TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New blank (kind of). Check it out and give me your comments!

Thanks Bill, though I can't take credit for the artwork (it's by an artist called Diaris). Char counters were present in the TCG before Burned became an actual Special Condition (that happened with the release of the e-card series).
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New blank (kind of). Check it out and give me your comments!

Oh ok , thank for the quick answer ª-ª
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New blank (kind of). Check it out and give me your comments!

Can I make spoilers for the eeveelution line?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New blank (kind of). Check it out and give me your comments!

Sure, Alvin. Any spoilers would be helpful.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Eevee and Magmortar!

Can't wait for the other eeveelutions! Loving the Eevee, as SB said, the artwork is just amazing and so are the attacks, very creative!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Eevee and Magmortar!


I've always liked the idea of inventive counters, so I finally decided to invent my own -- the Hunger counter since, you know, the 'buzz family feeds on electricity...I figured that down the line it could be used again (IE Snorlax, Munchlax).

As for Electabuzz's AC Current -- I made sure to put a "including your own" disclaimer in the power so that you should be doing 10 damage to yourself if you get tails (bar Special COndition affliction, of course).

Again, like Magmortar relied on some of Magmar's attacks, Electivire relies on Electabuzz getting some Hunger counters for extra damage. However, it'll still do a decent (for the age) 30 damage without. High Voltage is a pretty beastly attack which can do a respectable 80 damage total.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire!

Great job as always , man . I love Electivire's artwork *-*
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire!

Are you still taking requests? Because I'd love to see a Scizor sometime ;)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire!

Amazing work CMP. I missed Eevee and Magmortar. Still they are wonderful. You might just be on the verge to getting me started on Neo Redux again mate ;).

Loving the Electabuzz line. Especially the background of Electivire.
Keep it up pal.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire!

Wait, people have provided spoilers? I have about two half done sets (spoilers only) that I would be happy to give you.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire!

Yep, SS, Alvin has graciously provided spoilers that I've used for about 15 or so cards. I'd love to see some of your spoilers, that would be wonderful -- thanks! I'd credit you when posting the cards, of course.

I will say, though, that there's a very specific feel for the attacks that I'm looking for, so not all of your spoilers may make it into the set. For others I may take the basic idea and change it up a bit (you'd still get credit), but in any case, I really would appreciate whatever spoilers you can throw my way! Just shoot me a PM or email.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: New cards: Elekid, Electabuzz, and Electivire!


Really as interesting as a Pokémon like Bidoof can be.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Now with Goldeen, Bidoof, and Merry Christmas: here's a new ARCEUS!!!

Hooray! Arceus! And the only Pokemon more powerful than him: Bidoof!

I love these. Perfection man, perfect perfection.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Now with Goldeen, Bidoof, and Merry Christmas: here's a new ARCEUS!!!

Thanks Alvin.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Now with Goldeen, Bidoof, and Merry Christmas: here's a new ARCEUS!!!

Solid mate, love the Arceus :D.
Keep it up bro.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Now with Goldeen, Bidoof, and Merry Christmas: here's a new ARCEUS!!!

Really liking the Goldeen, Bidoof, and especially Arceus. You have done a great job with the cards and I really like the artwork. Can't wait to see more CMP.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Flame-plate Arceus and Aron!

Nothing spectacular!

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Flame-plate Arceus and Aron!


Another fantastic card from the CMPster. I love it. Can't wait for next one.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Flame-plate Arceus and Aron!

I've gotten the 3 Hitmons done, but had to use existing TCG artwork. Shall I post regardless?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Flame-plate Arceus and Aron!

Well , yes post it . If the artwork is that bad as you made it sound , then you should change it , but since you have a good taste about artworks , you'll know if you should switch them or not . Awesome work on the last cards , love Bidoof's and Aron's artwork .