BW/BW2 New Pokemon Emonga

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ZoroarkDude24 said:
Man... I'm even making a Couple of Pachi and the Flying Squirrel...

Well, I don't think of it as an evo, but it can be Pachi's fwiend just like plusle and minun are pals :)
jstar18 said:
I'm sorry but there is no way that this is a Pachirisu evo or prevo. They may both be squirrels but the colors don't match (pachirisu has neon blue and Emonga has brown). The tails are not the same. And Emonga doesn't have the huge front teeth like pachirisu.

You guys are sounding like the people that though manna was a drowzee prevo. I'm sorry but they can't be related!

Just keep in mind that there are a lot of Pokemon that look nothing like their evolutions.
Examples: Gloom & Bellossom, Magikarp & Gyarados, Exeggecute & Exeggutor, Teddiursa & Ursaring, and more.

I'm not trying to convince you it is an evolution, but don't just assume it isn't. We'll all find that answer come September.
ReaperRayneShad said:
It's the top of Reshiram's wing

I heard ,Thanks.
it changed completely sooo stop saying its PACHIRISU EVO -_-

it dosent look anything like it except for the red thingys on his face..
and plus its smaller and this is like the new pikachu of this gen sooooo stop saying dumb stuff!!!!

ohh and i like it :]
if emonga was pachirisu's prevo, then why would it loose the flying type, and change its color scheme to white and blue, and it looks too..small and weak to be an evolution of pachirisu? and how can ne1 say that the new pink fish isnt a luvdisc evo?!?! and lastly; how can ne1 say that the rock thing isnt a nosepass split-evo: same colors, both rocks, and the torso is almost the same exact shape
Jabberwocky said:
Just keep in mind that there are a lot of Pokemon that look nothing like their evolutions.
Examples: Gloom & Bellossom, Magikarp & Gyarados, Exeggecute & Exeggutor, Teddiursa & Ursaring, and more.

All those are true except Teddiursa and Ursaring. I get your point but I'm just being a nitpicky fangirl here: Teddiursa and Ursaring are clearly related, they have the exact same color scheme, and Teddiursa has a crescent moon on it's fur and Ursaring has a full moon.

Also, there japanese names are similar, Himeguma and Ringuma.
Shadow Arceus said:
if emonga was pachirisu's prevo, then why would it loose the flying type, and change its color scheme to white and blue, and it looks too..small and weak to be an evolution of pachirisu? and how can ne1 say that the new pink fish isnt a luvdisc evo?!?! and lastly; how can ne1 say that the rock thing isnt a nosepass split-evo: same colors, both rocks, and the torso is almost the same exact shape

No one knows for sure, but it looks like a luvdisk, only with more added on. That's the only one I'd bet on for sure.
zero20 said:
it changed completely sooo stop saying its PACHIRISU EVO -_-

it dosent look anything like it except for the red thingys on his face..
and plus its smaller and this is like the new pikachu of this gen sooooo stop saying dumb stuff!!!!

ohh and i like it :]

do you not read the thread? pokemon evolve into smaller pokemon sometimes, idk or care if its a evo ro prevo of pachirisu, i never used him before and i never will, with evo/prevo or not. either you use it or dont simple
Tarazuma said:
All those are true except Teddiursa and Ursaring. I get your point but I'm just being a nitpicky fangirl here: Teddiursa and Ursaring are clearly related, they have the exact same color scheme, and Teddiursa has a crescent moon on it's fur and Ursaring has a full moon.

Also, there japanese names are similar, Himeguma and Ringuma.

I get what you're saying. I just used them because Teddiursa is so cute and tiny, and then you have Ursaring who is so...beastly.
ramsey1993 said:
do you not read the thread? pokemon evolve into smaller pokemon sometimes, idk or care if its a evo ro prevo of pachirisu, i never used him before and i never will, with evo/prevo or not. either you use it or don't simple

-__- ok??? its not pachirisu evo or pre evo!
it looks nothing like it and its part flying why would his pre evo be flying?
huh?huh? that makes no sense so welcome the new pikachu!

its pretty cool too me looks better than pachirisu:):)
um if its an evo, pokemon evolve into dif types and sometimes the evolution looks nuthing like the basic pokemon. you get it? huh?huh?
Listen to me for the last time just because older Pokemon aren't in the games doesn't mean it's prevo of pachurisu can't be in it without it's evo or luvdics evo can't be in there without it's prevo. Also they have yellow cheeks big tails, black eyes that thing in between there ears, similar ears and a white body i'm laughing at the people that don't see the resemblance also emonga is bigger than pachirisu weight wise and they re the same height.
Well if was obvious Chiramii wouldn't be this gen's pika clone due to its high pokedex number, but this one looks great. Sadly this decreases the chance Pachirisu will ever evolve into a flying squirrel though. Please just let this new guy evolve once.
Emogusa is a total pachirisu evo!
On my team for sure!

Aj1234119 said:
it has already been stated there are no old pokemon in this generation, so stop saying that.

It was said in the isshu dex. not complete pokemon
ramsey1993 said:
um if its an evo, pokemon evolve into dif types and sometimes the evolution looks nuthing like the basic pokemon. you get it? huh?huh?

noooo really??? i know that!... but people are saying its a pre evo of it
witch is impossible get it??
maybe its the evo of it but i doubt it!
Changed my mind i like it plain with 1 evo, not pachirisu evo.
Imagine how cute it is with it wings closed.
If it has a evo It is my new i con and is in my in-game team
Haha, I just realized this topic got like 6 pages in an hour, and it was just 1 (crappy) new Pokemon. We are all way too hyped about this game, I love it ROFL
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