TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: 5 new cards/new poll...first to 10 votes wins.

You SHOULD mass produce these and sell 'em online! I'd definitely buy them.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: 5 new cards/new poll...first to 10 votes wins.

Great as always. (I was first to vote for Snivy... Vote for Snivy!) The Shinx line would be better.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: 5 new cards/new poll...first to 10 votes wins.

Something a little different...



Subtle changes in the blank color to represent the change in seasons...bright green for spring, normal green for summer, yellow-orange tint for autumn, and a dull, lifeless shade for winter. Types in the attack chosen according to a good type representation -- mostly self explanatory, but I figured a windy day in autumn would be well represented by flying. Meh.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: All Deerling seasons! Vote in the poll, but don't forget to comment!

Looks like it wasn't to difficult to make after you were done with the blanks and art d:, but that shouldn't take away any of their awesomeness.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: All Deerling seasons! Vote in the poll, but don't forget to comment!

Great cards. I vote for Tepig. Hooray! 10 votes!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: All Deerling seasons! Vote in the poll, but don't forget to comment!

That pink one CMP is just pure genius, absolutely brilliant :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: All Deerling seasons! Vote in the poll, but don't forget to comment!

D'awww... the deer are so cute. X3
Love what you did with the blanks, too. =D

I vote for DUNSPARCE! I mean, err... >>
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: All Deerling seasons! Vote in the poll, but don't forget to comment!

Shoot...I was really hoping for Oshawott's line.


"If it catches a cold, the fire is replaced with pitch-black smoke." Swine flu. Hardy har har. Get it? :p



"Boaruption" was always a better name than "Emboar" for a Stage 2. I had to incorporate it! And instead of giving it two attacks, I felt turning Heat Stamp into a power would've been better.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Tepig line!

Oh wow...excellent job on the Tepig line, especially Pignite. That artwork works perfectly for the card.

Edit: Just noticed the Deerling cards as well- another fantastic job on those four. It was neat to see a card for each season. Great work, CMP. Looking forward to seeing Emboar.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Tepig line!

Oh CMP, your wit and guile are unmatched.

Cool cards though! Damn all of you who thwarted me and CMP's Oshawott drive. I shall never forgive you.

Lookig forward to Emboar!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Tepig line!

Dang, nice Deerlings! I also love the Tepig line... hahaha, Swine Flu... xD
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Tepig line!

Thanks everybody...! Glad you all appreciated "Swine Flu."

So with all the various cards I've made so far, I've well passed the 150 mark. There are ~148 or so on Photobucket, and there's quite a few cards on here that aren't on there. I'm nearly 25% done! Sick!


Tentacool, like Zubat, is designed to be an annoyer. Tentacruel, though, is a pretty awesome Pokémon, so I wanted to do it justice.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Cool and Cruel!

Big update today...trying to fill out the Pokédex! Between MissingNo. and Primeape, I'm only missing Nidoqueen and Nidoking.

So many cards, I'll link them instead of posting images...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Kanto invasion -- SIX new cards!

amazing cards. im in love lol
BTW on nidorina it should be "30 damage plus 20" and not "20 damage plus 20" unless you really ment it that way :p
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Kanto invasion -- SIX new cards!

I saw the thread update title... and I shouted in joy...
Well done, again. That Golbat artwork looks familiar... ;P