BW/BW2 New Pokéballs

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How about a 'Hit Ball'? If the pokemon breaks free it loses 20% of its max HP, but the more that are thrown, the higher the catch rate. That would mean that you could throw up to 5 of these balls before defeating said pokemon.

Or maybe have an 'Llabekop Ball' ("pokeball" spelt backwards) that works in the opposite way of a pokeball - instead of increasing a pokemon's catch rate as its HP decreases, how about decreasing its catch rate as its HP decreases?

Finally, I'd love to see a 'Steal Ball' which allows you to steal your opponents' pokemon! >:] Unfortunately GF would never allow you to do such a thing. :(
Maybe only a couple of steal balls in the game then. And I thought there was a game that had a steal ball? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought there was.
And maybe to make the Steal Ball fair you can only capture an opponents Pokemon if you already have the same Pokemon
steal ball=never gonna happen with out cheats
and how about a ball(counter ball?) thats catch rate gets higher each time you throw another of the same type of ball
i just realized that the timer ball kinda does the same thing almost
I'd like to see a set of Balls that are type advantageous in a way similar to attacks.

For example, Flame Ball does x2 rate if enemy is Ice, x4 if Ice/Grass, x1.5 if STAB, and so on.
soul/spirit etc +dive/lure
OR show a plate and get a supply of pokeballs with the same type(ie zap plate-zap ball)
terrain(works on where the ball was thrown and then all inventory increases chances of catching in that type of area)
How about gender specific balls... like a babyblue ball that increases the chance of catching male pokemon and a pink ball to increase the chance of catching female pokemon... as for the genderless pokemon i don't know what color that ball should have :D

EDIT: Maybe Transparent
I like the idea of gender specific balls. That is a really good idea. I also like the idea of weakness pokeballs (the one where a flame ball would work better on steel, grass, bug, and ice). I would also really like a dragon pokeball that works well on dragons (duh).
rivalry ball=the inverse of the love ball, its catch rate is higher when uesd against a mon of the same gender of yours(im calling it he rivalry ball because the ability gave me the idea, and i dont think well get a "happy" ball if you catch my drift)
i think there should be a rlly sucky ball which is what you find most often. but then there is one that is good for pokemon from the dream world. and maybe one for dual type pokemon. these ideas suck. i kno.
UrbanBall-2x chance of catching a Pokemon if your Battling a Pokemon in the city

Seasonball-2x chance of catching a Pokemon in season

Dreamball- catching Pokemon in Dream world
VoltageBall-2x Chance of Catching a {L} Pokemon
HeatBall-2x Change of Catching a {R} Pokemon

[The next two Pokeballs are just for fun XD]

Whiteball-2x Chance of catching Pokemon that only appear in White
Blackball-2x Chance of catching Pokemon that only appear in Black

Mijimaru Lover's Unite :D
I am really liking the idea of seasonal Pokeballs. Each Pokeball specializes more depending on the season in the game. If Pokemon in a certain area show up in winter then by using the winter Pokeball it'll give you a higher capture rate because that Pokemon is more active/found during the winter time. This goes for the other seasonal Pokeball.
@PokabuLugia That Only Pokémon are in Dream lol i forgot that So no need 4 my Dreamball idea
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