TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Fossils have arrived! New cards and promo!

This is the most epic thread on all Pokébeach, hands down. Keep up the amazing work
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Fossils have arrived! New cards and promo!

I want my Machop line! And those weird girder dudes! Waah! Waah!

Haha man, I don't mind what you make. Just keep doing yo' thing.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Fossils have arrived! New cards and promo!

ShineVini said:
This is the most epic thread on all Pokébeach, hands down.
Agreed, 100%. I LOVE these fossils.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Fossils have arrived! New cards and promo!

You guys are too kind...this is definitely not the most epic thread on the Beach. But it still means a lot!

Here's your wish, Alvin. Well, for 1/6 of your wish. :p


Again, trying to fill the 'dex. Skipping some here and there -- mostly Stage 1s and 2s so that you all have exciting things to look forward to. That's also why I've been slowing down on the Legendaries. Thanks to Alvin for Machop's attacks.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Machop, Ponyta, and Rapidash

That is one of the best rapidashes ever. wonderful job man
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Machop, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Magnemite!

Thanks man! Updated the post with Magnemite...with all 20+ cards in the past few days, haven't had many Electric types, so I figured I'd throw in a bonus. :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Machop, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Magnemite!


Great cards man. they look exactly like the real thing with the old skool Pokemon. Me likes! I don't know whether it's the most epic thread on PokeBeach, but it's definitely in the top 1.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Machop, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Magnemite!

Great cards CMP, I really do enjoy looking at them. Keep up the great work.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Machop, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Magnemite!

Absolutely fantastic work as always, CMP. I'm excited to see that you're filling up the PokeDex now, at quite the quick pace- I might add.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Machop, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Magnemite!


Because Kanto Pokémon are the classics, I'd like to save some to do later. New poll is up to see my next path...I'm hesitant to do Unova, though, simply because the species name (i.e. "The ___ Pokémon") might change in translation.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Grimer and Muk

Revamp of classic Grimer artwork... win, just win. I love Tentacruel too.

Do Spinarak next!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Grimer and Muk

That Grimer looks awfully familiar...
Great job, as always. I especially like the Rapidash.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Grimer and Muk

Yep, once I found the Grimer revamp art, I knew it was something I had to use for Redux!

Anyway, since Sinnoh is winning...

Not quite 'dex order, but...meh, it's what I had existing spoilers for. ;)

Cherubi is such a dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb Pokémon. Expect another dumb, hamburger-headed 'mon tomorrow!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Grimer/Muk, Piplup, and a stupid cherry!

Man, I wish I could work as fast as you on card CMP. School, school and more school for me :(.

Anyway, great ones you got there :).

(I feel like I've been just praising cards these days without giving any proper critique) :(
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Grimer/Muk, Piplup, and a stupid cherry!

Epic stuff as expected and lol @ hamburger headed :D
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Grimer/Muk, Piplup, and a stupid cherry!

As promised, here's hamburger-head in all its glory. I really think this should've been an alt evo for Weepinbell (in the same vein as Gloom --> Bellossom). I could totally see it, but I digress.


More to come later, so keep checking back!

EDIT: Added Hippopotas to the post.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head!

Gave an update to Kyogre...

Now: I propose a question to you guys. Technically, Togepi and Riolu are in fact Baby Pokémon. However, because they were introduced in the same gen as their evolution, they were just labeled Basic in the TCG. Now, shall I go about the traditional TCG way and make them Basics, or instead make them (true to VG) Babies? I'm inclined to make them Babies, as I'd get another opportunity to use my Basic w/ evobox blanks, but I'd your thoughts, too. :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head!

Top half of KGL played by itself FTW
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head!

Yep, Dark Sonic J, I liked the art for it and couldn't find anything better. Though it's based on one of my old EX:Vision cards, the attack plays similar. Another update. Almost done with all of the cards from EX:Vision now!


Baby question is still up in the air. Thoughts?