Neu Admins

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Blue Thunder said:
Well, if we continue to follow the pattern that's been going on fot the past two weeks:

Sunday March 8th: Xous modded
Sunday March 15th: Limitless modded
Sunday March 22nd: ???
Sunday March 29nd: Profit
If you don't know the meme, look it up.
I merely posted that as an afterthought. I didn't want anyone to really pay too much attention to it.

Anyway, voting for mods/super mods/admins will never be allowed. WPM chooses who he wants to become modded/promoted. What if members voted for a popular n00b for moderation? We'd have one useless spot on the mod team, while that spot could have gone to someone who will do good things for this site for a long time to come.

Anyway, I have question: Are these promotions permanent, or will they be moved down to super mod after the new content is up? I assume it'll be the former (actually it'd be a great thing if we went with the former, IMO), but you can't be sure until you officialy hear it.

EDIT: Lol, Spoon. I especially liked the "hidden" part.
Water Pokémon Master said:
As I am trying to bring new content to the site, I'm going to be spending less time on the forums now (in terms of administrative stuff). In preparation for this, Heavenly Spoon and PMJ have been promoted to admins to help me out - you may have noticed other people getting modded lately too. These people set good examples for the members, represent admirable qualities, and help out around the forums... they are nice and good people too! Who knows... we may see promotions for other people who are exceptional.

Congrats you guys!

I had a dream that another person was going to be an admi on this forum, and with the mods and all...

But congrats :)
I did not expect this
Super Admin is WPM. :p The owner of the site has Super-Admin. status. Meaning PMJ, and HS can't ban/de-admin WPM.
Blue Thunder said:
While that spot could have gone to someone who will do good things for this site for a long time to come.

Like me!!???
Just kidding but I'm hoping one of these days.
Oh, yeah, great job you guys:)
Blue Thunder said:
Anyway, voting for mods/super mods/admins will never be allowed. WPM chooses who he wants to become modded/promoted.

Actually, PMJ and Heavenly Spoon could be able to choose new Mods, as they are now Admins. I doubt they will, as WPM still makes major executive decisions.

dmaster out.
Like me!!???
Just kidding but I'm hoping one of these days.
Oh, yeah, great job you guys

But now you never will, the rules say if you ask to be one that it lowers your chances. MWAHAHAHAH! >:]
d master342 said:
Blue Thunder said:
Anyway, voting for mods/super mods/admins will never be allowed. WPM chooses who he wants to become modded/promoted.

Actually, PMJ and Heavenly Spoon could be able to choose new Mods, as they are now Admins. I doubt they will, as WPM still makes major executive decisions.

dmaster out.

How many times will I be quoted in this thread? =p

Anyway, I'm so used to WPM being the only admin, I forgot to include Spoon and PMJ. However, you are probably right. If they were to pick a mod, they'd have to make sure it was OK with WPM.
Blue Thunder said:
How many times will I be quoted in this thread? =p
You're the one making the comment that everyone is inclined to respond to. =p

WPM is indeed the creator of the site, so he'll have the most say. But having a few more admins would probably help this site.
*Round of applauds*
Congrats you two, of course you will be great because you already are. =D
New mods haven't always been exclusively picked by WPM, a lot of times we just reach a consensus on whether or not we should have a new mod and who it should be, be it to replace a mod or to take care of a forum which needs managing.
Congrats!! Three admins!! You could be like a council that has votes and since there are three of you you'll never draw. There have been a lot of people modded and I thought that was awesome and for there to be more than one admin is just incredible. We know you'll do a great job.

Also, speculation about a new mod every Sunday sounds cool. I know who'd I'd vote for....
SotS said:
Like me!!???
Just kidding but I'm hoping one of these days.
Oh, yeah, great job you guys

But now you never will, the rules say if you ask to be one that it lowers your chances. MWAHAHAHAH! >:]

I said I was joking...

The funny thing is I was looking aroung here and saw PMJ in blue.
Then I thought, so much stuff happens when I'm not on(things like..Xous & Limitless being modded)
Congratulations to PMJ and the Spoon! But wasn't there a time after the site collapsed when we had another admin, TikiTiki? Or am I just insane? (Wouldn't surprise me :p)
Tikitiki was just one of the developers of the MyBB forums helping WPM out. He didn't harm the site or forums in any way.
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