new 07-08 format is bad

do you like the 07-08 format

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I do!
I can't even use my favorite pokemon. (unless I get one of them in shiny)
I changed the thread title to something more appropriate. Please do not use language like that, there are young members on this forum too who do not need to read words like that.

And the format is good. The sooner they get rid of Exs the better the game will be. They needed to get rid of DS otherwise the Dragonite-d + Electivire combo would have been completely broken and Mew ex needed to be removed from modified too.
There are advantages & disadvantages in this time new format...
Advantage: Just like what Abhorsen said...
Disadvantage: We can no longer use the Holon Engines & I have no idea what card can be used now to replace Holon Mentor... :(
Well we get to keep mentor, but Holon's Magnetmite, Ton, Volt, and elec are also cut. Adventurer still hangs on alswell with Holon Legacy. But 5 main packs? There is only, HP, CG, DF and PK for ex packs left. Next rotation D/P is all that's left!
Yes! Master of the six kings is right. And in our country only 4 packs left!:( When will D/P arrive here in the Philippines.:(
I also got my deck currently being prepared when I saw that they removed UF!:( That's the only deck I think I could use for a tournament.:( It's sad to know that they are really removing EX but it's also good to kow that more D/P expansion will come. I'd really like to try the Level up mode!:D
Glad I use a PKDF deck. And I'm also glad that people will have to THINK about their trainers, rather than just tossing in a Holon Engine.
It's not like the Holon Engine was 100% the same from deck to deck. A given deck might have 2, 3, or 4 Mentor. 1 or 2 Adventurer. Might have Farmer or might not. The only thing really consistant about it was the 4 Transceivers. Making a good deck with the Holon Engine requires just as much thought as one without ... and there are still plenty of good decks that did just as well, if not better, without the engine in the current format.

IMHO the scene not going to be that different without the HE. Decks will get based around Scott / Castaway / Balls. The exact number and type will vary a bit from deck to deck but, just like the Holon Engine, the basic backbone will be the same in nearly every deck. I'm curious to see if folks start hating on those cards as much when that happens.
my holon engines are gone i so sad good cards are in ds lm i thought they wouldnt get banned i hate the new format.
I think that the new format is good, if they kept mew ex, dragonite d, banette ex, arcanine ex, and dustox ex, the game of pokemon would be exactly like yugioh where all you need to win is the cards and minimal skill. Of course dustox ex wouldn't be too much of a problem considering exs are starting to become extinct. Now with only 5 sets remaining, people will have to create new decks with new strategies and not just copy the ones that win at worlds or other big tourneys. This new format is a change for the better. ( I don't know how many people were playing banette ex at cities, dustox ex at states, and metanite at reginals.)
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
There are advantages & disadvantages in this time new format...
Advantage: Just like what Abhorsen said...
Disadvantage: We can no longer use the Holon Engines & I have no idea what card can be used now to replace Holon Mentor... :(

I forgot Holon Mentor was reprinted in EX Dragon Frontiers... :D
Anyway, I don't like this new format... :(
Just as I thought.:D There's a guy/girl that mentioned this on a different thread.
Deku_Venomoth96 said:
Papi/Manny, Lannettes will b cut and Psychic Pokemon Master, Holon Mentor is in Dragon Frontiers
from .:D
Abhorsen is right but I was not expecting them to get rid of LM. I thought it would be LM onwards. It was a bit of a surprise. But we are going to have to like it or not play. Simple.
I like it, plus with will have one more set in the summer to still be released (D/P 1 in Europe, 2 in America) so we will still have something to think about when they are released. Also, The Holon Engine going is great as now people will have to think of another engine to go into their decks rather than just the Holon Engine. Also, I'm glad that Mew Ex is going. I have always hated that card (yet liked it at the same time) as people could tech it into any deck, meaning that any imagination left when it came to deck building and tech thinking-of (if that makes sense) was thrown out of the window.
Basically, I like it as it will make deck builders think about their decks rather than throwing the same stuff in every deck.
You have a point. There are still time to prepare. DP1 is not the only expansion from DP series. Japan has 3 already. Lets just hope it will arrive sooner.
beautiful-swablu also has a point. We have no choice but to like it especially when we remember that are money turned into cards and then became useless. (Not making any sense at all:p)
Deoxys, Emerald, and Unseen Forces were granted; everyone knew they were going to be rotated out this year. If you didn't, then I suggest you get with the times, you could only blame yourself. Delta Species was obviously on the line, due to it's rather heavy (and unhealthy) impact on the metagame... and being after Unseen Forces and all. It's not like we haven't had more than three sets cycled out before. However, it was Legend Maker that took me by surprise. But then again, we either lose five sets this year, or five next year for the obvious DP-on format. As great as the impact is on all my decks, I'd prefer the first; no more Mew ex and stumping Pokémon-ex (guilty :p).
The only thing I'm surprised about is that they are getting rid of Legend Maker. I, like a couple others here, figured Delta Species was going out, but I wasn't expecting Legend Maker to go with it. Guess they really want to shift the format to D/P as quickly as they possibly can, and from a business perspective, I understand why. They practically nixed the holon engine (with Mentor being the only survivor) and the all-powerful Mew ex (LM) will be laid to rest after seeing two years of competitive play.

Dragon Frontiers still remains a pretty powerful set, but EX cards have certainly lost a bit of their luster with the new more powerful D/P Pokemon coming out. Delta decks, save a few, are practically useless now, which is sort of nice since they've been metagamed for two years now.

I'm pretty much done with competitive play for now, but I know I will certainly miss some of those cards they are rotating out. But that adds to the challenge of finding new decks to play with. We survived losing Pidgeot from FRLG, we can survive losing the Holon Engine.
Alchemist_Almighty said:
survived losing Pidgeot from FRLG
Hahaha, I seriously wonder how many people actually did quit because of that. There's always at least one card being cycled that yields the same effect.