GadgetJax said:Honestly, I feel that in order for a Pokemon to qualify for getting a Mega, it has to meet at least one of the following criteria, and if you match that to all of the Pokemon that have been confirmed for Megas so far, it is a pretty good scale.
1. The Pokemon has to be considered popular. Or at the very least a re-accuring Pokemon in other media forms, like the Anime, the TCG, and even the horrible Trading Figure Game that nobody heard of. (Example: Tyraniter, as it is a Pseudo-Legendary, or Pidgeot, as it has earned lots of fans from being a cool Pokemon that can be caught early on.)
2. The Pokemon has horrible stats or just has nothing unique about it, and a Mega would help it in competitive play. (Example: Beedrill and Glalie)
3. The Pokemon in question has a peculiar design, and a Mega would help fix it. (Example, Lopunny is based off of the Playboy Bunny, so giving it a Mega that made it a capable fighter helped derail that attention. Another example is Ampharos. As it evolves, it loses it's wool, but it's Mega brings it back in the form of elegant, draconic hair. Awwwww yyyyeeeeeaaaaahhh!)
Poor ledian is going to need more than a mega to be viable. Maybe a regular evolution first? The only thing that's certain is that the little guy needs all the help he can get to be taken seriously. I think it's design is pretty neat and one can only hope that a mega is gonna make him look even cooler and badass. Other "weak" and cool looking pokemon that I'd like to see getting megas are Ariados and Lanturn (this last one needs to become a dolphin already for God's sake! One way or another imo)Pipotchi said:Well this kinda covers every single pokemon in the entire game so its unsurprising that all the megas meet this criteriaGadgetJax said:Honestly, I feel that in order for a Pokemon to qualify for getting a Mega, it has to meet at least one of the following criteria, and if you match that to all of the Pokemon that have been confirmed for Megas so far, it is a pretty good scale.
1. The Pokemon has to be considered popular. Or at the very least a re-accuring Pokemon in other media forms, like the Anime, the TCG, and even the horrible Trading Figure Game that nobody heard of. (Example: Tyraniter, as it is a Pseudo-Legendary, or Pidgeot, as it has earned lots of fans from being a cool Pokemon that can be caught early on.)
2. The Pokemon has horrible stats or just has nothing unique about it, and a Mega would help it in competitive play. (Example: Beedrill and Glalie)
3. The Pokemon in question has a peculiar design, and a Mega would help fix it. (Example, Lopunny is based off of the Playboy Bunny, so giving it a Mega that made it a capable fighter helped derail that attention. Another example is Ampharos. As it evolves, it loses it's wool, but it's Mega brings it back in the form of elegant, draconic hair. Awwwww yyyyeeeeeaaaaahhh!)either theyre powerful or popular and can get a mega to appease fans, or not powerful or not popular and can get a mega to make them viable.
I think we will see 3 or 4 more megas in ORAS at most. To be honest I wouldnt be too surprised if they didnt add any more megas apart from the ones already confirmed, because I swear we got something like double the megas that we got in XY already. not that Im complaining, more megas is always cool! (mega shiftry is surely a given, but hopefully they do some more mega lopunny upgrades to improve mons like girafarig, stantler, torkoal, mightyena, and the worst one of all.... LEDIAN.)
And just my personal wish since gen 3 was the generation I first owned (despite playing blue and gold before), I would love megas for my first ever main pokemon, breloom and donphanand i know breloom at least has a shot at it because gamefreak doesnt hate him
Mitja said:wow, those 3 are essentially confirmed now.
Flygon and Milotic are already the main fan-favourites for next megas, and both belong to important story-characters, namely the secret-base ranger and Wallace, who is bound to show up for some postgame battle with his Emerald team somewhere.
And Hariyama is featured in the #10 mission of the demo.
Still no hint of any Electric mega though? hmm.
GadgetJax said:Mitja said:wow, those 3 are essentially confirmed now.
Flygon and Milotic are already the main fan-favourites for next megas, and both belong to important story-characters, namely the secret-base ranger and Wallace, who is bound to show up for some postgame battle with his Emerald team somewhere.
And Hariyama is featured in the #10 mission of the demo.
Still no hint of any Electric mega though? hmm.
Yeah, Game Freak has been severely lacking on the Lightning coverage, which makes me really sad. Gen 6 had Ampharos, which was awesome, and Manectric, who is pretty good. Considering how unplayable Lightning types are in the TCG, I think there just MUST be some hate towards Lightning Types.
WutKiKi said:And the seven unnamed mega evolutions that are still unrevealed...
Come on Shiftry, Ludicolo, Milotic, Flygon, Hariyama, Walrein, amd Slaking!!
No, that's not what I was referring to.CMP said:WutKiKi said:And the seven unnamed mega evolutions that are still unrevealed...
Come on Shiftry, Ludicolo, Milotic, Flygon, Hariyama, Walrein, amd Slaking!!
Are you referring to the demo dump which (for a time) believed to have seven empty items slots for Mega Stones? I will kindly refer you to this post, which has an updated item spread.
Not that I don't believe at least of few of those will be getting Megas, of course.
KiKi said:We all know we're going back to Kalos next year. Do you think that it's possible that Kalos native Pokemon will be getting Megas? OMG MEGA PYROAR.
Then would you kindly explain why you seem confident there's going to be seven more Megas?KiKi said:No, that's not what I was referring to.CMP said:Wut
Are you referring to the demo dump which (for a time) believed to have seven empty items slots for Mega Stones? I will kindly refer you to this post, which has an updated item spread.
Not that I don't believe at least of few of those will be getting Megas, of course.