BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

PMJ said:
How about 150 completely new pokemon? That'd be great. They should just leave the current generations alone.


Also it's worth keeping in mind these two things.

1.The 4th generation said prior to its release that it was going to focus on evolutions as a main theme of the generation. Everyone online seems be taking it for granted that this pattern of releasing a ton of new evolutions is going to continue on into the next generation despite there being no basis for this.

2. Although one thing each generation has had in common is Pre-evoltuons, it's worth remembering that gen 3 introduced no new evoultions. Also gen 2 only released a few.
ShAdOwSniPeR said:
meh.. some pokemon NEED evolutions. some don't. tauros needs and is getting an evolution

Maybe. WPM himself said that the person who gave that particular leak was probably lying.

Here's random thought of the day: The theme for the last gen, as posted above, was evolution. So far the only recurring theme we've seen for gen 5 is SKY. What if instead of a batch of new evolutions they give a bunch of sky forms? Or something like a Sky Stone evolution group. It;d be cool to see a Sky Delibird, or a Gyarados that could actually fly???
ShAdOwSniPeR said:
meh.. some pokemon NEED evolutions. some don't. tauros needs and is getting an evolution

Martjin is a liar, don't belive him.
I have to completly disagree with you guys. If 150 completly new Pokemon come in and there are no prevos or evos of past Pokemon, it might take me a while to actually call the 5th generation "Pokemon".
Pokemon I'd like to see evolve:

~ Raticate
~ Arbok
~ Sandslash
~ Parasect
~ Dugtrio
~ Persian
~ Farfetch'd
~ Marowak
~ Seaking
~ Mr. Mime
~ Jynx
~ Eevee (would be great to have one of each type)
~ Furret
~ Ledian
~ Ariados
~ Lanturn
~ Sudowoodo
~ Sunflora
~ Wobbuffet
~ Dunsparce
~ Qwilfish
~ Shuckle
~ Corsola
~ Octillery
~ Delibird
~ Skarmory
~ Donphan
~ Stantler
~ Smeargle
~ Linoone
~ Masquerain
~ Sableye
~ Mawile
~ Plusle
~ Minun
~ Volbeat
~ Illumise
~ Torkoal
~ Spinda
~ Lunatone
~ Solrock
~ Whiscash
~ Castform
~ Kecleon
~ Banette
~ Chimecho
~ Absol
~ Luvdisc
~ Bibarel
~ Kricketune
~ Pachirisu
~ Cherrim
~ Chatot
~ Carnivine
~ Lumineon

Pokemon I'd like to get pre-evos:

~ Farfetch'd
~ Onix
~ Drowzee
~ Lickitung
~ Tangela
~ Scyther
~ Pinsir/Heracross (same pre-evo)
~ Tauros/Miltank (same pre-evo)
~ Yanma
~ Gligar
~ Girafarig
~ Skarmory
~ Stantler
~ Sableye
~ Mawile
~ Torkoal
~ Zangoose
~ Seviper
~ Lunatone/Solrock (same pre-evo)
~ Tropius
~ Absol
~ Relicanth
~ Carnivine

Yeah, so not that many. I know that alot of those won't ever happen but there's no harm in dreaming. :p
To be honest, I agree with PMJ and Monster D, i'd be happy seeing 150 (or more) totally previous-gen unrelated pokemon.
I feel like you guys are missing the point of new evolutions, we shouldn't give evolutions to current OU pokemon or even current UU pokemon , it's about pokemon that need the stats to balance out the metagame, and I feel like any single evolution in NU should get a evolution; that would balance the game alot better.

So simple; just give single stage pokemon in NU evolutions.

It's not about gimmicks and "LOLZORS MUDKIPZ SHULD GET newEVOLSUJIONSZS"
it's about what needs evolutions.

Don't get me wrong they still have to please their fan base with a cool new epic Girafarig evolution, whilst at the same time giving girafarig a role in meta game battling.

Sorry if you disagree but this is what I think; that NU single stagers deserve a evolution before anyone else.
I kinda hope that two new eveelutions are included yet gain. Yeah, there are almost too much of them, but it would be cool to finally get the ghost etc, eeveelution you have always wanted but never seemed to get. :rolleyes:
And i kinda hope they will give Luvdisc and evolution, it is already cool and ''complete'' on its own way, but its stats are just... horrible :p

The world will explode if they decide that metagross or garchomp needs an evolution.
Shironex said:
I kinda hope that two new eveelutions are included yet gain. Yeah, there are almost too much of them, but it would be cool to finally get the ghost etc, eeveelution you have always wanted but never seemed to get. :rolleyes:
And i kinda hope they will give Luvdisc and evolution, itis already cool and ''complete'' on its own way, but its stats are just... horrible :p

The world will explode if they decide that metagross or garchomp needs an evolution.

Yes! Luvdisc needs an evo! Lol, who said metagross and garchomp needed evos?

I would love to see a Magikarp pre-evo! I wonder what would happen to the world if that was there...
runeon12 said:
Yes! Luvdisc needs an evo! Lol, who said metagross and garchomp needed evos?

Nobody said that, i think. But if the gamemakers would decide to add evos for them (or any other already powerful OU pokemon) it would be like... DOOOM or something :p
they have to make eeveelutions for the rest of th type(if this is the last game they make, hopefully not)
Shironex said:
I kinda hope that two new eveelutions are included yet gain. Yeah, there are almost too much of them, but it would be cool to finally get the ghost etc, eeveelution you have always wanted but never seemed to get. :rolleyes:
And i kinda hope they will give Luvdisc and evolution, it is already cool and ''complete'' on its own way, but its stats are just... horrible :p

The world will explode if they decide that metagross or garchomp needs an evolution.

I'm sure luvdisc now has an evolved form. The third pokemon down looks like a fish(ensenuating water type) and is shaped like a heart(similar to luvdisc). It can't be coincidence.

Don't report this post. I'll just leave this open for more discussion even though it was revived.

dmaster out.
I think Pokemon such as Luvdisc, Delibird, Smeargle, Stantler, Miltank, Dunsparce, Skarmory, Pinsir, and Heracross could use some evolutions. IMO they are often among the forgotten Pokemon, and I think they deserve a bit more credit.