after reading all these comments, one thing comes to my mind, and that is that it seems alot you people forget expanded is still a thing, in which case these cards are still useful. I for one think its a decent product to help get new players into the expanded side of things.
Yeah... Not everyone plays, or has any reason to play, Expanded. I also don't have a problem with there being Expanded products. It's these products in particular, as well as their timing so soon after the Battle Arena Decks. It doesn't help that none of the three cover cards were even cards worth using in the first place. (Articuno's OK, but the other two were basically Theme Deck cards in Japan, which shows how good they are.)
Also, Expanded is really not a format that new players need to concern themselves about. It's basically only used at high-level events, and even then, not always. They're much better off becoming familiar with the more widespread Standard format before delving into Expanded.