pokébeach for the scan of course.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

The Unova trend continues...this time with a unique blank for each member of the Tao trio!


Special thanks to Alvin for the second attack!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

Thanks, Alvin!

Here's Zekrom...note the small difference in the Reshiram versus the Zekrom blank. It will be most evident on the Kyurem blank!

The Power is a Yin/Yang with Reshiram's first attack (one having to do with Weakness, the other Resistance) in a somewhat subtle manner. The attacked is modified off of an idea from Alvin, so thanks!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

Epic work as always CMP.

Reshiram :-
* Really loving the art and the background. It blends in like magic
* Does White Flame totally do 120 damage when the Pokemon have a {R} Weakness?

Zekrom :-
* I'm sad to say, I like the Reshiram card more than this. Due to the fact :-
*) The background. The blue holo which I think seems to be the reflection of Zekrom doesn't align properly with the orange holo. You should erase the blue around Zekrom with a very soft brush to make it seem ... more realistic.

* Other than that all seems good. Loving Turbine Volt. Good risky attack too ;).

Great work CMP.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

Thanks, HoS! The holo doesn't look right because it's hard to holonate backgrounds with very light and very dark backgrounds...both the "blue holo" and "orange holo" are the same piece (so they are in fact aligned properly). The problem is that my technique to holonate light backgrounds differs from my technique to holonate dark backgrounds (different blending sets). The blue is actually the glow from Zekrom's tail.

Breaking the trend.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Unova invasion!

Very nice CMP.
Also, is this a mistake?
In Rollout it is worded. "Search your deck for a Pokemon that evolves from Piloswine and attach that card to Lickitung.

... Piloswine o_O ... wut?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Lickitung!

I evolve my Lickitung... into MAMOSWINE!
also, it should say "and put that card on Lickitung," not "attach that card to Lickitung."
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Lickitung!

Whoops, copied and pasted from Piloswine's AncientPower attack. Thanks, guys!

And actually, Scizorliscious, the wording is correct. See Neo Discovery Metapod and Neo Destiny Sunkern. If you'll remember, I'm using Neo-era wording for the cards, since, well, they're Neo blanks. A lot of wording that people think are errors are actually not. I do my research before each attack! :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Lickitung!

The art is good, and the card is good - mainly the well thought out attacks and the energy cost is perfect. Actually, it's like that on a lot of cards.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Lickitung!

Thanks, Chiraami -- I appreciate it! You're always too kind.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Lickitung!

Oh, my bad on the wording. I wasn't playing during that era, so I'll blame it on that :p
These look really really good, btw. Are you planning on doing a card for every Pokémon that exists? How about T/S/S?