What dual types have we not seen yet?
What dual types do we want to see?
What duel types would provide the best defenses for competetive battling?
And do you have and speculations on typing/dual typing for Black and white?
I for one want to see a bulky ghost/steel pokemon that has a insta-recovery move.
It would be on my team.
Plus I am going to speculate the three starters typing - you may do the same,
Tsutaaja = Final evo form will be Grass/Flying
Mijumaru= Final evo form will be Water/Psychic
Pokabu= Final evo form will be Fire/Ground
I've always been upsessed with typing because it's the center of alot of the game IMO
Go kindgra Water/Dragon! 4x resists to fire and water
I also love typing immunities.. So yeah guys
Tell me what you think about dual typing & reg typing in Black and White
What dual types do we want to see?
What duel types would provide the best defenses for competetive battling?
And do you have and speculations on typing/dual typing for Black and white?
I for one want to see a bulky ghost/steel pokemon that has a insta-recovery move.
Plus I am going to speculate the three starters typing - you may do the same,
Tsutaaja = Final evo form will be Grass/Flying
Mijumaru= Final evo form will be Water/Psychic
Pokabu= Final evo form will be Fire/Ground
I've always been upsessed with typing because it's the center of alot of the game IMO
Go kindgra Water/Dragon! 4x resists to fire and water
I also love typing immunities.. So yeah guys