You seriously want even more gen 1 mons? :/Mitja said:gen1-mons in Hoenn.
xxashxx said:Do you guys know if the event Mega Pokemon will be made available in the games if we can't get the events when they are live? I can never make it to live events.![]()
xxashxx said:Do you guys know if the event Mega Pokemon will be made available in the games if we can't get the events when they are live? I can never make it to live events.![]()
Mitja said:xxashxx said:Do you guys know if the event Mega Pokemon will be made available in the games if we can't get the events when they are live? I can never make it to live events.![]()
dont know which one you mean, but theres going to be at least 2 mega stones unavailable in regular gameplay. The metagrossite that comes with the shiny beldum the same way torchic+blazikenite were a wifi download at release of xy, and there is going to be a yet unrevealed mega stone in the upcoming eshop demo of the game, which will be transferable to the actual games when they're out.
yammark said:I'm pretty sure CoroCoro next month will contain version exclusive pokemon . Which is Shiftry/Ludicolo , Lunatone/Solrock . Zangoose/Seviper used to be version exclusive for Ruby/Sapphire but this time i think Zangoose/Seviper won't be version exclusive anymore . Because the ''Horde Battle'' that seviper and zangoose always kill each other everytime LOL
His Goominess said:from the official ORAS site:
"Zangoose will appear in the wild only in Pokémon Omega Ruby. Memories of battling its archrival Seviper are etched into every cell of Zangoose’s body."
"You'll find Seviper in the wild only in Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Seviper shares a generations-long feud with Zangoose."
So unless they're pulling something then it looks like Sev/Zan are still version exclusives.
Aerodactyl said:I don't even know what to think for megas anymore. After Slowbro, anything is fair game at this point! If I had to place any bets, I'd have to say dewgong. I don't know why, I just have a strong feeling. I'd like a lapras mega, but I don't really feel it will happen this generation. I mostly want the lapras mega just to see the design changes.... I love lapras and I'm sure I'll love her mega when she gets one. Hopefully she'll keep her amazing water absorb ability. I also don't know anyone who doesn't want mega johto starters this gen.
Skyleaf2000 said:I want more Megas so much. ._.
In no particular order:
1. Flygon
2. Swellow
Higher Physical Attack and Defense. I don't know what else to say for him.
His Ability could be Tangled Feet, and his Physical attack would skyrocket.
4. Seviper
It would be nice to see him get the Poison Touch ability, rather than just Shed Skin. -_-
It would be so cool if his Typing became Poison-Dark!!!
5. Breloom
This guy needs more love.
His ability could be Justified, and his typing could be Grass-Psychic to try to bribe people into hitting him with Dark moves.
6. Zangoose
Needs a Fighting Typing. Now.
Ability: Tough Claws.
Maybe I'll add more later.