TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Now with BOOSTERS (and Regigigas!)!!

Nope, Scizorliscious, check the flavor text. ;) Straight from the Platinum 'dex entry. I guess no one reads that haha.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Now with BOOSTERS (and Regigigas!)!!

Lol, how did you make them real xD
EDIT: I love them all.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Now with BOOSTERS (and Regigigas!)!!

CMP... MAKE A CARD... DEDICATED TO MOI? lol oh lol I think I've gone mad, or my eye site is rubbish. Merci!

P.S. I also love the fake boosters. Look totally WEPIC, as Alvin says.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

For some reason this card reminds me of the Neo holo Sneasel that got banned in that era. Great work bro.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

I'm liking the Sneasel :D It's not too over-the-top in the attack department but for a Sneasel it doesn't need to be :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

Thanks guys! I wanted it to capture Sneasel's personality while still remaining in the realm of common-ness.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

Yeah, very nice card. Like the artwork and the attacks; very good card in general.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

Wow! Those look so real!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

This is what the Pokemon Tcg cards should be like. :D These look so real! :F
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

Thanks everybody. Real is what I aim for. I apologize about the lack of new cards as of late -- I've been busy with other projects (related to set set, of course ;)).
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

Epic win for ice cats! =D

Great new stuff. ^^
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

When cometh more cards, oh great CMP?

*grovels towards our god of faking*
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

That art is Sweeeeettt... I love it all!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

I think this has been the longest time between fakes in this thread... Oh well, that means the next one will be extra epic!

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: One mean weasat. Or cateasel. Whichever you prefer.

I don't know about that one, SS...I think the longest might be three months, or close to it! :p I also don't know if this qualifies as epic, but after seeing your post, I felt I owed it to everyone to bust out a new card.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Oh so lonely...

Nicceeeee. Cubone looks very realistic. Love these attacks on all these Pokémon in general; they're really well-balanced. KEep it up!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Oh so lonely...

Cubone always makes me feel emotional for some reason... nice card CMPer :)